

  • I'm so sorry to hear all that's bogging you down. To say "that's rough" is an understatement. I've had issues w/ panic attacks in the past and found that I could work myself through them after a while. All I had to do was sit down, close my eyes and very diliberately force myself to take very slow and controlled…
  • What an awsome opps to have to have though.... and thankfully it happened around just the kids and not in a crowded gym. :)
  • I was on depo for 2 years after the birth of my first child. It didn't cause me to gain (that was all me), but it did prevent me from losing. No matter what I ate or how hard I worked I couldn't seem to drop it... which in case got me down and led to me quit trying. Found out later that I should have been taking extra…
  • 1. My eyes 2. My freckles... I know that sounds odd, but it's a connection to my mom and I like that 3. My skin tone in mid to late summer when I have a nice tan going 4. I like the way my boobs look in a good bra and a v neck shirt 5. I like the way my calves look when I wear heals (which I've had to give up until I drop…
  • happens to me all time. I doubt it was the vitamine c though... prolly just the fact u were on the pot for 45 mins... doesn't take near that long for mine to fall asleep though...
  • most excitement on this end was 2 boys sent to bed early for jumping off their dressers and a cranky 1 yr old...
    in whats.... Comment by ljmeep August 2011
  • I'm a big fan of Hot and Sour Soup ... only 90 cals! Yum!
  • lately I've been trying to go to the restaurant's website and looking at nutritional info. before I go. This way I can know exactly what I'm getting myself into...
  • that's great advice! Never knew almods could help with those cravings during that time of the month. I so have to try that
  • I feel you! I have 3 kids and gained between 15 to 30 lbs w/ each. I'm trying to lose it all now. :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • When I couldn't keep up with my kids. I couldn't stand looking in the mirror. I started hating shopping (used to love it). When I started getting winded climbing a small flight of stairs. I watched my aunt go through the beginning stages of kidney failure with her diabeties and my dad suffer a mild heart attack. I could no…
  • I've struggled off and on with depression or years now... I used to turn to food, but since starting MFP I'm keep close tabs on my calorie intake. Now I turn to long walks at the park and other work outs, cleaning when I'm really pissed and can't sit still, hard core music and always my bff when I'm really in a bad slump.…
  • People most definently carry weight differently. My SIL and I are only a few lbs from being the same weight. While I carry my weight fairly evenly throughout my body, she carries her more in her lower half (i.e. butt and thighs... even her ankles are much larger than mine). Most ppl have either a pear shaped body (carry…
  • I've had to gradually ween myself down. I was drinking close to a 6 pack a day. I started by limiting it to only a soda at meal times (3 a day). After a while I was able to cut it down to 2 and now I only allow myself 1 a day. By doing it gradually I allowed my body to adjust to less caffine and avoided the hellish with…
  • My dad has had several areas of intestine taken out over the years due to his bowls locking up and areas of intestine dying off as a result. He actually has the opposite problem though. He has trouble putting on and keeping weight on. I wish I could be of more help here, but I think the suggestions to speak with a doctor…
  • I do both weight and measurements and I honestly see a lot more inches falling off than I do the scale moving. I've only lost 2 lbs last I checked, but in that same amount of time I've been losing close to a 1/2 an in every few days (slowing down since my free gym trial ended). I think you'll see more from the measuring…
  • you look amazing! and you give a girl some hope :)
  • I have the same problem with junk food being in my house. I can't eliminate it completely because I have young children and a husband without weight problem that shouldn't have to suffer for the mistakes I made with my body. What helps me is trying to only buy the things that appeal to them and less to me. I also try to…
  • wow! That was a lot of info to take in, especially reading all the reply posts. lol. I had no clue I was going to end up getting a lesson in physics. I am very glad I took the time to read it all though. This info. is very helpful and nice to hear especially for someone who is just starting out. It's easy to get…
  • if it's only mild cramping I would work through it and your body will eventually adjust to it. I had mild cramping starting out and pushed through it. By day 3 they were gone. If it's to the point that your in sever pain than I would tone it down and talk to your doctor.
  • I trie it kinda half way by only replacing breakfast with it. It didn't really seem to help, but when I did this it was before I was counting calories and I was most likely taking in far too many calories. I was still hungry off of it though. I dunno that it would be the case now though as I'm starting to lose the weight a…
  • I'm the opposite... I'm a stress eater... but my bff tends to not want to eat when she is stressed. I think most people tend to go one way or the other. I find working out really helps reduce my stress levels though... hope you feel less stressed soon.
  • i was having this problem too, but when i had saved this page in my favs it was on my profile, not home page and I was able to access it through my favs rather than just the site address...
  • Welcome and you are so in the right spot. I've always struggled w/ weight loss. I hated counting calories, but this site makes it so easy! I started Monday, stuck to the calorie intake suggested (w/out eating back cals earned though working out), uped my work outs and already I've lost 2 lbs... more than that though I'm…
  • have you had your vitamine D levels checked lately. I went through several months of feeling totally exhausted for no reason at all. Came to find out that I was vitamine deficient. Once I started taking vitamine suppliments every day my energy level went way up! I was shocked at how quickly I saw a difference... only a few…
  • I've always been told that when that happens sometimes you need to switch up your excersize routine because your body is getting to used to the old routine. Try switching it up a bit and see if that helps. Keep it going! You can do this! :)
  • baked boneless, skinless chicken breasts mac and chz peas It's my son's choice because it's his 4th bday. :) ...
  • My biggest help so far has been increasing my water intake.. in only a few days (I'm just starting out) I've lost 1 lb and half an inch in my waist. I've also found that I can use lemon pepper seasoning in place of salt... I too have an issue with my sodium intake. It's been a real challenge finding things to use in place…