Swollen Legs and Feet - Help!

Late this morning I noticed that my calves and feet were extremely tight and swollen...it's gotten worse throughout the day. I checked my sodium intake today and it was well below my daily limit and I've had 8-10 glasses of water.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and what I can do to bring the swelling down or avoid the swelling altogether?

Thanks so much!!!!!


  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    put your feet up and consider using an ice pack. if there is significant pain, or it doesn't go away, please see a doctor.
  • ardaniels0417
    Have you ever had this before? Is it any better? Definately keep your legs elevated, it will help the blood drain from yout legs. Is it painful?
  • daisyfriends
    daisyfriends Posts: 16 Member
    It doesn't really hurt but there is definite pressure...it's happened a couple times before I would say in the last year? Propping my feet up sounds wonderful - will do!
  • ardaniels0417
    The only thing you should really be concerned with is a DVT. A blood clot in the deep veins in your leg. Do you take birth control? Sorry to be so into your business, but that is also another thing can make you have a blood clot as a young woman. Just keep a close eye on it. If it doesnt get better or gets alot worse, just go get it checked out for your own peace of mine. Hope it gets better soon!!!! Keep legs elevated
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    It could be several things, but if it continues, please see your doctor ASAP.

    This past spring my allergies were so terrible my legs and feet were terribly swollen. If you push with your finger, does the skin bounce back? I was told if it did, it was water weight. If it stayed indented, I should see a doc ASAP.

    Put your feet up, drink a ton of water, if you have epsom salts you can soak them in hot water with the salts, and try to sleep with a few pillows under your feet.

    Most of all, listen to your body. If you think something is wrong, go to the doc/er ASAP. DVT is nothing to fool around with!
  • daisyfriends
    daisyfriends Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much. I will definitely keep an eye on it and stay elevated!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Also have you been doing any high impact workouts? I had my ankles swell last fall when I started WII Active. My body couldn't handle the jumping with the extra pounds. I bought some ankle supports at Walmart to wear when I worked out and that helped with the swelling.