Wasting food?

When people tell you it's bad to waste food remember that putting food in your body that your body doesn't need is just as wasteful as throwing it away. Put it in the fridge and eat it at your next meal, send it home with someone else, or just plain throw it in the garbage. Children in Africa will not miraculously be fed because YOU over-ate. If you don't need it, LEAVE IT ON THE PLATE.

If there's a member of the "clean plate club" in your life feel free to tell them this!!!


  • luzbulb
    luzbulb Posts: 6 Member
    This is so true!
  • Thorneapple
    Excellent point!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    This has always been one of my biggest problems! My parents always made me finish everything on my plate....that only recently did i realise, that i am actually full halfway through, but i kept eating because that's what i'm used to! Because they always made me finish everything, i made sure i left my favourite thing to last. Which is still a habbit i'm trying to break!, because i'll eat everything else first and by the time it comes to my favourite part - i'm too full...but i eat it because i wanted it to begin with!! haha, crazy!

    But i've been focusing on my meals now and making sure i eat slowly so i know as soon as i'm full! And i don't waste anything - my dogs are just a lot happier! =)
  • heyjude78
    heyjude78 Posts: 160
    "A minute on the lips= a lifetime on the hips"

    Seriously, cleaning your plate logic has jacked with so many people's heads- talk about the ultimate guilt complex! Here's to tearing that programming out and putting in healthy habits that have to do with nourishing our bodies-period.
  • Sohnsearae
    I'm trying to do just that, throw it away. I always find it hard to throw food away so I've learned to just take or make less. My husband was having this problem last night during the football game he said "But it tastes so good!", I said well I'm sure it won't feel so good when you see those pound back on the scale or when your stomache aches from over eating. I think he got my point by the end of the night! Well put gigi!
  • Sillybunni
    Sillybunni Posts: 61 Member
    My boyfriend HAS to finish everything! It usually doesn't bother me because I hardly ever finish my plate when we go out to eat and he ends up finishing his AND mine. However- when we cook at home I have to keep telling him leftovers are OK and I want them to eat the next day :P Or else he'd keep eating until everything was gone. Of course this is the guy who loses weight so much faster than I do!

    My outlook is, I'd rather put it in the trash than on my hips!
  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    This is definately my problem too. That's one reason why I love this site. I am measuring all my food and ensuring that I am cooking and serving up the amount that I need rather than what I want. Sometimes, when I am really hungry, I ask my husband to dish up dinner so I don't get too greedy and dish up too much; he is much better at self control than I am.
    We are trying to save money, we have cut our food budget down by $30 per week and so have to make it stretch further. I am hoping with smaller serving sizes and less food wastage we will save money and loose weight too.
    And with the floods in Northern Australia at the moment I am waiting for food costs to increase dramatically very soon.

    All the best to everyone!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    This is a problem in my house because my husband tells the kids they must finish everything on their plate. He doesn't understand that they should stop when they are full, all he sees are dollar signs flying out the window. He has done this with his son his entire life, and his son is over weight. I have NEVER made my daughter do this and she is not over weight. But now he makes her finish everything, even if its just 2 bites! :explode:
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    Thanks for that tip!
    I hate wasting food, especially if I've made too much!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    This is a problem in my house because my husband tells the kids they must finish everything on their plate. He doesn't understand that they should stop when they are full, all he sees are dollar signs flying out the window. He has done this with his son his entire life, and his son is over weight. I have NEVER made my daughter do this and she is not over weight. But now he makes her finish everything, even if its just 2 bites! :explode:

    You probably already say this to your husband but: Whether they eat it, or it's thrown away....the money has already been spent. So it makes no difference to the wallet! But it is making a difference to the kid's health. Maybe you should try cook less and put less on their plates. Or, get a dog! hehe. I always feed my dogs after I've eaten, that way they get any left overs before they get their own food! Which means the dog food lasts longer!

    I also have started weighing my food before i cook it. So if the piece of meat is 50grams more than i want to eat...i chop the extra off before i cook it and it goes straight to the pets!