Working out with WII

so i usually go to the gym every other day, but yesterday i felt as though i over ate so i decided to do some wii boxing. so i decided to see if i could log the wii boxing and it said for 40 mins that i burned over 300 cals? does anyone think that is completely accurate or maybe an exaggeration?? it seemed really high to me, i mean if its right then yay for me.....but im just not so sure! what do ou think?????


  • ardaniels0417
    Ive done lots of WII games. Just dont think they really do as much as they say. Did you feel like you burned that many calories?? Not sure how accurate it is, but if you felt good afterwards, go you!!!
  • otpeds
    otpeds Posts: 16 Member
    If you really want to burn calories using the wii you need to do ddr....that is what I do for my cardio and no other exercise has ever made me sweat as much as this!!
  • ardaniels0417
    Call me stupid...what is ddr?
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I think DDR is Dance Dance Revolution the dance game.
  • ardaniels0417
    Thanks!!! Had no idea...
  • jgoldsmith
    well i would prefer to work out at the gym lol but sometimes i just cant get dance revolution would be cool i have never played it before but i keep hearing stuff about it, i am not very co ordinated though so im not so sure i would be able to do it, but maybe i will rent it first and see if i like it.....its just really funny that i go to the gym every other day but after one night of doing the wii boxing my arms are killing me haha
  • otpeds
    otpeds Posts: 16 Member
    My husband bought it for me for is hard at first and you feel very uncoordinated but if you start with the very basic level and do it consistently, you get really good at it. I am constantly trying to beat my previous scores and it keeps me motivated...of course I'm slightly competitive :)!
  • otpeds
    otpeds Posts: 16 Member
    Oh @ardaniels... you are not just don't have teenagers yet :)! My son introduced me to it!