crmhaske Member


  • Taekwondo here. I did Judo for about two semesters (~8 months), but found it boring. I've done Taekwondo for 10 years now. First degree black belt because I'm a poor doctorate student that doesn't have close to a grand to test any higher lol. I teach at and manage the university taekwondo club, and though it's a huge time…
    in taekwondo Comment by crmhaske July 2013
  • DOMS = delayed onset muscle soreness lol, and I'm not seeking medical advice, I'm just curious what other people who have experienced the same thing have tried. It's really not all that personal, DOMS and dizziness during exercise are actually pretty common. A few of you have mentioned the change in blood pressure when…
  • I'm pretty good with hydration, I love me some water lol Thank you for your suggestion though :)
  • Honestly, I don't really find them so drastically different from each other. We do all the same techniques (yes, including elbows and knees), we just don't use all of them in competition like you do in Muay Thai. TKD gets a lot of flak for its point fighting, but there's a lot of strategy to it that people who have never…
  • I currently train in WTF taekwondo and have done so since 2005; however, I have been doing taekwondo since 2003. I started with Song Moo Kwan taekwondo. I am presently a double black stripe and will be testing for my black belt early in the new year. My weight goal is to have reached my weight loss milestone of 170 lbs by…
  • My goal gift is a new latin costume that shows off some skin. I ballroom dance, and my latin costumes now need to cover everything up so I usually go with a skirt and some kind of cover-all top. I'm thinking all go with something along these lines :D :…
  • I agree with TorridCutie. The dresses are all really dated and unflattering, and you'd do yourself justice by shopping for a new one. If you can't afford it I'd go with dress C, but without the white jacket.
  • I haven't given up anything, I just have my favourite treats less frequently and in smaller portions. If I'm craving something I let myself have it, just in controlled quality (if there is a low fat and/or low sugar and/or low sodium option I go with it) and have a smaller portion. Also, if I slip up and overindulge, I…
  • The breakfast thing is a myth. It is not the most important meal of the day and it doesn't jump start your metabolism. All of your meals are the most important meals of the day, and the only thing that jump starts your metabolism (aside from stimulants) is exercise. It's important to eat within three hours of waking just…
  • You aren't a jerk for considering leaving. There is no point in wasting your time. If you aren't getting out of it what you want to then you might as well leave. The instructor may not know s/he is doing a terrible job, by staying you are actually telling this person what they are doing is okay. By leaving you are…
  • You could try monitoring your body fat percentage. You may find that though your weight is staying the same, you body fat percentage is decreasing.
  • Depends on what you are looking for, skim milk has more protein, but also more sugar. Almond milk has less sugar, but a lot less (and more or less negligible) protein. I personally prefer neither. Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet.
  • I say nay, but not because of the product itself, but because fat is an essential part of a complete diet.
  • It isn't the last book, but it's the longest book I've had I haven't returned: Generation X by Douglas Coupland. I haven't returned it because I haven't actually read it yet. I also don't see this person very often.
  • I read all of the books, and I am definitely driving the Eric bandwagon. I like the book Eric better than the TV Eric; however, I don't care for Bill in either and Alcide was never a contender in my mind so it'll always be Sookie-Eric for me!
  • I think Zumba burns more than 271 no?
  • I just found this thread so I hope that it is okay that I'm jumping into it a little late! What an excellent idea :) Weekly Goal: 7000 Mon: 743 (Walking [3.5mph]-405, Dance [ballet]-338) Tues: 1404 (Circuit training-351, Tae Kwon Do-1053) Wed: 2031 (Circuit training-351, Teaching Tae Kwon Do-627, Tae Kwon Do-1053) Thur:…
  • The difficulty here will be proper diaphragmatic breathing, which isn't really possible to do while you are engaging your abdominal muscles like that.
  • I suffer from misophonia so I understand your plight with the unwanted noise. It makes me feel extremely anxious and I can even have a rage response. I ended a friendship once over the sound her water fountain was making (long story). I do not have children though and I can imagine that makes it even worse. I would suggest…
  • Thank you for defining that, I've been wondering about it for a week :P
  • Muscle takes up less space, but weighs more than fat. With such a large decrease in body fat percentage I'm not surprised your weight only dropped 5 lbs. You should be very proud of your progress! I wouldn't concentrate so much on the number on the scale, but on your body fat percentage. Congratulations on the progress!…
  • Because starvation mode is a myth. You continue to lose weight, but not of the good kind. You lose muscle tissue, and you do organ damage. You will lose fat, but while losing essentials along the way.
  • I have a hedgehog Leela and a chinchilla Tom. I love them both so much!!
    in Pets Woot Comment by crmhaske July 2011
  • We discussed this exact topic during a social psychology seminar last semester. This trend has been demonstrated in many studies; however, the issue here is how you interpret the data and without further study there are a plethora of explanations for this behaviour. In defence against the "half of men are shallow"…
  • Congratulations! You look absolutely fantastic!!
  • Martial artists competing for nationals train 8-10 hours a day. One hour of taekwondo burns around 1000 calories.
  • Thanks everyone! :)
  • I've been doing tawkwondo for almost 9 years now in two different styles and my weight has fluctuated a lot during that time. For obvious reasons taekwondo was easiest when I was at my lowest weight of 190; however, even when I was at my maximum weight of 260 it wasn't impossible. There is one student at my current club…
  • If it isn't low blood sugar, it could be low blood pressure. Happens to me all of the time because my blood pressure is really low.
  • You'd have to stop eating for days for your body to go into starvation mode. If you aren't hungry, don't eat.