

  • Yes I have also gained back about 20 lbs this year and just cant seem to stay motivated. This is my first time on MFP in almost a year but going to start to give it a try again...beginning tomorrow since its almost 6 pm. Good luck with the motivation. Its the only thing thats going to keep you on track.
  • Add me if you like... shadykins
  • Hi Ingot, you can add me if you would like some friends.. shadykins Also ya, just watch out for them, they come up all the time or start one of your own. Good Luck
  • Well if you are too much under your calories your body can be storing everything as fat. Its just as bad to be under by alot as it is to be over too much. You can have the chicken with just a salad or wholegrain rice.
  • Depends if your cooking for others too. I usually eat something totally different then my husband because I like to eat somewhat healthier and I am a huge pasta freak as well. Every week I buy an already cooked rotisserie chicken from WalMart grocery store or one of the other local grocery stores that make them. They are…
  • Ya, what is an NSV?
  • Thats amazing. Your right MFP can change anybodys life and should be just that a lifestyle change. You are great inspiration to everyone and we can all do it. Congratulations. Always looking for more inspirational friends shadykins
  • I am not sure what is happening but please make sure it doesnt discourage you because it will all work out in the end. If you want to target specific areas just type in a google search and it will bring up ways. I remember when I wanted to lose weight and get healthy I actually made an appointment to see my doctor just to…
  • The support is amazing, it is great. Good luck and add me if you like.
  • Good luck with it DMRN0125, there is alot of support on this great...great information. You can add me if you like... shadykins
  • Good Luck Kelly. Add me if you like, shadykins They are a great bunch of motivated people on here...your going to love it
  • Oh ya....LOVE Fergie and Pitbull also anything by Black Eyed Peas. Love them all! I've been exercise (dancing) to music all afternoon when a great song comes on.
  • Hi We arent supposed to advertise other diets or anything on here but one day I googled how to lose weight fast, easy, inexpensive and healthy and what came up was the Harcombe Diet. You can do Phase 1 for 5 days and if you stick to it can lose quite a bit. Its definitely a lifestyle change that I could not stick to but if…
  • Yes you are doing such a great job...way to go and Thanks from all of us.
  • I honestly dont know if its something you should do slowly or just start eating what you are supposed to for calories. Its important to eat the minimum number of calories in a day but that minimum number is for a short person who is small boned. When you signed up for this it probably gave you a number of calories that you…
  • DebWasher, it definitely helps the skin, the hair, heart, brain and more...its one of the best things out there.
  • I have taken Omega 3 for quite some time and still have to take Cholesterol meds. It really depends on your family history, your cholesterol level and what your doctor says. Its great though if you can get rid of meds by a great exercise and diet routine.
  • I personally think everybody should, unless you are getting Omega 3 (fish/salmon) 3 X a week from foods. Make sure you get a suppliement that is Omega 3 and not Omega 6, that is very unncessary and found in all the junk food anyway. You should get 720 mg of DHA in your Omega 3 for health benefits. Read the label because…
  • Exactly what some of the others have said. You should NEVER eat less then 1200 calories a day to lose weight NEVER. Its not healthy for you and your body will start storing fat when it can. Your immune system is down and its so unhealthy. I read some of the food journals of my friends on MFP and have found a couple people…
  • It can be hard if your not used to it thats for sure. Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day and if you high fiber foods that will keep you full longer. Also, make sure you eat the calories it tells you to and dont starve yourself. Fiber foods really do keep you fuller, some foods are empty calories and if…
  • Hi Barbara. You wil love it here at MFP, lots of support and logging in each day helps alot too. Add me if you like... shadykins
  • I agree, this is the place to be. Good Luck on your mini goal if your deteremined and stay focused on your goal you can do it. Log in every day. Add me as a friend if you like... shadykins
  • Me too. I joined 3 weeks ago but couldnt figure out how to do things in it but a week after, checked it out more and love it now. Im on several times every day. I read alot of the different stories people add, I just love it...I really think I am addicted much as facebook. Always looking for more friends.. add…
  • Your going to love it. Log on every day, keep up on your journals, drink lots of wate and lots of friends for support. Im "shadykins" if you want to add me.
  • I agree, even when I have lost the weight in the past, there is always that back fat. I will read tips you are given from others to see what to do with that. Good luck with it and congrats on the wedding.
  • Im in for sure....20 lbs and I will be at goal. I joined about 3 weeks ago but only got serious 1 1/2 weeks ago and have lost 6 lbs. I am going to be 49 in October and a mother of two young men. One who is the father of my 2 lovely grandchildren whom I love and adore. My name shadykins is from my 3 legged beagle that I…
  • Stay focused on the end results, you will both do it. Nothing worth while is easy. Remember, its a lifestyle change not a diet.
  • I agree, theres a lot of support and your going to love it here. You can add me if you like "shadykins"
  • Hi benzgirl1 good luck with MFP, your going to love it. Keep logging in and add friends. You can add me if you like shadykins
  • I think you are doing all the right things. Your calories are pretty high though, Im surprised thats what they suggested for you. I am only 5'1" and when I was 161 lbs I was only consuming 1200 calories. I am 143 lbs now and MFP suggested 1200 calories which is doable. I know the lowest number of calories anybody should…