Frozen Banana with Peanut Butter

Sometime last week or the week before someone posted about fixing a frozen banana and peanut butter thing. Let me tell you! I tried this and it was DELICIOUS!!! Was absolutely wonderful after my workout, and it cured my sweet tooth! I thank that person for posting that recipe!

I took a medium banana, cut it down the center, put 1 Tbsp. of peanut butter, put it back together, sliced it into chunks, wrapped it then placed it in the freezer. I ate half of it after a workout with my water and it was SOOOOO GOOOOOD!
I definitely recommend trying this!


  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    I Haven't done this with peanut butter yet (Bring on this weekend) but i did do this with banana and nutella and that was GOOD!
  • netgirl224
    Mm..I didnt see the original post but thank you for posting that, it DOES sound delicious. I am a huge Nutella fan so I am guessing that this would be great with Nutella as well ;)
  • steppann
    I saw that post and said to myself I would try that out and then forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to it.
  • Oceanmama
    Oceanmama Posts: 5 Member
    Wow - that's sounds delicious. I am going to try it this week after I get back to the market and get more bananas. I think it would make a terrific desert that would curb my appetite for less healthy treats! Thanks for posting!

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  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    WHat do you wrap it in?
  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    How long would you put it in the freezer for until it's ready? Also, how long would you leave it in there for?

    I guess what I'm getting at, is it a make it and put it in for 15 minutes type thing. Or make a weeks worth on Sunday?
    :-) I loooooove Banana and PB.
  • Sparklewolfie
    I LOVE Peanut Butter and Banana! I am going to try this tomorrow :) Just got some fresh naners!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I've always heard frozen banana is awesome.

    I posted about banana cut in half with PB on it about a week ago how it knocks my sweet tooth.

    Definitely going to try freezing it next time!
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    My mom saw this, too and made it - it's delicious!! She cuts it in coins and whenever she wants something sweet she takes a "coin." The last time I was at her house she gave me one to try - soooooo yummy!!! :-) It's like candy!
  • mismgl83
    mismgl83 Posts: 24 Member
    I saw that one too and have been meaning to try it. I've put it as an appointment on my calendar so I get a reminder later...tomorrow, I'm having frozen banana with peanut butter! Thanks for the reminder!
  • melodious2878
    Wow, two of my favorite things! Definitely will try this. Thanks for posting!

  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    I just bought bananas going to try that, sounds delicious! I love frozen grapes those are a great snack too. Someone posted a recipe for homemade nutella that sounded good. Going to try making that this weekend.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I wrap the banana in wax paper before I put it inside my freezer baggies.
  • boweg
    boweg Posts: 16 Member
    I can't wait to try this! I have my banana in the freezer right now. I'll have it for a snack later. I like the idea of cutting into coin size pieces and eating it throughout the day!
  • jmbarragan
    jmbarragan Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the post. Sounds wonderful. i just committed to no sweets for 6 months so this will definately help!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Put my Banana and PB in the freezer this morning. :bigsmile:

    Will be ready just in time for dessert :tongue: