half marathon in a month?

M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
i belong to the local running club near me, been going for 3 weeks now and love it! im signing up for more things and running at a quicker pace than i thought possible! I managed 8.5min mile pace yesterday for our 5k timed runs and broke my pr and came in at 25:36 secs!

Now my question is, i can manage upto 8 miles running, they have asked me to sign up for a half the club is holding mid november. Im tempted but do u think i need to do more training or should i just go for it? longer runs i manage 9.5- 10 min miles . At the moment i run twice, a 12ks on tuesday and 5k (incl sprinting) on fridays.

Should i sign up? or do i need more training?


  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    If you are already up to 8 miles, then you can get through a half. Your training will be less than ideal, but you can certainly get through. I say go for it, but think of it as a 13.1 mile training run.

    You are going to need to add at least two more day a week of running into your schedule. Build your base for a bit and then you will be ready to race the distance.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Most experienced runners recommend having at least a year of running under your belt before you do a half or a marathon - you may be able to do it cardiovascularly and muscularly, but it takes longer for your bones and ligaments to get used to the constant pounding of the pavement, so you might risk injury if you do one this soon. If you're already doing 8 miles, though, you might be okay.
  • Cokamo
    Cokamo Posts: 51
    Most experienced runners recommend having at least a year of running under your belt before you do a half or a marathon - you may be able to do it cardiovascularly and muscularly, but it takes longer for your bones and ligaments to get used to the constant pounding of the pavement, so you might risk injury if you do one this soon. If you're already doing 8 miles, though, you might be okay.

    Believe every word of the quote above...I was derailed from my half marathon training by a stress fracture because I over trained. If you have been a runner for a long time and this would just be a longer than usual run for you, you may be able to do it if you slow your pace and put some walk breaks in, but be absolutely certain that your body can handle it, or you'll be sidelined like me.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Most experienced runners recommend having at least a year of running under your belt before you do a half or a marathon - you may be able to do it cardiovascularly and muscularly, but it takes longer for your bones and ligaments to get used to the constant pounding of the pavement, so you might risk injury if you do one this soon. If you're already doing 8 miles, though, you might be okay.

    Sound advice for sure. Bottom line, trying increasing your mileage and running days and see how your body holds up.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Youd be able to finish, just dont chase the elites out of the corral
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I started running in June. Barely could run for a minute without being out of breath. I am now signed up for a half marathon on November 5th. I have already ran 14 miles non-stop, actually just did it last Saturday. You can do it, just for the next 4 or 5 weeks increase your long runs by a mile each week, and do at least one run that equals half the distance of your longest run for the week. Run at least 4 days a week, best if you do five with 2 rest days. You will be ready for it by then for sure. But, you could always walk the rest of the way, if you feel you can't go the whole way.