A body positive article for men
Looks like men can be fit and fat! Lets hear it for these BHM slaying it on the field! http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/02/04/465569465/if-bmi-is-the-test-of-health-many-pro-athletes-would-flunk
Knees are a little achey today...
I've been walking or jogging 6-7 days a week for the last few months. Mostly on concrete. Today, my knees are a little achey. This is not something I've experienced to this intensity until today. On a scale of 1-10(1 being minor and 10 being intense) I'd say it's a low 3 right now. I've had 1s and 2s days. I will probably…
What areas of the body change when bulking?
I have a few pants that I bought within the last 6 months that are now 3 sizes too big for me. I'm wondering, though, if I were to consider bulking/cutting phases, would increasing my muscle mass also increase my waist size? I don't know if I want a thicker waist than I have now...
Devil Worship and Intervention
Has anyone migrated their taste preferences away from soda, candy, and cakes to fruit and sweet vegetables? Was this a choice you had to commit to, or did it suddenly happen for you, like it did for me? Background is below, feel free to skip. My SO really likes sugar, is pre-diabetic and on medication. I realize there's…
Losing weight for external validation???
A friend sent me this YouTube link today. I know, i know, someone seeking attention and feels their opinion should be broadcast will release videos like this one. My question, though, is: how many of the mfp community have successfully kept their weight off for more than 3 years had an external validation source in mind…
So I'm overweight. 5'9 and ~176 lbs. My body fat percentage according to dxa scan results today have me at 12.4. Visually, i look like I'm between the 20 and 25% body fat for men according to the pics of men's body fat% found online and on these forums Losing weight at this point should be about fat loss and not muscle…
lowering the deficit
Hi errbody, I've been reading a lot of the posts on these forums, and have a few questions I'm hoping to get some feedback/answers on. As I near goal weight, I understand it's recommended that my deficit lowers to 250 cal/day, and I should stick to that deficit until goal weight/maintenance. Some posts suggest reviewing…
Can you guesstimate my bodyfat %?
Please :-)
Weight loss lean mass to fat mass ratio question
I understand my bodyfat measurements are probably inaccurate because I'm relying on a digital scale for my data. I seem to have lost more in lbm than fat mass since a month ago. Is that a normal thing with other people at ~20lbs from normal bmi?
Ever get bad advice from a professional?
I'll share: One year ago, my doctor was flabbergasted at how fat I got, and the weight reading on his scale. I was 100 lbs heavier than normal weight for my height and gender. He told me, almost verbatim, "Stop eating! Just stop. Go talk to Carol at reception, she used to be a nutritionist." Carol is now a medical billing…
How are you weighing salt?
The nutritional label for this container of table salt says there's around 590mg of sodium in 1.1g of salt. I put the container of salt on my scale, and tare it so that at its full weight, it's 0 grams. I pour some salt out, to what I'd imagine is 1 gram, and the scale doesn't register the 1 gram. I keep pouring more and…
Bodyweight (Calisthenics) vs. Heavy Lifting
So I've been doing some calisthenics for strength training. I know I've not been getting all my muscle groups, and would like to change that. Has anyone any suggestions on good bodyweight/calisthenics routines that can be done 3 times a week that would give comparable results to weight lifting? I have a bench and some…
Water goal
I found this article today from "Medical Daily" which suggests Harvard Health has published a letter recommending 30-50 ounces of water a day, and soups, drinks, all liquids count towards the 30-50 recommendation. http://www.medicaldaily.com/how-much-water-should-you-drink-each-day-4-6-glasses-ideal-researchers-say-344822…
Met all macros for the day, and have spare calories in budget to use
What would you do with your spare calories?