eating exercise calories

Hi mfp friends. I need help with eating my exercise calories. How much calories does everyone eat? Do you eat all or some even if you go over 2000? Thanks :)


  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    Hi mfp friends. I need help with eating my exercise calories. How much calories does everyone eat? Do you eat all or some even if you go over 2000? Thanks :)

    I try to eat at least half. The more exercise you have done the more important it is to eat them to keep yourself from running on empty. :happy:
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    it depends on how hungry i am or if i am craving. sometimes i dont eat them, sometimes i only eat some of them and sometimes i eat all of them. even if its of 2000 i have. since i am losing about 2 lbs a week doing this, i am not too worried about! hope that helps!
  • FreshPaint
    I do exactly what azlady7 does and I am still losing weight.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm usually too hungry not to eat them - I have NO idea how anyone survives on 1200-1400 calories a day without feeling hungry all day long! I usually eat around 1600 calories a day and try to burn 300-400 a day doing exercise. If you've earned them then you should be able to eat them without it affecting your weight-loss. Just make sure you are eating enough protein and fiber, and minimizing simple carbs and sugars. Good luck!
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I'm usually too hungry not to eat them - I have NO idea how anyone survives on 1200-1400 calories a day without feeling hungry all day long! I usually eat around 1600 calories a day and try to burn 300-400 a day doing exercise. If you've earned them then you should be able to eat them without it affecting your weight-loss. Just make sure you are eating enough protein and fiber, and minimizing simple carbs and sugars. Good luck!

    It's actually not that have been eating 1200 calories a day for along time now and Im never starving. I used to eat 1500 but then I git hurt and became unable to excersise so I had to down my calorie intake to match the lack of physical activity...I just make sure to make the best of my 1200 cals by eating things that are low cal but still keep me full....and honestly I feel like I eat ALOT of food for that little calories=)
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I have a super slow metabolism - my EOD caloric results can't be more than 950. Which means, if I eat 1500, I have to burn 550. With the shape I'm in, it's easier to have a 1200 calorie diet and burn 350. When I can burn 400, I'll up my cals to 1300 and so on. So long as I eat well, I'm not hungry. If I eat crap or don't balance my macronutrients right, I'm hungry. I am learning that I have to be very careful and really do this right on a 1200 calorie and EOD of around 800 (950 is the max). But I don't know that this is right for too many other people.
  • snutley84
    snutley84 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • ardaniels0417
    I use to eat my excercies calories but I dont anymore. I eat 1200 calories everyday, it has worked so far. Ive lost 21 pounds, everyone is different though so find what works for you and do it!!!!
  • snutley84
    snutley84 Posts: 25 Member
    I workout for long periods of time daily on the elliptical and burn over a 1000 calories a day
  • snutley84
    snutley84 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with u Meag. I stay hungry after a long work out
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    I don't eat the exercise calories. No sense in eating the deficit.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    While I was trying to lose, I ate anywhere from half of my exercise calories to all of them, but I usually tried to leave half of them on the table. Now that I am in maitenance I eat all of them:) so far so good.
    I agree with some of the others, if you have a day where you are really hungry feed your body, it will thank you later. I think that is the hardest part of all of this is trusting what your body tells you. Sometimes you just need fuel, and sometimes you run just fine with a largetr deficit. Trust yourself, and log everything, it's amazing what you can learn:bigsmile:
    Hope that heps:flowerforyou:
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i usually eat half or a little less than that back. it makes sense to eat some of them back because if you didn't you're actually lower than your daily intake. i don't like to eat all of them because i know i am not always correct in counting my calories so i try to leave some squeeze room. i am trying real hard to listen to my body and go by that, not what others have told me. i figured it will all even out at the end of the week.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I don't eat the exercise calories. No sense in eating the deficit.

    The deficit is the 500 cals per day that I am under what my body burns at rest - around 1800 calories! I'm already at a 500 cal deficit and if you are exercising 60 mins a day your body needs fuel to run! No sense feeling hungry all day - just have to eat the right things, make sure you get lots of protein after a hard work out and try to have complex carbs before hand. I've lost 50lbs so far doing it this way, slow and steady, so it must be working :bigsmile:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I know we have beat this horse to death, but I was thinking, what if the max deficit I can achieve with diet is 500, aren't I still allowed a 1000 calorie deficit as long as I eat my bmr? For example, I am supposed to maintain at 1760 and lose a pound a week at 1260 (though that doesn't happen :grumble: ), can't I try to burn an extra 500 calories I don't eat to achieve a deficit of 1000, which is still technically healthy.

    Also, although somewhat controversial, that's how biggest loser contestants lose so much, by burning extra calories through cardio and resistance training :smile:
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I try to eat all of them.
    Also, although somewhat controversial, that's how biggest loser contestants lose so much, by burning extra calories through cardio and resistance training

    I don't like the show. I've watched an episode now and then and have been shocked at the rate they are going!
    I guess it might still stay healthy since they do have a LOT to lose and have personal trainers and nutritionists looking after them to make sure they are okay but it would still be more interesting if they measured their body composition instead of just the weight though..

    I found an article about the health problems with the show.
    Also I was wondering about what kind of message such a show is giving to the viewers. Apparently I'm not the only one..
    "I think a lot of people can feel quite defeated that they're losing weight in what we would call a recommended amount, but they would have been voted off the show immediately," Kushner told LiveScience. "So the message, to me, is just all wrong."
    (Robert Kushner, the clinical director of the Northwestern University Comprehensive Center on Obesity in
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I try to eat all of them.
    Also, although somewhat controversial, that's how biggest loser contestants lose so much, by burning extra calories through cardio and resistance training

    I don't like the show. I've watched an episode now and then and have been shocked at the rate they are going!
    I guess it might still stay healthy since they do have a LOT to lose and have personal trainers and nutritionists looking after them to make sure they are okay but it would still be more interesting if they measured their body composition instead of just the weight though..

    I don't care for the show either - They somehow manage to make what ought to be a really uplifting, motivating show quite awful, competitive, and very exhibitionist. In my opinion, the show is just an excuse for "normal" Americans to gawk at the morbidly obese without the social stigma that surrounds it in public. We are never allowed, socially, to obsess about the weight issues of others, so reality TV provides us with a venue for it. They are profiting largely off of the sheer desperation of people that are so incredibly overweight they are on the brink of death. Not sure how this motivates anyone. They've turned an epidemic into a freak show for your entertainment. Not quite sure that's something I want to support.

    Either way, you are totally right alantin! I eat mine because if you're exercising HARD you need to refuel. My body craves protein after I work out. Simple as that. In order to get the most out of my workouts, I need to make sure that I have enough energy to give 100% during my workouts and that my muscle has the protein it needs to recover. Exercising regularly should have an energizing effect, but when you are not eating enough to sustain it, you become lethargic and your body shuts down. Not a good thing for weight-loss.

    Just my 0.02$
  • snutley84
    snutley84 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!!! I really appreciate your help. It has been very helpful. :) thanks again