Do different people carry weight differently?

I weigh 150 and am 5'6". Very large "chest area". Thick legs and medium butt. My sister is 5'8" and 155 lbs. Medium boobs NO butt and skinny legs. Yet I think she looks fatter than me. Am I crazy? Do we just carry the weight differently?


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    go to put in your info and it will show you picks of others with the same height weight yada yada. It's awesome and yes everyone carries it differently
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Yes everyone carries their weight differently.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Body fat percentage can also have an effect. Weight alone, is not a good descriptor.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    you betcha! With my 2 sisters and i...none of us are built like the others.
  • upsidedownpear
    upsidedownpear Posts: 101 Member
    I just looked up on that site.. there's no picture that matches me.. :(
    I am 5 5 217 lb, shirt size M pants 16
    Gosh I always thought I had a weird body!
  • rowbseat13
    rowbseat13 Posts: 147 Member
    I think so... I'm 5'11 and can gain or lose 10 pounds without it being noticeable at all. (Works nicely on the gaining part... kinda sucks on the losing part, haha.) Whereas if my sister, who is barely 5'2, were to lose 10 pounds, I would definitely be able to tell a difference. And of course people carry weight in different areas. Mine's definitely in my thighs... Not so much my butt, but my upper thighs.
  • ljmeep
    ljmeep Posts: 29
    People most definently carry weight differently. My SIL and I are only a few lbs from being the same weight. While I carry my weight fairly evenly throughout my body, she carries her more in her lower half (i.e. butt and thighs... even her ankles are much larger than mine). Most ppl have either a pear shaped body (carry more in lower half), round body (more in the belly area), hour glass figure (small waiste with larger upper and lower body), or more of the bean pole look where it's even throughout... not sure the technical terms for all these... just observation and hearing it around. You're so not crazy though :)