AlmostMrsP Member


  • Congrats on quitting smoking. That's an awesome thing to do for yourself and your health. I'm not a smoker (or a runner), but I'm guessing the junk in your lungs from years of smoking is slowly starting to break up and maybe this is what is causing the feeling your describing. I hope it gets better. Keep up the good work!
  • Congrats to everyone getting married! I'm getting in shape for my wedding also (and for my life after the wedding). I'm getting married June 30, 2012. I think I've found my dress, but haven't ordered it yet. When I showed my mom the pictures she couldn't believe how much weight I've lost already.
  • Didn't think I had a type until I met my fiance, then realized he is EXACTLY my type. 6' or over (this is the one thing physically I knew was my type before meeting him) Nice solid arms Nice smile Guys guy who loves sports, beer, works on cars, fixes things BUT also willing to watch and enjoy doing things that aren't…
  • I'll agree with the others who already encouraged you to eat more cals and make sure they are not processed foods. Whole grains, proteins, fruits and nuts are your friends. Another thing someone who studied exercise nutritionist (or something like that) suggested was to cut out carbs in the evening. He said he wrote a…
  • Sounds like you need to adjust your exercise days to the days you eat more :) Sorry - that was a joke and probably not helpful. I think if you're balancing it out and getting proper nutrition it's not a problem. This is coming from someone who is likely going to come in way under my goal today and I worked out. So, that…
  • Hey all! It's been a busy few weeks so I haven't been around much. Still logged most of my food and exercised when I could. I know the challenge ends today, but I'll update my weight for it when I weigh in first thing tomorrow AM. I'm hoping to have a little bit of loss this week. I've been pretty good with my calories and…
  • I sometimes have trouble getting to 1200 also. I try to eat back some of my exercise calories and really make sure to get at least 1200 on days I workout hard. But I do sometimes still have trouble getting to 1200. It's gotten easier as I've learned to make some tasty foods that are also healthy. has become…
  • It's made out of chick-peas and while you can make it (I don't know exactly how) you can buy it any store. Trader Joes has a whole selection of hummus in different flavors. It's a Mediterranean food. It's great on sandwiches, as a dip for veggies, or just on some pita. It's a great healthy snack food.
  • I've wondered about this also. I try to eat at least one fruit a day. I don't usually count the sugars from fruits though as they are all natural sugars and not refined. So if I'm over because of my fruits I don't worry about it, but still keep track so I know I'm not over because of other processed sugars.
  • HI All, I posted on the other thread, but glad I found all my short girls over here. I'm 5' and 1/2" (that half inch really matters). I've always been on the curvy side, and never really minded. I tried to eat right, but really just enjoyed food and life. I met my fiance just over 3 years ago and gained a lot of weight in…
  • I just tried this one!! Thanks!! I had everything in the house for it (except i subbed pecans for walnuts). I needed it a little sweeter so I added just a pinch of brown sugar. Tastes great! Thanks everyone for all the great ideas. I can't wait to try them!!
  • I've never bought anything but light mayo in my life. I grew up in a fat free/low fat household, so it was rare I ate regular mayo at all. Because of that, I prefer it to regular mayo. My fiance switched to eating the light mayo when he met me. He doesn't taste a difference in it and enjoys it as much as regular mayo. Like…
  • I found all the fun sized people!!! (that's what my mom and friends call me) I'm 5' 1/2". Hoping to loose 40lbs by my wedding in June, then I'll evaluate and see if I want to loose more. Would love to join the group and count me in for dropping 3lbs in a month! I hoping it will be more than that :)
  • You all have inspired me with the Greek Yogurt. I made up my own simple recipe this morning by combining some ideas. I put a little honey and cinnamon in it then used it as a dip for my apple. With all these great different recipes and uses, I'm probably going to start keeping it in the house. So glad I asked you all!!
  • Tried this tonight on top of my Trader Joe's Chicken lime burger and it was great! Added a little avocado to the top and skipped the bread since I try to eat low carb at dinner. I will definitely do this dinner again :) thanks! And thanks everyone for the great recipes. I will for sure to trying more of them.
  • You look awesome! Congrats on your hard work and so happy to hear what positive improvements you've had both physically and mentally. I'm just now learning to enjoy the gym also. It's not as scary of a place as it was just a month ago and I don't dread going the way I use to.
  • That's awesome!! Congrats. And how great that you can see how your new lifestyle is directly benefiting your kids and changing their lives for the better. My fiance and I are eating better and working out now to get in our best shape for the wedding, but we know we want to keep it up after that so that our future kids will…
  • This one came on yesterday while I was running and totally helped me run a little more even though I didn't want to at ALL.
  • I don't use a carcass but I do use a whole fresh chicken (or sometimes cheat and use skin on chicken breasts. I first boil the chicken for about 30-40 min until it gets foamy at the the top (usually a big pot of water with enough to cover all the chicken then a little more). I skim this all off then turn it down to…
  • Wow, I feel like a slacker reading these. I aim to burn at least 300 in a workout (whatever that workout is). I rarely get to workout more than once a day, I would say I usually range in the 200 - 500 calorie range for what I burn in my workouts.
  • Thanks everyone! I wet the strap for a third time and really held it under the water for a while. Then I checked to make sure there was a battery in the sensor (there was). Once I put it back on, it worked right away. So I don't know what the problem was before. I appreciate the help!
  • Not really a "young" bride at 30, but I'm getting married next June. Already started dress shopping but I'm going to wait until October to order in hopes that I will be done one size by then. I really just want to look and feel my best on my wedding day. Loving MFP for helping me to get there.
  • Haven't checked your diary yet, but I'm on 1200 cals a day. First 2 weeks or so I was trying hard to not go over 1200 cals, even with exercise. I was often coming in under 1200 and I wasn't hungry at all, so I figured it was okay. I was losing weight, but slowly. About 2 weeks ago I decided I needed to be over 1200 cals…
  • You look awesome! What great results in only a month! I'm curious, what are some of the challenge exercises and about how long do they take you every day? I'm considering looking for a team for the September one, but afraid of the time commitment on top of my current exercise routines I don't want to give up. I wouldn't…
  • I'm about 5' and 1/2" and my current weight is 175 (hopefully down a little when I weigh in tomorrow). My goal right now is 140, but when I get there I will like push for 130 or even 125. MFP is a huge help, I'm sure you're going to love it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Congrats on finishing!! It's great to hear stories of people doing it! I just did week 4 day 3 today. I even stepped it up and ran 8 min straight just because I could - it was such a great feeling to accomplish that. My fiance is a C25K graduate too. Watching him progress really motivated me to get off my butt and do it…
  • Awesome! - You look great!!! And I love the dress and those shoes are to die for!!
  • You look great! I'm joining a gym that has Zumba - I can't wait to try it!
  • Sorry OP, but I don't think the manager would take your side on this one. I worked as a lifeguard at a Y for a few years in high school. I didn't care about working out or getting in shape, it was just a job. When it was adult time (lap swim or workout classes, etc) that was our "break" time. But here's the catch - we…
  • Thanks everyone for all the advice an encouragement. I went back out there today (yes, I know I'm supposed to take a day off, but I find doing back to back days really helps me). I have C25K podcasts I download on my Ipod. So, I decided to try a different one today to see if I like the music on it better. Well I start…