Derameth Member


  • Just to point out "insanity" Is NOT a medical diagnosis The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DMS does not classify "insanity" in medical all due respect get your information correct. Additionally you would be amazed at what people tell Doctors about "let's try this" .... So the basic…
  • STOP THIS INSANITY NOW! You can't prescribe medications in a forum! Each individual is different. "Exercise more" "I don't take my anti-depressants any more"...STOP IT PEOPLE. This is a dangerous subject to be dealt with by professionals. SSRI's are a neurotransmitter means that your brain doesn't function…
  • Jenn you are absolutely right on! That is what the problem is with us women. We constantly "think" we should be "this weight" or "that size"... when you know you are doing what is right for your body, inside and out, then we should be satisfied. But NO, we women think that because "sally mae" is 5'8" and weighs 140, that…
  • Exactly m'dear beattle1. My height is 5'8" and my wrist measures 1/16th shy of 7". My hips are NOT big, but my rib cage is. I have wide shoulders and narrow about being built like a guy...but I am also 61 and really don't give a flyin' crapola about stick skinny, or curvy...never was, never will be. SOOOO what I…
  • What? No women over 60 who lift? Come on ladies tell me you do. I need some lifting partners to share stories with.
  • Well....hmmm certainly a strange topic goes....I believe that going braless (which I did in my hippie days) does lend to saggy boobage, ergo wearing a bra more frequently might keep booage from sagging. However, weight loss does add some loss of the fat tissue...and when in doubt there is ALWAYS a nip and tuck…
    in fun bags Comment by Derameth May 2012
  • If you are an "average" person, perhaps that USDA recommendation is fine, but it really depends on your exercise regimen. If you are doing strength training and lifting, you should increase your Protein. For an "average" work out person (woman) I would recommend about 70 gms/day. More if you lift more.
  • According to The Journal of Sports Science there are formulas for both genders....the one thing you should time is your heart rate. Even without a HRM you should be able to get an average of your HR. Here are the equations: Men use the equation Calories = [(0.6309 x average heart rate) -- (0.09036 x weight) + (0.2017 x…
  • While I find some of the thread quite funny....I am still reminded how much emphasis we place on "body parts". And it is pretty obvious that women are just as worried about "boob" size as Men.....Holy crap....Really? About the only thing I can say is I feel sorry for Manboob guys...other than that....Ladies BE HAPPY with…
  • Bump AND I love Coconut on anything...never thought about it this way..thank you
  • Being FAT will kill you faster.....I refuse to give up my diet soda.....just like I won't give up my coffee. First they said, Coffee bad for you, then Coffee not bad for you, then Coffee Bad for you again, now they say it is good for you....Same with Diet soda, etc. One thing I know for SURE...FAT=Bad for you....…
  • I live in Michigan....this is a hoax....please stop passing around these types of things...
  • Exactly. You can warm up with some cardio but it is most beneficial to your muscles to do Strength training first. Now..if you really want to do it all, do a 30-45 minute circuit training. Alternating weights and cardio (i.e. steps).
  • I agree that if someone asks for an opinion, I also will be giving one, however, opinions are like *kitten*...everybody has one. So if you don't want your feelings hurt, 1. Ignore the moronic replies, 2. If the reply is rude, consider the source and think how miserable that persons life must be and they are just taking it…
  • Welcome to my world! *lol* at least my world in May 2009. I weighed about 294 ( I probably was more than that but never got back on the scale after seeing that)...Now I weigh between 192-194 and still trying to get down another 15 pounds. If you look at the entire amount you want to lose, it becomes overwhelming. I mean I…
  • I guess it depends on 1. your age, and 2. your weight loss. If you are still pretty young (under 35 or so) you can continue to do tricep exercises, like the french press, or tricep kickbacks. If you have lost a lot of weight (I have lost 100 lbs and have some lose skin under arms and I am 60) you will have to concentrate…
  • I try to keep my average hr at about 80% of my Target rate. Here is a link to figure out how to figure your target heart rate. Actually the zone for my THR is 120-140 and I try to stay between 128 and 130. On Treadmill, I can control my THR a bit better than on the…
  • You didn't say how long you've been working out 5 days per week. I noticed that you just recently joined MFP but how long have you been doing this much? Additionally, with weight training comes muscle building. Remember that while muscle burns calories longer than fat, it also weighs more. Use the tape measure and not the…
  • YAY!!!!! I am so happy for you....You ROCK Tiff!!! *hugs*
  • doin the bump!!!!
  • I made this today and it was spectacular! Had friends over and they LOVED the cheesecake. It is such a simple, yet tasty recipe, that you can tweak it any way you want! I did make two batches of the crumbs to easily cover the bottom of the baking dish, otherwise kept the recipe the same. I am anxious to try fresh fruit, or…
  • bumping because I tried it today and am anxious to see how it tastes......maybe will play with different jellies/jams to get different flavs.... also instead of sugar used artificial.
  • Who wants to get in shape??? Come on..bump bump bump
  • You are absolutely right. I know that when I tried to lose weight, I would try anything that anyone said.... Finally, I found what worked for ME. I am not an expert for ANYONE but me! I know how I worked at getting rid of 100 lbs... and what worked for me to do that. Just as we are all individuals, so is our weight loss…
  • First of all, I don't think anyone feels "Stuffed"....I believe the term was not hungry. Most of us got fat not because we were Hungry but because we ate for different reasons, the wrong reasons. If we ate only because of true hunger none of us would be on here. Secondly, somewhere in the thread people intimated that some…
  • Can't agree more. You can wear something more appropriate, even a bathing suit, but still...I couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Well that certainly depends on many things. Your age, any pre-exisiting conditions, my daughter is 27 and her knees sorta crackle when she does her lunges but she is a Personal Trainer so I know she is doing it correctly, just how it is. It also depends on the exercise you are doing. Shoulder joints can make some noise but…
  • Well I am 60 so I guess I am closer to your age than those 30 something.....*lol*
    in Older Comment by Derameth August 2011
  • Depends, for cardio I use lots of 'pop' music like Lady Gaga and Rihanna and then surf ITunes for other "work out" music...lots of re-mix of songs to keep ya going. Some Rob Zombie for legs, Foreigner for weights and cardio... but like someone else said, it depends what you like to work out with. I did find that the…
  • If you are writing everything down and you don't mind putting down all that extra food, then moderation is NOT working for you. STOP doing it. Until you can control your behavior then you have to say no. Sometimes (like me with some foods) I will never be able to control my behavior so I don't buy them/make them. Then…
    in WTF Dude. Comment by Derameth July 2011