Weight lifting & Vegan
I've just committed to being vegan for health reasons, anyone on here vegan & into weight lifting? I lift heavy 4 times per week & really hope my diet will contribute to my strength & reduce the time it can take to recover from training. Any experiences?
Thinner Leaner Stronger - Mike Matthews
Has anyone read the Thinner Leaner Stronger book by Mike Matthews, Muscle for Life? I've just started to follow his 5 day a week training plan and really liking the format!
Does it really make a difference when you eat carbs...
Currently I'm wanting to see whether there is any benefit to eating the majority of my carbs around my workouts. I currently eat between 300-350g per day, spilt into 4 meals & 2 snacks. Each meal equates to at least 60g carbs, obviously one of these meals are post workout. Thoughts please
Using IIFYM calculations
It decided today to look at increasing calories in an attempt to gain weight. Has anyone any feedback or opinions on how effective the IIFYM concept is?
What's your favourite type of Squat?
Over the last few months I've learnt many squat variations: Front Back Box Overhead Goblet Prisoner Sumo Spilt Bulgarian Spilt Narrow What's your favourite? I'm a huge fan of the goblet, box & spilt squats! I love nothing more than feeling my entire body engage!
5x5 strong lifts
Considering starting the 12 week 5x5 strong lift programme. Has anyone (females) any thoughts or feedback?
Online Sports nutrition diploma - Groupon Offer
hello, has anyone looked or studied this online course? Any thoughts/feedback would be appreciated. https://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/shaw-academy-693 thanks
Extreme hunger after leg workout...
does anyone experience extreme hunger cues after a gruelling leg workout consisting of squats, deadlifts, lunges etc?
Sacral Torsion - Left Posterior
anyone differed with a sacral torsion fracture on their left side?
Low Impact HIIT workouts?
Has anyone any recommendations for low impact HIIT workouts? I've strained my lower back deadlifting this week, enjoyed a 20 min HIIT Stationary Bike workout today - 30 sec full whack with 30 sec active recovery!
Rest Days & Listening to your body!
After following my intense 8 week training plan of being heavily active for 6 days a week I am taking a short rest break. Mum focussing on doing mindful forms of exercise such as walking & yoga over the next few days. What does everyone else do during rest breaks?
Vegan Bean & Vegetable Chilli
after following an 8 week intense training programme I am going to take a deload week, I have a question - should I keep consuming the same TDEE? Or reduce to reflect the reduced levels of activity?
Gaining muscle limited fat gains
after successfully gaining weight to my restored weight following a short spell of anorexia Ive managed to gain approximately 5-6 pounds of muscle since January by eating in a calorie surplus. I'm now following an intense strength & hypertrophy training programme to gain muscle and I've been incorporating short bursts of…
Sweet Potato & Ground Turkey Chilli
perfect meal with a good balance of carbs (30g & proteins (33g) Serves 4: 500g less than 2% fat turkey breast mince 150g raw sweet potato 200g yellow/orange bell peppers 400g tinned chopped tomatoes 1 large red onion 240g red kidney beans 1 tsp paprika, chilli powder, cayenne pepper Brown onion & Turkey mince and add…
What's your favourite 20 minute HIIT Workout?
currently I am doing short 20 minute bursts of HIIT at the end of my weight lifting training 3-4 times a week. I've been following a simple routine but mixing up the weight based element to enhance the weight training I've completed. For example today, I was doing an Upper Pull Work consisting of heavy deadlifts, rows,…
Protein packed overnight oats!
Here you go! 70g porridge oats 100g cooked quinoa 150g Fage Greek Yog 0% fat 200ml almond milk 1 tsp chia seeds Mixed together & place in the fridge to set for at least 4 hours! Top with berries & nuts! Basic macronutrients are: 67g carbs, 29g proteins & 8g fat with no topping
Drop Set Leg Exercises - Recommendations Pl
hey! I am following an 8 weeks weight training programme, tomorrow I will be focusing on my anterior (quads) the workout includes 5x3 back/front squats with high box jumps, box squats, barbell step ups, defending sets of leg presses & extensions & overhead lunges. To end I usually burn out my quads with a killer EMOM for…
Help - Need to know my TDEE
Female Aged 25 Height: 168 cm Weight: 128 pounds Aim: Maintain Weight Activity Levels: walk on average 10,000 steps per, weight lift intense (Strength & Hypertrophy super sets, active recovery in-between sets such as Jump Rope) 4-5 times per week with a 5km weekly run Typcially, I perform better on a higher carb diet so…
Female Weight & Strength Training
I have a PT who is absolutely fantastic at teaching me new exercises and has developed me a personalised 4 day a week, 8 week training programme consisting of 2 upper & 2 lower workouts. I am wanting to know whether more strong 5*5 sets would enable my muscles to become more defined. any tips? My programme covers at least…
Rest Days & Active Recovery
hey I lift weights 4 times a week following a training programme, what do you all for active recovery? And on rest days do you reduce your food intake?
Do heavy weighted ab exercises make your waist grow wider?
Anyone able to advise? I'm an pretty lean (13.3% body fat), able to do heavy weight ab exercises such as Barbell Russian Twists, weighted ab crunches, kneeling & standing cable crunches, wood choppers etc. my abs are becoming defined but I'm aware my waist doesn't appear to be getting smaller. Any advice on what to do...
Scallop Recipes Anyone!
Can anyone recommend any recipes for scallops? I'd prefer not to have them with pasta, any recommendations much appreciated!
Home Body Weight Tabata Workouts!
I've been doing my staple Tabata workouts from home now for a few weeks, finding them quite easy now! Can anyone recommend new routines? Mine usually consist of jumping jacks, sumo squats, narrow squats, tuck jumps, burpees, mountain climbers, dips, crunches etc! Thanks
Should you change workout routines?
I've been following a push/pull upper body workout programme for 4 weeks now with 2 lower body workouts per week. Does anyone recommend changing the programmes after a period of time? Feeling my body knows what's coming in each workout and I need to shake it up! Any recommendations? I always start with a compound exercise…
Macro Ratio for Female Mesomorph
hi everyone, looking for some advice! What breakdown would you recommend for my macros, (I know how many calories I need daily) my body shape is mesomorph and my aim is to build lean muscle limiting the amount of fat I gain. I weight train 4 times per week incorporating full body/compound movements, run 5km 1-2 times per…
Interval HIIT Sprints - Treadmill
looking for some workout recommendations, today I did 1minx10 with 30 rest on the treadmill today. Running at a peace of 14km per hour with a decent incline. Loved the workout, would like some recommendations on how long I should do this for and how frequently. Aim for doing this workout is to improve my overall fitness…
Hey I'm Hannah!
Hey everyone, thought I'd introduce myself after starting to post a few discussions on various boards! I've been using MFP for a number of years now and have only just learnt how to use the app effectively with food & exercise! Looking forward to connecting with you all and finding out lots about you! Hannah
Safely how can I shift my macros to drop my body fat safely?
Currently intaking carbs: 300g proteins: 120g fats: 50g female, active 4 strength workouts with a little Tabata every few days. On average gaining 1 pound of muscle per month, body fat around 20%. Considering increasing my fats and dropping my carbs on rest days to try and shed a little more body fat to allow for more ab…
Weak Hip Flexors
Hi, I have recently been training with a qualified PT to help me build lean muscle, I've made excellent progress until now! After consistently gaining 1 pound of muscle per months for the last 4 months. In the last 2 weeks I have struggled with pain in my hips, squatting has been uncomfortable (both front squat at 20kg for…