marjolycookie Member


  • Yep, most people will agree the first few days are rough. I think most of us weren't used to eating so many times a day (6 times per day for Medifast) and the portions are way smaller than normal. I shocked my body something fierce falling from 3000+ daily calories consumed in one meal per day to 800 spread across 6 meals.…
  • This may sound retarded but I ended up being really picky about the milk due to color. Soy milk is brown and almond milk is beige. I just can't take that seriously as "milk" so I won't drink it. Sure, it makes me a picky little kid, but it has to be WHITE. I didn't compare the almond to the coconut but I would assume that…
  • Hearing about your success and loss so far is fantastic! I know you'll continue to do well since you're still so motivated. :) Way to go!!
  • I am pretty sure you are supposed to exercise, just not really hard since you're eating so little. Everything in the Medifast literature encourages light to moderate exercise in order to attain a slim and healthy lifestyle. But I'm not a good example, I don't exercise at all.
  • I am doing the non-TSFL. Just regular Medifasting, if that makes a difference. I thought they were the same thing? I eat 3 veggie servings a day, which is about 1.5-2 cup of veggies. Including tomatoes, which I love and eat literally every day. I also eat, on average, way more protein than the 5-7 oz because I like meat…
  • Yea the shipping is pretty awesome. They are also really good about advance notice before next month's order is placed and hits your CC. I also love the free shaker bottle. My coworkers and mom were so jealous of that thing. I seriously think I'm going to buy a set of those bottles for my mom's birthday present.
  • I'm pretty sure the reason they don't want you doing a lot of exercise is that the Medifast plan, used for weight loss, is only about 1000 calories a day. That's a very, very small amount and probably not enough to sustain you if you like working out. I've heard you can compensate for this by adding a lot more protein to…
  • You get 3 total veggie servings. Depending on the veggie, it's usually 1/2 cup per serving, so 1.5 cups total (a few like lettuce are 1 cup per serving). You can have any combination of veggies or 3 servings of the same veggie. You don't have to have all the veggies at once so it's possible your friend split his green…
  • Hey your starting stats is almost identical to mine but I am 5'5". Yes, getting to 199 was AWESOME. Medifast tells the truth- it's fast. If you can follow the plan and eat the weird foods they give you, plus stay on target with your other meal, you will lose weight at a good pace. It is ketosis so if you had a rough time…
  • Way to go! I just made it out of obesity into overweight a week ago and it's awesome! Can't wait to be normal again in about 30 pounds. :) Keep going, you're doing great!
  • Medifast recommends getting a health coach and picking up their recommended readings to get a better understanding. There are two types of signing up on their site- one with health coach and all the bells and whistles (which is totally free), and one without. They have a great community on their site which you could also…
  • Going to have to third the thought on the Southwest eggs. I was extremely skeptical of powdered eggs but they are way better than I expected. You can even mix them in with real eggs if you want and they cook up just fine with a nice amount of flavor. I hated the oatmeals and the soups so I can't recommend any of them. My…
  • I like the brownies, they remind me sort of lava cakes. Are you microwaving or oven cooking them? I always put them in the oven (be sure to spray down their little trays with nonstick stuff) and they have a great consistency when they come out. I admit I have added some honey to them after baking because I love honey and…
  • A good amount of the Medifast food is very dessert oriented. I never ate so many things with the word "chocolate" in them before in my life. The highlight of every day for me is my lean & green meal, honestly. My favorites: Cherry Pomegranate shake Chocolate Mint crunch bar (tastes like Thin Mints) Mango soft serve
  • All the folks I've met through MFP on Medifast are great! We're all at different stages of our journey so it's good to be able to read everyone's success (and talk through the tough times). I guess I would recommend that you don't let Medifast pick the meal selections for you. If you've done it before then you know some of…
  • Do they taste as good as the chocolate mint crunch bars?
  • Hi John, Are you trying to lose a lot? It's a big change to go from whatever you were eating before to how strict the program is. If you are hungry during the day, try spreading out your 6 meals to cover whenever you are hungriest, or just eat another bar or something. It's called Medifast not Medistarve. After the first…
  • I think I was crabbier until I figured out which Medifast foods were edible and which were yuck. The biggest motivator is every week getting on the scale and see that it's always a loss. I've only been hungry once and I just had an extra bar. Eating every 2 or 3 hours keeps me from getting the munchies and it didn't take…
  • Ditto to these other ladies, I'm getting a tattoo when I hit my goal.
  • Heck yea! Congratulations on your success. I am pretty happy with it so far since I've seen numbers drop for a whole month, and got a group of folks cheering me along.
  • I just finished week 4 and it sounds like they sent you exactly the same variety that I got! I had almost the same reaction to the foods. Using up all the soups and eggs was tedious... I didn't like the oatmeal either. I've ordered a completely different set of items for the 2nd batch and we'll see how it goes. The bars…
  • I hate exercise too! Some day I hope to get over the hate, but I hear ya. One thing that worked for me was walking around outside. Keep a brisk pace and commit to keep going for several miles. When you go walking during lunch, is it enough to get your heart rate up at all? I tried listening to my ipod but got bored of…
  • Congrats! I just made it there on Sunday and it was super exciting! :)
  • Hey there, I can't really answer this since I just started Medifast a few weeks ago. So far it seems to be working, but my biggest fear is that when it's time to transition off, I will do something wrong and end up putting the weight back on. Did you follow their recommendations for transitioning off? I know for the first…