

  • That is the best feeling. Your like, what am I going to wear today? Usually you would pass by certain items that you know dont fit, but now its different. You dont have to pass things by, because most of it fits...It will save you some money too, great job!!!
  • I dont really want for much anymore. More worried about what my kids are wanting, the older they get the more expensive their wants are..ugghh. I know how my parents felt now. You want to give them everything they want, but it is soo expensive!!!! If I had to pick one thing...hmmm it would probably be a new bottle of my…
  • You can do it. Give yourself a realistic goal. Take it slow and healthy. This site is so great for logging calories. Log each and every calorie that you eat. It really works, add some excercise and the pounds will melt away. Good luck, you can add me as a friend if you want!
  • Kids are definately brutally honest, the good thing about that is when you do lose weight they can tell!!! And they will tell you. My two definately have. I have a 5 year old and a 7 year old. They say "mommy you look so skinny" Im of course far from skinny but it feels really good that they notice.:) I mean lets face it,…
  • I use to eat my excercies calories but I dont anymore. I eat 1200 calories everyday, it has worked so far. Ive lost 21 pounds, everyone is different though so find what works for you and do it!!!!
  • I'll tell you that I religiously counted each and every calorie for about 6 months... I have lost 21 pounds so far as you can see. Now I dont have to log calories. I have changed the was I eat, so I dont have to count. I know what I can and cant eat. I eat alot of protein, alot of veggies, a little fruit. Alot of granola,…
  • Sorry! Can you try to add some small weights? Are you eating high protein and fiber?
  • I am also very hungry when I get off work. I keep a few healthy snacks in my bag for this emergency situation. I usually eat a granola bar or protein bar on my way home. That way while Im cooking dinner I wont be eating much more than I want just because I am very hungry and cant wait. Try packing some nuts, or a piece of…
  • Anyone tried the bobble - water bottle. Its great, it is a filtered water bottle, it comes in all sorts of colors. And it has its own filter in the top. Just fill with tap water and off you go...
  • Maybe you need to switch up your excercise routine??? Your body can get in a rut with the same things all the time. Can you try and cut some carbs???
  • I know this is kind of personal, but are you pretty regular? Ive noticed when that happens, Im not ridding my body of all the waste it needs and I need to eat some yogurt. I have the same problem occasionally, and if I eat some yogurt is usually helps get rid of the excess waste in your bowel/colon... Just a suggestion.
  • Im not sure if daily walking really counts as excercise?? I know that it is movement of the body but it doesnt exert enough energy to really count and allow you additional calories. If it works for you thats great, but I dont recommend adding a ton of calories to your daily count just for doing regular walking... There are…
  • Hope people get the right ideas from your post...
  • Im so sorry to hear that:( I will tell you that I have been there lost 2 babies one at 9 weeks and 1 at 11 weeks. I know how you feel, you will feel better about it. You just have to know in your heart that losing the baby was gods way of doing something that had to be done. They say that you miscarry because of a defect…
  • Awesome job quitting the smoking that will make such a big difference for you. Great work!!!!!
  • Awesome job!!!! Keep up the good work, what has worked for you?
  • I mean we are all in the same boat here... Were all moms, we all have goals and we all want our pre-baby bodies back. We acn all have our pre-baby bodies back. Good luck to all... You can add me as a friend if you want, Try and narrow down the items that are healthy that you like eating and then go from there. The thing…
  • For me nothing can top the black truffle, shrimp and scallop risotto from this restaurant in vegas we went to about 7 years ago. Cant remember the name of the place, but the risotto was intoxicting. The smell alone was almost enough to taste, it was creamy and delicious. Hope to get back there again to have it!!!
  • Im right there with ya... Ive got excess baby baggage from 5 years ago too. Trying to get rid of it all and then some. Ive lost 20 and have 7 more to go... Good luck with your weight loss... Do you have a boy or a girl?? I have 2 boys :)
  • Never heard of that...thanks.SO you just subtract the # of fiber grams from the total grams of carbs??
  • But do they taste good? What is the consistency of them? Are they easy to chew ? I cant stand the bars that are so thick that you cant even chew them easily?
  • Does anyone have any ideas???? What does everyone eat for breakfast???
  • Listen to these instructions..... Get up. log off. And get to your workout. DO IT NOW!!!!! Why are you still sitting there??? You will feel so much better and you can thank me in the morning!!!!! Now get up!!!!
  • The only thing you should really be concerned with is a DVT. A blood clot in the deep veins in your leg. Do you take birth control? Sorry to be so into your business, but that is also another thing can make you have a blood clot as a young woman. Just keep a close eye on it. If it doesnt get better or gets alot worse, just…
  • You CAN get there. You just havet o put in the time. IT wont be easy, there will be days when you just want to eat a big sundae from Friendlys. But... if you hold out and keep on track it will pay off in the end. No pain, no gain. Sorry to be so cliche, but it is so true. You need to find a way to change your eating habits…
  • Have you ever had this before? Is it any better? Definately keep your legs elevated, it will help the blood drain from yout legs. Is it painful?
  • Thanks!!! Had no idea...
  • Call me stupid...what is ddr?
  • You sound exactly like me! So funny... I love my coffee, and my creamer. Some would say I drink coffee with my creamer. Do you use powder or liquid? The powder has less calories. I have cut back alot. Try to decrease by one teaspoon every day til you are down to an acceptable amount...
  • Ive done lots of WII games. Just dont think they really do as much as they say. Did you feel like you burned that many calories?? Not sure how accurate it is, but if you felt good afterwards, go you!!!