How do you set goals when you are in healthy range?

I hit my 2nd weight goal of 159 lbs this morning. I am very happy about this. My intial goal was just to hit a "healthy" weight, under 165. Then I decided 159 would be my next goal as it is easier to maintain mentally, not wanting to go back into the 160's

SO how do I figure out where to go from here?

I still have a good bit of belly fat, so I imagine I could lose more. I am 5'8"/ medium build. I weighed 135 in college, and 150 when I got married (age 23, now I am 37) However I was never in shape then. I am in better shape than I have been in my entire life, and definitely have a lot more muscle.

As winter is setting in, I realize my exercise will be more limited. My hubby works long hours during tax season, and our weather and location is not conducive to outdoor exercise nor do I have gym access. I do have a treadmill, DVD's, and dumbbells, balanced with a 2 year old and 4 year old which can make it tricky to fit in.

I am currently set at a 1 lb/ week loss. Trying to decide if I want to change that to 1/2 pound/wk, and set a goal for 150, which I would hit by April, the end of tax season and my birthday. Or just keep it at 1 lb a week and see where I go? But I am less motivated if I don't have an aim.

Anyway, how do you decide a goal weight when you weigh on the high end of "healthy"


  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I've set NUMEROUS "goals" along the way. I started out roughly where you were, and I have had about 4 goals since.

    Go ahead and set that next goal if you still want to shed some more. Slow isn't a bad way to do it. here's a calculator with some different formulas to find a goal that might work for you.
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I am close to my goal weight too but have a good bit of belly and thigh flab. Was thinking of not setting a weight goal but just track measurements. I love seeing my clothes fit better and that's kept me pretty motivated. Keep it up!!! :)
  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    Hi there. GREAT job on your weight loss! Fantastic.

    When I reached a weight I was happy with (of course I could lose more too!) I put a number in my head as a 'Warning' number. If I reached this number it was time to Get Serious, cheat less and workout more. It's a great goal/motivator for when you're in that healthy range.

    As for deciding to lose more at this point. I'm sure some other users that are close but not quite there will have some suggestions for you :-) Good luck!
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    What about BMI?
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    How I look in my birthday suit! And where I feel comfortable... I ended up losing a few pounds more than originally planned and I am fairly happy here so I have my goals set to lose 1/2 pound a week. I have pretty much been maintaining for two months this way as I go out about twice a week and haven't had time to exercise.

    It gets harder to lose the closer you are to a normal weight. If you go down to 1/2 a pound a week you might lose a lot slower than you think. If you actually want to lost more you should probably stay at a pound a week. I plan to go back to a pound a week when classes are over and I have time to exercise again..
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm at the same point. While MFP gives you estimates (.5 lb loss, 1 lb loss per week) you can go into Custom and change it to whatever you like. I think for me it's .2 weight loss / week or something like that because I don't want to lose anymore. Just maintain. Just change your calories to just below what MFP says your daily intake should be.

    As you mentioned, most of us at our goal weight probably want to tone. For me, I'm doing 30 Day Shred with my sister-in-law and it's working wonders. It's a DVD series and 20 min. a day. Keep in mind though you may gain muscle weight so don't get too upset if you go up a little.
  • DzyIzy
    DzyIzy Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. =) (As for BMI, that is how I judged healthy range. I am at about a 24)
    I'm at the same point. While MFP gives you estimates (.5 lb loss, 1 lb loss per week) you can go into Custom and change it to whatever you like. I think for me it's .2 weight loss / week or something like that because I don't want to lose anymore. Just maintain. Just change your calories to just below what MFP says your daily intake should be.

    As you mentioned, most of us at our goal weight probably want to tone. For me, I'm doing 30 Day Shred with my sister-in-law and it's working wonders. It's a DVD series and 20 min. a day. Keep in mind though you may gain muscle weight so don't get too upset if you go up a little.

    How do you do custom? I normally eat about 1600 calories a day, and that seems good to me (not to hungry, not too full). but 1 lb loss gives me about 1460 and 1/2 lb loss gives me over 1700. My brain registers the number I have left better than the how many I have consumed so I would like to figure out how to set it right around 1600. Then I will know whether I can eat a snack with my hubby when he comes home late from work.

    The 30ds is great. I did my first round of it last month. And am amazed how much I trimmed my middle. Plan to go through it again starting Dec 26th. I am a physical therapist, so I understand the weight increase due to muscle density. I honestly don't care if I lose pounds. But I need some measurable goal to keep me moving to lose the belly. My real goal is to have muscular arms and a toned tummy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You could set it for the mid or low range of "healthy". Or you could make your next goal based on something other than weight (e.g. lose 3 inches from waist, run X miles in Y min, do X pushups, etc.).
  • DzyIzy
    DzyIzy Posts: 22 Member
    Found the custom setting =) That helps
    Or you could make your next goal based on something other than weight (e.g. lose 3 inches from waist, run X miles in Y min, do X pushups, etc.).

    This is a good idea. I really like to run but during winter and tax season am limited to short times (20 to 30 minutes) running on the treadmill (ugh). But I could make a goal to significantly improve my mile time (I am slow lol) Hmmm..... Maybe I wil go for a 9 minute mile....or 2 10 minute miles....I need to see progress at least weekly, this might work. It would motivate me to run, and I understand the the connection between core strength and running ability well enough to motivate me to tone as well. Thanks
  • Hyperspace
    You could set your goal it at some weight you were at in the past, where you looked and felt good.

    Or you could go by body fat percentage. This is more telling than BMI or actual pounds.

    I have a set of skinfold calipers I bought online-- you can google "slim guide skinfold caliper" if you want to find them.

    Anyway, my booklet says that in your age range, a healthy body fat percentage is 15 to 23%.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    You could set it for the mid or low range of "healthy". Or you could make your next goal based on something other than weight (e.g. lose 3 inches from waist, run X miles in Y min, do X pushups, etc.).

    I agree that shifting to different types of goals (something other than a number on the scale) is the way to go. Get your body fat tested and set a goal to reach. Set some fitness goals. Once you reach that "magic" number on the scale, it is a good idea to shift your focus and setting "alternate" goals will give you new things with which to challenge yourself and keep you motivated.

    Good luck to you!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I usually modify mine via My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom.

    Then under "Net Calories Consumed" change it to something that is below your target for the day. Scroll down and click the button "Change Goals" and you will see the Projected Weight Loss change.