Sillybunni Member


  • I had lyme disease when I was 18, but fortunately it was treated early and I have no known lingering symptoms. Although I did suffer from headaches and all over body aches for a few weeks. I imagine it feels like arthritis? Can I ask, was your treatment delayed?
  • Sent you an invite! Female 31 y/o, 5'7" SW: 199 CW: 175 (up from 148 two years ago) GW: 145
  • I guess being happy with my new job helps. I'm working voluntary OT and my coworkers are great. That pretty much fills my social needs. Seems like most of us like alone time.
  • Yeah, I'd be upset if my partner woke me up every day at 4:30 too, why does he have to get up too? :P My advice, make sure you get up and turn it off on the first alarm, no snooze button! If you were already up, why didn't you work out?
  • Yes! I was going to say this too. It's a romantic, historical fiction, she puts actual time and effort into researching her books and that makes them great reads. Though I liked easy, quick reads such as the Sookie Stackhouse books, they just seem kinda cheap after "Outlander."
  • Bump. I can totally relate, a break up kick started my loss too.
  • SW: 198 CW: 165 GW: 145
  • I think it's a personal preference based on the results you want/or get. Some people need to extra calories to fuel their bodies and actually lose more by replenishing those calories. Some people will continue to lose without them. It probably also depends on what your starting weight is and how much you have to lose.…
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes?
  • First, you must realize that the hardest part of losing weight is getting over mental blocks. Your pictures look amazing- YOU look great! I know sometimes it's hard to let ourselves believe that though. Also- change that header! It's too self defeating! :) Secondly, everyone stalls in their progress now and then. Maybe…
  • Not a fan of the first one, the bottoms look like granny panties! I think only someone super skinny could pull that off and it still looks silly on the model. I actually really like the second one though. Also, tankinis <- yes!
  • I think about a week is still safe, given it's been kept at the right temperature. If it doesn't smell weird I'd heat it and eat it! :)
  • Maybe you should ask the leasing agent to actually assign spots... then you will have no more confusion or crazy neighbor confusion! Barring that, tell the agent you are afraid she will mess with your car and if they can't do anything else start calling the police to document it. You could warn the crazy neighbor that you…
  • I love roasted sweet potatoes. Cut them in cubes or long like steak fries and bake for about 40 minutes at 450 F. You can season them anyway you like. I usually toss them in a bowl with a tablespoon or so of olive oil and throw in a dash of whatever spice I feel like. A little bit of red pepper makes them nice and spicy on…
  • My biggest shock was the Buffalo Kickin Sandwich at O'Charley's = 1,180!!!! That wasn't even counting the sweet potato fries.
  • Thanks, I think I'll try the whipped cream mixed in. That's how I make my banana pudding too. I may try breaking up the chocolate too. It's too hard for me to eat frozen so that'll stop me from eating it all at once! Thanks ladies!
  • Birth control has different effects on different people so it's hard to say for you. For me, being on BC was not the cause of my weight gain. I've always taken Ortho tri cyclen and more recently the OTC lo and it hasn't been the cause of my weight gain, nor have I lost any since stopping it almost 4 months ago.
  • I've taken ortho tri cyclen lo for years and haven't gained weight as a result of that. I was taking it for years before I started gaining from eating too much and becoming less active. I gained because my lifestyle changed in a bad way.
  • Only get it once a week and then save half before you even start eating. Are there any grilled options? Different kinds of rice?
  • The pickle doesn't contain enough calories that they have to label it on the jar, but a whole jar would give you a few calories. Not a significant number (to me) though.
  • If you are having to make yourself eat some of those snacks, why not skip it and save the calories for a before bedtime snack?
  • This woman is awesome- no gym needed!
  • I agree, sleep is already counted in your BMR- or what the min number of calories you need for your body to function. I would not count sleep calories anymore than I would consider counting the calories my body naturally burns while I watch tv.
  • My boyfriend HAS to finish everything! It usually doesn't bother me because I hardly ever finish my plate when we go out to eat and he ends up finishing his AND mine. However- when we cook at home I have to keep telling him leftovers are OK and I want them to eat the next day :P Or else he'd keep eating until everything…
  • I have to indulge around that time too. Sometimes a glass of skim chocolate milk works, or a banana (strawberry, blueberry- whatever) smoothie with a bit of chocolate syrup. Sometimes I do well and others I just have to satisfy that craving and then be done with it. One or two days a month won't totally sabotage me :)
  • I like carrots with fat free ranch. If you need something more, what about low fat yogurt? That usually fills me up better than carrots (which are just to replace the boredom eating, really). Cheese stick and some goldfish crackers?
  • Fajitas would probably be a good option, they usually come with grilled peppers/veggies too. How about a taco salad with a grilled meat and don't eat the fried bowl it comes in? See if you can get pico de gallo instead of a dressing. Try logging in a few typical menu items and see how they fit in with your daily journal.
  • I think the fiber is to help with your....other, issue ;)
  • I think you are worrying about this way too much. ;) Wear the rings, don't wear them- it doesn't matter! I don't usually look at people's rings and it wouldn't mean a thing to me if one or either wasn't wearing one... especially at an open house night for kids ;)
  • Sometimes a glass of chocolate milk helps me. I use skim milk... I tried the light syrup but it just wasn't the same! Maybe a breakfast powder or something would be healthier and have less calories, but I haven't compared. If you have to have ice cream, add some frozen light cool whip to it, it gives you a fuller bowl with…