

  • Not sure what would work best.... do they sell sports bra's that fit? I just wanted to say I wouldn't worry about it affecting your milk. That's all supply and demand :-) So as long as your baby is drinking, your going to keep making it no matter how tight your bra is.
  • I will be making... thanks!
  • Just recieved my order yesterday. French onion dip -> edible with carrots or celery, i got it to dip veggies. So far so good. I think the more eat the the more I may dislike it. lol. Alfredo Sauce -> Was edible. I personally would prefer soya sauce with basil on my pasta to the alfredo. I'll finish the jar though... I just…
  • LMAO... priceless
  • Better than smoking and NOT working out :drinker:
  • I can absolutely vouch for this. If I eat a small breakfast, 150-210 cals, I'm hungry all day. If I eat a big breakfast, 500 cals, I can eat a small lunch and reasonable dinner. Think of times you go out for that 'hangover' breakfast... you're pretty much good for the day ;-)
  • I was just looking at the website... I'm definately willing to try for 0 cals. Like really?!? I expect it to be a little watered down etc BUT... what I'm having a problem with this the ingredients! For example, I looked at the BBQ sauce, the second and third ingredients were tomato paste and and apple cider vinegar. How…
  • I read this and think no wonder I have weight issues! lol
  • OMG birthday oreos! They are good. And here is my list: Salt and Vinegar chips all dressed chips pumpernickle bread and spinach dip Pizza chinese food Any dip Crackers and cheese cheesecake dairy queen blizzards ice cream cake Burgers (Five Guys) Poutine (fry truck) I'm sure there's more ;-)
  • Just keep walking :-) You're not going to gain as long as you adjust your eating. You'll be fine. My feet also go numb/tingly around the 20-25min mark on the elliptical. Do 20, do weights, do 20.. something like that? There's also the dreaded stairmaster... lol
  • Journal Journal Journal!!!! I lie to myself all the time. It's only when I actually write it down and be honest with myself that I see the changes. (also weighing yourself the same day/time each week, your weight can vary through out the day/week. I weight myself every friday morning, without clothes after going to the…
  • I'm sorry you feel this way! I totally understand. Find a new hobby, get out of the house as much as you can. Don't isolate yourself. Find something that you enjoy doing. Maybe time to talk to the doctor? Good luck!
  • Diet pop cake is definately a hit in our house! I also make cool whip to use as a low fat icing.
  • I understand you're getting frustrated but everyone is trying to help. How about you open up your diary, and as long as you've been documenting honestly as you say you are we'll be able to tell you what's up. It's all a matter of calories in/calories out.
  • Hi there. GREAT job on your weight loss! Fantastic. When I reached a weight I was happy with (of course I could lose more too!) I put a number in my head as a 'Warning' number. If I reached this number it was time to Get Serious, cheat less and workout more. It's a great goal/motivator for when you're in that healthy…
  • If you search bodypump within the forum you'll find the formula. It's something like your weight divided by 60 minutes * .04 or something. :-)
  • I wouldn't get to stuck on exactly what you're burning. If it's on the low side that's good. You don't want to over estimate you're effort and then eat more than you burned. Keep up the great work!!! That's quite an achievement.
  • I bring a wrap with me for breakfast. A whole wheat weight waters or body wise wrap. I put a tbsp of crunchy peanut butter and 1/4 of a banana. SOOO delicous. I look forward to breakfast every day! 210 cals.
  • It's better to be conservative then over estimate the amount of calories you're burning :-) I loooooooooooove bodypump!
  • I think it's pretty normal to be +/- 5 lbs depending on what you ate the past couple of days and how much salt intake etc. But hey, good job! Awesome!
  • Nothing bad to say about any of these options. Did depo, I was 1 in 100 women who had excessive hair loss... didn't notice any weight gain. Well I ate like a pig. Buuuut, I would suggest trying the nuvo ring first! I LOVE IT. Why chance side effects with depo if there is any easy alternative?
  • Water, Water and more Water :-) Does the trick for me!
  • I'm no help with the meal replacements, sorry. When I was in the same boat as you I started trying different fitness activites. E.g. going for a 1hr bike ride. Trying Spinning and Step classes at the gym. Anything new that I hadn't done before :-) Good luck!!!
  • Thanks! Looks good so far....
  • I have omlette's (ham and onion) for dinner often with 2 slices Weight Watchers whole wheat toast , 1 tsp of margerine, and 2 pieces of turkey bacon. MMmmmmMM Breaky!
  • How long would you put it in the freezer for until it's ready? Also, how long would you leave it in there for? I guess what I'm getting at, is it a make it and put it in for 15 minutes type thing. Or make a weeks worth on Sunday? :-) I loooooove Banana and PB.
  • Time :-) More time. And lower body fat percentage. If you're still not happy.... just look at your beautiful little boy and be sure to remind him of what he did to your tummy, lol.