Apartment situation - help!!

MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
edited September 28 in Chit-Chat
My husband and I just moved into a new apartment on the 1st. Awesome place, awesome price. We love it. The first day, the leasing agent said the first couple of spots were for apartments x through x, but there was NO assigned spots. If we have more than one car, we're to park them behind each other. Cool. We did that. The second day, we get this woman knocking on our door. She tells my husband that she "knows you're new and all, but we have assigned spots, and yours is on the end" Oh really? So apartments 1-12 have assigned spaces...and apartment 7 is on the very end? No, no you just want the spot RIGHT in front of the steps. So I called the landlord to make sure, because we honestly didn't want to step on toes. She told me no, no don't listen to her, she does this to everyone. The next day everyone got an assertive note from the leasing agency saying basically, leave other residents alone, there isn't assigned parking etc, if you have an issue to call her at blah blah. That was great! She handled it, I loved it! I pull the note in around 9am when Justin went to work. Around 11AM I hear a knocking on the door. I waited, another knock. Then "MA'AM. MA'AM!" Oh no, no I'm not answering. I looked through the peep hole, bam. Same woman.

I call the landlord again, tell her she's yelling at my door, what the heck. The landlord tells me oh, oh no, you don't put up with that. If she does it again, feel free to once again not answer, or if I did answer, to just tell her to call the landlord and close the door. Today, I go to leave the apartment and notice a bag of trash between our apartment and the one next door. I figure someone set it there for a second and they'd throw it out. Didn't really give it a second thought. I come back, 6 hours later. Still there. IN FRONT OF OUR DOOR. RIGHT AT THE DOOR. I move it and open the door, and ask Justin what's with the trash. He freaks and says he's moved it twice so far, back to between the apartment doors, and it magically keeps getting moved in front of ours.

It's the weekend, so the leasing agency isn't in, but I called the landlord and left a message explaining the sitch. I also left a note on the trash saying it isn't ours, and it shouldn't be put in front of our door let alone left out in the hallway. Very polite note. We really aren't trying to rock the boat. We JUST moved here. And the give away? Newport cigarettes in the bag. I've seen her and her husband or boyfriend smoking Newports.

I have no idea what to do at this point. The landlord is pretty on her game, but honestly, if someone is putting TRASH in front of our door? Are you kidding me? Is this harassment? I mean, I know I can't prove it was them, and it honestly may not have been, but what the heck? I'm really beginning to get frustrated. We signed a 12 month lease, I love the apartment and the neighborhood. But really? My husband is concerned if someone is doing juvenile crap like this, what's to stop them from doing crap to our cars? Our last apartment I had my windows busted in and my ipod stolen out of my glove box.

Any advice? At this point I'm waiting to hear back from the landlord, but I'm just frustrated and a little worried, coupled with some confusion!!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Document. Document. Document.

    Take pictures of the trash in front of your door (if possible - get pics of the stuff IN the trash... I know it sounds nasty and I don't mean open the bag, but try and get pics through the bag). Also, if you have video taping capabilities, I would tape the bag in front of your door and you moving it. I would make copies of the note you left on it. It's all about documentation.

    If you choose to open the door (and I'd only do it if your husband is home) - try and make it so your phone records what she is saying to you.

    Yes, you're new. BUT, it isn't acceptable for her to try and run rough house over the newbies.

    Also, I would take pictures of your cars as they are now - just so if something DOES happen - you have proof of what they looked like prior to the whatever happens. Also, don't leave ANYTHING of value in the vehicles. And of course, common sense - make sure your windows, doors, etc are locked in your house and cars.

    Good luck!
  • Sillybunni
    Sillybunni Posts: 61 Member
    Maybe you should ask the leasing agent to actually assign spots... then you will have no more confusion or crazy neighbor confusion!
    Barring that, tell the agent you are afraid she will mess with your car and if they can't do anything else start calling the police to document it. You could warn the crazy neighbor that you will call the police that'll either stop them or eg them on... it's hard to tell. Just NEVER engage her- if she meets you outside be polite but firm and get out of there. Anything else is just going to escalate the situation.

    Really, making assigned spots seems like the most logical solution at this point.

    I like the video recording too. Turn on your camera when she is at the door so you can get the audio of her yelling.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Wow! That sounds awful. For now, all I can suggest is maybe keep complaining to the landlord... explain to her that you can't live your life being harrassed all the time! There has to be something they can do... I imagine you aren't the only people to complain about this person. Maybe if there were enough complaints, they could evict her? I know it sounds harsh, but what else can they do?
  • themrs08
    themrs08 Posts: 87
    bumping for tomorrow
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Wow I am sorry to hear about the drama from your neighbor. Sounds like the landlord has had issues and maybe even complaints from this particular neighbor before. I would put your complaints in writing to your landlord as well as verbal as this will ensure that it goes into this neighbors rental file. Make sure that you keep a copy for yourself with dates and times to keep a written record and timeline. Kinda of scary that some people have nothing better to do with their time but drum up trouble.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    You could always call the police and file a harassment charge if she doesn't stop.
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Document. Document. Document.

    Take pictures of the trash in front of your door (if possible - get pics of the stuff IN the trash... I know it sounds nasty and I don't mean open the bag, but try and get pics through the bag). Also, if you have video taping capabilities, I would tape the bag in front of your door and you moving it. I would make copies of the note you left on it. It's all about documentation.

    If you choose to open the door (and I'd only do it if your husband is home) - try and make it so your phone records what she is saying to you.

    Yes, you're new. BUT, it isn't acceptable for her to try and run rough house over the newbies.

    Also, I would take pictures of your cars as they are now - just so if something DOES happen - you have proof of what they looked like prior to the whatever happens. Also, don't leave ANYTHING of value in the vehicles. And of course, common sense - make sure your windows, doors, etc are locked in your house and cars.

    Good luck!

    You bring up a good point about the trash. If this type of shenanigan continues with the trash being put in front of your door- please understand that people put mail or other documents that may show identity to whom the trash belongs-this may help identify the dumper when you have to report to your landlord. Once they dump it on your stoop it is no longer private property and you are free to look through it for something that may reveal who the trash belonged, just in case you have to report to landlord.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I really have half a mind to see if I can see a name on a piece of mail or something through the bag, to be honest!

    They also are assigning spots eventually, they'll be coming by in the next couple of weeks to do that. The thing is, we aren't even parking in "her" spot.

    Luckily my insurance agent (is one cool chick) answered an e-mail I wrote her. She'll be coming out Monday to take pictures of the cars for their records, we'll take our own, and I kind of want to send them to the landlord just so she has a copy for her records.

    I think I'll also write up a little note for both records as well. Like I said, she seems to be really on her game, and not willing to put up with any bull, so I've got a decent amount of faith, but it's just so ridiculous it's mildly scary.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I'll also post here when I hear back from her on Monday :)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    You could always call the police and file a harassment charge if she doesn't stop.

    I was going to suggest this as well. While they're at it they can get her for littering too.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Omg we just had to call 911 because at 100am he and his woman decided it would be awesome to scream at the woman across the hall from us. He threatened to kill her, which is when my husband opened the door, and he threatened him too. The food came with like 6 officers, spotlights and everything. I don't feel safe here as long as they're here. I don't even know what to do. Weve only been here since the 1st, we took a loan out to move and get nicer things, now I feel like its all falling apart. I don't want to have to move because some thug thinks its cool to threaten to kill people. I'm shaking, I'm crying, I hate this :(
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Omg we just had to call 911 because at 100am he and his woman decided it would be awesome to scream at the woman across the hall from us. He threatened to kill her, which is when my husband opened the door, and he threatened him too. The food came with like 6 officers, spotlights and everything. I don't feel safe here as long as they're here. I don't even know what to do. Weve only been here since the 1st, we took a loan out to move and get nicer things, now I feel like its all falling apart. I don't want to have to move because some thug thinks its cool to threaten to kill people. I'm shaking, I'm crying, I hate this :(

    OMG! I would hope that these people would get kicked out for threatening someone like that! You should feel safe in your home!
  • jenniefromtherock
    jenniefromtherock Posts: 80 Member
    OMG I feel bad for you, I know all about *kitten* neighbors! It won't end til you move or they move. That's the reality and it sucks.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    It can't be legal for them to do that stupid Crap. They're harassing us, he, getting violent, threatening to kill people, I'll get them evicted if its,the last thing I do. I'm not putting up with some alcoholic pseudo gangster coming home, beating his kids, screaming at old ladies. I don't think so. I don't live in the hood. I pay WAY too much in rent for this kind of bs. And if they don't go, I've got an attorney who will have no problem helping us break the lease. Ugh. I can't even believe this.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I'm also going through the trash today an so help me god if its there's, that's it. I'm not putting up with it.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    INSANE!!! Good Luck. I'm gonna be following htis thread.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Wow, i'm so sorry you're going through this. I don't have any advice, sorry. just wishing you well, and you're right, there's no need for you to be putting up with this crap....effing people who can't just let others live in peace.
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