Staving off hunger



  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Oh i see sorry I'm the confused one :) Yea that's the one that reabsorbs water isn't it

    I had trouble with my intestines last year actually ! I had a burst appendix and didn't know so i pushed through the pain and eventually got peritonitis and had to have emergency operation ! Think they had to remove alot of tissue as it was all infected but i don't think they removed any intestine. I think they get slightly irritated now and then since I had the operation :/

    That doesnt sound likemuch fun,appendix inflammation is meant to be so sore! If you're missing bits or have scar tissue then there will be different foods (and the amount you chew them!) which will upset your guts which may be worth avoiding or just experimenting with to see if it helps you!

    I just dont have a large one at all and have about 2 thirds of mysmall one left. They also took my appendix out which i didnt realise until about a year later...Im convinced im hungrier all the time because i go to the bathroom constantly!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Rather than speak to your dr, I would contact your consultant's secretary & see if you have a specialised nurse with the department. Generally the dietary requirements differ from person to person with your condition...I know that I can only stomach so much fibre, specially in veggies! I also know that whilst many on here consider White bread & 'white' pasta spawn of the devil, to me it is an absolute godsend and necessity! This is because it has less fibre but has bulk, so can fill u up, but pass thru u w/o causing too much trouble!

    It may b useful for u to speak to a dietitian, but in the 1st instance they'll probably just get u to keep a food diary- which u do on here! Can u make a comment about how u feel in your food notes, so if u get to speak to an ibd nurse, u can show wot u eat & when u feel the most hungry? Do it in code if u don't want people seeing it!

    Keep up the great work tho! :-)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Thinking about it, if you aren't absorbing foods properly, then maybe you have but your body into starvation mode because you aren't eating enough cals, which has lowed your metabolism and could explain why you are hungry all the time.

    Try and get refered to a specialist or at the very least a nutrionist. Failing that, even try calling NHS direct, see if they can throw you some help as to who might know?
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    Oh i see sorry I'm the confused one :) Yea that's the one that reabsorbs water isn't it

    I had trouble with my intestines last year actually ! I had a burst appendix and didn't know so i pushed through the pain and eventually got peritonitis and had to have emergency operation ! Think they had to remove alot of tissue as it was all infected but i don't think they removed any intestine. I think they get slightly irritated now and then since I had the operation :/

    That doesnt sound likemuch fun,appendix inflammation is meant to be so sore! If you're missing bits or have scar tissue then there will be different foods (and the amount you chew them!) which will upset your guts which may be worth avoiding or just experimenting with to see if it helps you!

    I just dont have a large one at all and have about 2 thirds of mysmall one left. They also took my appendix out which i didnt realise until about a year later...Im convinced im hungrier all the time because i go to the bathroom constantly!

    Oh yea it was ! Bad pain when it was normal appendicitis then it burand and it feels fine for a couple of hours, then after that just insane pain !.. Yea I think I need to properly experiment with what foods make me uncomfortable

    I guess there must be some changes after you have been through all that it can't have been nice ! Maybe you just have a super quick digestion rate now ! Or you may jot absorb as much and so you're still hungry or something !
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    How do you guys cope with being hungry? I don't seem to very well and need to eat almost constantly. I drink ALOT of water (about 14cups a day and then my tea...) I dont have a large intestine so i go to the bathroom a lot more than other people, i dont know if that makes a difference.
    I just get very skittish, chew my nails, cant stop moving if i feel hungry which at the moment feels like about an hour after i've had my breakfast. I haven't been logging my food recently because i've been struggling so much but my usual diary would look like
    Breakfast: Oatmeal and raisins, green tea, piece of fruit
    Snack: banana
    Lunch: tuna/egg salad or soup and crackers, piece of fruit
    Snack: peanutbutter and an apple
    Dinner: vegetables , some form of fish/chicken and brown rice/quinoa or potatoes

    When i exercise i burn approx 200cals, i dont have the energy for much more.
    Help?? :frown:

    My husband had a proctocolectomy last year after being diagnosed with *kitten*. After he healed from the surgery, he was ALWAYS hungry. He put on quite a bit of weight just because he snacked all day.

    On thing that his doctor recommended (not for weight loss, but to help with the constant bathroom trips) is to up his fiber intake. He drinks a glass of Metamucil 3 times a day. It helps to bulk up things and it does seem to help with the hunger, some. Don't know how high your fiber intake is, but you might try this. I know it is not the most pleasant tasting fiber suppliment, but there are a few other choices that migh taste better.

    Good luck!
  • ljmeep
    ljmeep Posts: 29
    My dad has had several areas of intestine taken out over the years due to his bowls locking up and areas of intestine dying off as a result. He actually has the opposite problem though. He has trouble putting on and keeping weight on. I wish I could be of more help here, but I think the suggestions to speak with a doctor are your best bet. There are too many factors with your lack of intestines for anyone other than a doctor to fully be able to tell you what is going on and how to approach your constant hunger. I would imagine the fact that you have to go to the bathroom more frequently may play a large roll in that hunger, but again... I'm no where near being a dr.

    I hope you can figure it out soon and find yourself well on the way to all your goals :)
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    The large intestine is involved mainly in resorption of water. Nutrients are essentially absorbed by the time you reach the terminal ileum (small intestine) as noted above. With the resection of some of your small intestine, you could have malabsorption. I think you should see a gastroenterologist and have some blood work to see if you have a problem with this.Otherwise, I would say looking at your description that the addition of more protein , fat +/- fiber depending on how you tolerate it would likely help with your hunger. I know that as I reduce carbohydrate and increase protein and fat, I don't have hunger.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your sensible advice, i am waiting to see my doctor but there is a looong wait and im just fed up!

    Thanks again, i'm already planning more protein and fiber rich meals!