CatMauro Member


  • Vanilla protein powder + unsweetened vanilla almond milk + orange flavoured fiber supplement = creamsicle Chocolate protein powder + unsweetened almond milk + orange falvoured fiber supplement = Terry's chocolate orange
  • ...Because it's the easiest, fastest, (typically) lowest caloric intake way of getting enough protein into your body. If I relied on natural forms of protein only I'd be WAY under every day and so therefore be sluggish and sore every day. I too was doubtful of the benefits of protein supplements before I started but now I…
  • Sadly I don't have much control over my foods right now as I'm living on base and at the mercy of the cooks in the galley but I generally stay away from processed meats and the like. It's not so much that I have one or two things that are huge in sodium (though that does happen sometimes) but rather that the volume of…
  • :frown: Is sad that no one from Halifax has responded.
  • If you're missing oatmeal (or even if you weren't it's still pretty good) try quinoa "oatmeal" with cinnamon and raisons. Tons of recipes on the net. I also LOVE fruit smoothies, add some protein powder (or silken tofu) to boost the protein and help keep you feeling full longer.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words here and then some. Besides the whole bone/joint thing, muscles need calories to sustain themselves, therefore the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn all the time and the faster you'll lose those inches :)
  • Don't date *kitten*. They're so not worth your tears. Don't get drunk. It's so not worth the hangover. Don't write that in your yearbook. It won't be funny a year from now.
  • Careful if you're buying Brooks, they come in two VERY different levels. Their good shoes, from what I've heard are quite good but are pricey, their low end ones on the other hand I wouldn't use if my life depended on it. I like Assics and addidas but it really depends on how your foot is shaped as well as your gait, size,…
  • increase your fiber by mixing one scoop of protein powder with a glass of unsweetened vanilla almond milk and one scoop of unsweetened orange flavoured fiber powder (Metamucil). It's way awesome and tastes like creamcicle!!!! Also works with chocolate protein (Terry's chocolate orange!)
  • Some very valid points though I suspect that the decades of being that heavy isn't particularly great on the joints either. Truthfully losing that much weight that fast isn't particularly "healthy" either though. Would be far less entertaining to watch people swim their way to weight loss though.
  • I'd have to agree with the above posters...1200 cals is likely not enough for you. Use the numbers that MFP suggests (maybe add more protein since you work out alot) and you should do better.
  • I just say thank you...what else is there to say to that? Could be worse, she could have said something like "isn't that bad for the baby?" Hahaha
  • Just stay away from the creamy/buttery sauces and you should be good. Opt for the garden over the Caesar salad and go easy on the parm if you choose to have any. The breadsticks are deadly so try to limit yourself to one, if any. Other than that, use your common sense, judging by your photo a little bit of fat isn't going…
  • Ummmm ya, you worked hard? Hahaha typically I feel energised for a little longer than 5-10 but I do come down from that. If it's really dragging you down you could try having a recovery drink after. 4:1 carb:protein ratio works best (chocolate milk is awesome!) should help.
  • I so so so wish that the vaccine had been available to me when I was younger but alas it was released when I was "too old" to make it worth while. I have heard from various sexual health practitioners that it is totally worth having boys be vaccinated for it as well because although they clearly can't get cervical cancer…
  • So you think you can't do a push up eh? Most people who have difficulty with them actually lack core strength or technique more than actual upper body strength. Obviously there are a ton of arm, chest and core strength training that you can do to help you up but here are a few adaptations that will help you get on your way…
    in PUSH UP Comment by CatMauro October 2011
  • It's a date. Enjoy yourself. If you can make healthier choices than great if he brings you to a nice place that has everything swiming in butter then just enjoy it and make up for it the next day. Don't mention that the food isn't good for you. That's a big turn off for most people because if he's gone through the effort…
  • You'll (literally) work your butt off!! No really, I've been doing it for 3 weeks and my butt has all but disappeared :)
  • Get the cook book "Deceptively Delicious". It's intended to be for parents with picky kids but I suspect it would also work on you too. It takes various meals and "sneaks" veggies into them. Obviously you'll know they're there but it's actually pretty impressive what you can put into food and not realise it's there if it's…
  • I went through the same thing a couple of weeks ago when I stepped up my workouts. Essentially all it is is that your muscles are holding water so that they can repair themselves more easily. I upped my water and protein and I started seeing more weightloss. The big thing is just be patient, it'll start coming off again.
  • Get yourself a heart rate monitor. You can also enter it in as Calisthenics but that won't be quite as accurate.
  • Just ALOT of sodium. They use it as a preservative.
  • I totally get how you feel!!! I work out a lot so I lowered my carbs to 50% and then split my fat and protein equally at 25% and I have one hell of a time getting enough protein in. I eat protein at every meal and my snacks and usually have a protein shake on top of that too and there are some days when I'm still 10+ grams…
  • Ya I just started week three, legs (of all things) still hurt from cardio abs on Saturday :P
  • It's actually the only test that I've ever gotten pre-test anxiety with. In fact I don't even have to be the one running it and I get stressed out. We do a 20 metre shuttle run (or beep test if you prefer) and merely the sound of the beep is enough to raise my heart rate and blood pressure. Messed up, I know.
  • Very nicely done!!! I'm in the Canadian military and I LOATH the PT test. I can't imagine having to do it monthly :P
  • I think you're stuck using the roller skating one...I know that's not as accurate as you'd like but I think it'll have to do.
  • Good to know, I really enjoyed the book. When I was younger I read alot of Stephen King...Most of the movie adaptations were TERRIBLE. 2 exceptions: Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me (ironically both from the same book of 4 short stories).
  • So I got a new scale, fingers crossed that it actually shows a loss...otherwise I don't can I stay at such a consistant number for so long when I'm working out so hard????