why is nothing happening??



  • Jazzy_Mama
    Just Continue to keep doing what your doing. Also are you eating breakfest everyday?? Breakfest is the most improtant meal of the day and if you think skipping breakfest will help you los weight it wont. Eating breakfest everyday actually helps you to lose weight!!
  • kpxfiles
    kpxfiles Posts: 56 Member
    I know people will disagree with me, but I am a firm believer that it's the quality over quantity of food. I lost 18lbs in 5 weeks. This was because I started listening to my body. My body doesn't digest dairy products (except yogurt) or breaded things very well, so I eliminated this from my diet. I allow myself to eat as much vegetables and fruit. I don't eat meat everyday. I don't add salt. I try not to eat anything processed because it gives me gas and bloating. I look at the Sugar and Salt rather than the calories. Listen to your body. I found out most of my weight loss was from bloating. I had severe constipation and now since I changed my diet it is gone.

    I don't do any hard exercising because to me it isn't a lifelong commitment. I would rather do something fun like dancing or walking. I also take the stairs instead of escalators or elevators. I do some weights. Tracy Anderson has some great arm exercises without weights. Do something you love.

    Everyone has a different body, so it's important to find things that work for you.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    If your diary is correct you are not eating enough and what you are eating is processed food. You need net at least 1200 cals and start eating fresh food and then you should start getting results
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Be patient. I have just lost my first kilo after THREE MONTHS of work.

    Oh and most importantly make sure you sift through a lot of the myths that are discussed on here.

    This is a good resource to start at

  • pennypain
    I just had a look through your diary, and found several possible reasons why you might not be losing weight.

    1. Most of the time you don't eat breakfast. Big no-no.
    2. You eat a LOT of processed food.
    3.Your diary seems to fluctuate from really positive eating to saboting eating.
    4.Food on the go. Prepare snack for wehn you go out, or you're in a hurry, so you can avoid going through the drive thru.
    5. You are consistantly not reaching your calorie intake for the day.

    You won't lose weight unless you seriously analyze what you're putting into your mouth.
  • AlmostMrsP
    AlmostMrsP Posts: 65 Member
    I'll agree with the others who already encouraged you to eat more cals and make sure they are not processed foods. Whole grains, proteins, fruits and nuts are your friends.

    Another thing someone who studied exercise nutritionist (or something like that) suggested was to cut out carbs in the evening. He said he wrote a thesis about how women seem to not process carbs at night. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I did it for a few weeks. For me it was sustainable, but I have substantially lowered them. I no longer make a starch with dinner (no potatoes or rice or anything like that) and try to have pasta no more than once a week for dinner.

    I've also learned to eat breakfast. I never use to. No idea if it helps, but it doesn't hurt.
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    thanks everybody, i will try to eat more although it makes me feel really guilty if i do. and some of u suggested i make my diary visible (it is visible to my firends but i will change it so everyone can se it, maybe that will help) thanks again

    I also forbid you for feeling guilty in eating more.

    On my heavy exercise days I eat up to 4000 calories :P
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    If your diary is correct you are not eating enough and what you are eating is processed food. You need net at least 1200 cals and start eating fresh food and then you should start getting results
    You eat very little. 700 calories in a day *and* with exercise too. That won't do much for your metabolism. You should try and eat at least 5 times per day. eat 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) and have some healthy snacks in between, like fruit or yogurt.
    When you eat so little, your body is getting the signal that food is scarce (think of a caveman) so your body tries to reserve as much energy (fat) as possible. Your metabolism slows down to assist.
    Also, it's just not healthy to eat under 1,200 calories per day. Also, try and eat quality foods. I also noticed that you don't seem to drink much water. That will help too if you get your 8 per day. Good luck and with a few adjustments, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    I'll agree with the others who already encouraged you to eat more cals and make sure they are not processed foods. Whole grains, proteins, fruits and nuts are your friends.

    Another thing someone who studied exercise nutritionist (or something like that) suggested was to cut out carbs in the evening. He said he wrote a thesis about how women seem to not process carbs at night. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I did it for a few weeks. For me it was sustainable, but I have substantially lowered them. I no longer make a starch with dinner (no potatoes or rice or anything like that) and try to have pasta no more than once a week for dinner.

    I've also learned to eat breakfast. I never use to. No idea if it helps, but it doesn't hurt.
    You're bang on. Carbs after 7 PM is bad since it gets stored as fat while you sleep.
    And yes, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. The saying goes "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. " - Adelle Davis (who was *way* ahead of her time).
    If you skip breakfast, you're messing up things for sure.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Like others have said, patience. A month is not long at all. Just keep working your plan. Heck, weight bobbles around depending if you drank 2 glasses of water (1 pint = 1 lb) or if you used the bathroom recently (please pardon, but true)

    I respectfully disagree about "starvation mode" stopping weight loss. It seems to be a very passionate subject, yet even the original research stated the subjects continued to lose weight if they took in fewer calories than they used. If one uses more calories than taken in, weight loss happens regardless of what you eat, when you eat, or how you eat it.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Like others have said, patience. A month is not long at all. Just keep working your plan. Heck, weight bobbles around depending if you drank 2 glasses of water (1 pint = 1 lb) or if you used the bathroom recently (please pardon, but true)

    I respectfully disagree about "starvation mode" stopping weight loss. It seems to be a very passionate subject, yet even the original research stated the subjects continued to lose weight if they took in fewer calories than they used. If one uses more calories than taken in, weight loss happens regardless of what you eat, when you eat, or how you eat it.
    totally agree with this. Also breakfast neither helps nor hinders weight loss, its overall energy balance that matters.
  • BlondieZee
    I was eating 1200 per day and not losing ANY weight, so I upped my cals to 1300 and ... WHAMMY! I have lost 7 pounds in 2 months! Much better than nothing! :D Best of luck!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Set your goals to 1 lb per week and eat your exercise calories. Undereating is counterproductive to weight loss. I eat 1800 to 1900 per week and lose fine.
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    You're bang on. Carbs after 7 PM is bad since it gets stored as fat while you sleep.
    And yes, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. The saying goes "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. " - Adelle Davis (who was *way* ahead of her time).
    If you skip breakfast, you're messing up things for sure.

    I really love this!! And it is so true! I personally don't do well eating bread...so I avoid it. I stick to brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, beans and oatmeal and grains for my starchy carbs. I also weigh and measure everything i eat...sometimes I don't think pay attention to their portions...they guess. I was way off when I guessed! Processed foods = BAD for the most part...try to avoid them if you can. I had to get serious and really plan my food. I had to set myself up to WIN not fail.
  • sweetxsour35
    You should really try eating a little more. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but a lot of people, myself included, have had very very slow weight loss on low calories, and much better weight loss on more.

    Years ago, I tried to lose weight and only ate about 800 calories a day. I believed in the old "calories in vs calories out" saying and that eating less would give me better results. My progress was so slow, and I felt so lousy during it, that I gave up and went back to my normal way of eating. I would have rathered weigh a little more and be able to eat what I want than feel deprived and hungry to be a little smaller.

    This time around, I wasn't concerned with losing weight, because I was convinced it wouldn't happen for me anyway. So I only cared about my fitness and being able to run as my primary goal. But as it turns out, the weight started to come off. I paid more attention to the numbers, and saw that even though I tried to set my goals to lose 2# a week, I couldn't lose more than 1.3 by the math, and in reality never lost more than 1# a week except when I had a stomach flu. I figured, "If I'm only going to lose a pound a week (which was FINE!), I might as well eat more to get that pound a week." I upped my calories, and then averaged about 1.5# a week! Sometimes more, sometimes less, but I always lost more weight on 1400-1500 calories (plus eating my exercise calories) than I did on 800 and even 1200.

    Give it a try for a few weeks and see how it goes. While eating more, I never felt deprived or hungry, and always had a ton of energy. This is the only time I ever tried to lose weight and succeeded... to the point where I had to say, "Ok, that's enough. I gotta stop losing now!" :smile: And I credit to eating enough.

    I agree. Experiment. Find your sweet spot. Up your intake to 1200, and see how you do. If you feel you could be doing better, try eating around 1300 or 1400.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Looks like you might be in starvation mode. You need to eat those 1200 calories plus your exercise calories! I see days you are under 800 or 900 calories. Most heavy people can loose weight on 1500 calories a day. Your carb level is great, but eat more! Try lots of veggies and meat! You need protein or you will be getting very tired.