Ramadan, fasting, MFP, and you. A guide
I am writing this short guide in regards to the month of Ramadan in hopes that it will come in handy to many of the MFPers who will be observing it and will be fasting. For anyone not aware, a brief explanation of Ramadan is that Ramadan is a lunar month where Muslims fast (that is, no drinking (even water), no eating, no…
lifting is the most horrible thing to a woman since Twiggy
Hi I’m taunto. You might remember me from threads such as “How to get hot chicks over the internet” or threads about how make your everyday tampon into a deadly weapon! But today, I am here not to talk about me. I’m here to address something else. I am here to talk to the ladies of MFP about ways to avoid ruining your…
Interviewing MFP legends: MireyGal76 (unedited)
This is a small series of interviews conducted with certain MFP’ers who have been active in the community for a while now and are seen by many MFP users as knowledgeable, inspiring and in general, legends. Today I am interviewing MireyGal76. She is considered by many to have the ideal body. She can kick most of our butts…
Interviewing MFP legends: SideSteel
This is a small series of interviews conducted with certain MFP’ers who have been active in the community for a while now and are seen by many MFP users as knowledgeable, inspiring and in general, legends. Todays guest is SideSteel. He is one of the people here who needs no introduction. He is an amazing dad who just had a…
Interviewing MFP legends: MireyGal76
This is a small series of interviews conducted with certain MFP’ers who have been active in the community for a while now and are seen by many MFP users as knowledgeable, inspiring and in general, legends. Today I am interviewing MireyGal76. She is considered by many to have the ideal body. She can kick most of our butts…
Diabetes, sugar, ETP, and MFP
please read the tl;dr version at the bottom if you prefer. This post gets drifted a bit I met a dear friend of mine who I have known from US. He is a big fan of ice cream. He is actually the one who I can blame for my addiction of ice cream. However this time when I met him, after eating the main course, I started going…
Why is bacon...
discussed so much on this site? I mean seriously? That thing is incredibly disgusting and so fatty and unhealthy for human body. Bacon is full of fat, pigs are filthy animals that roll around in mud all day and are incredibly unhygienic. Lets keep this site free of disgusting foods that are bad for us and taste and smell…
The world of warcraft thread
Long time wow addict here. Friends were bugging me to come back to a pvp based private server but since I've quit wow since early MOP, I figured I'd stay away. But it did got me to the memory lane. In remembrance of WOW, I thought I shall make a wow thread and see what other players favorite thing in the game were? What…
Do you have a belly?
Original image on left, touched-up image on right. What if everyone knew that the bodies we idolize in print are fabrications? Do you have a belly and thighs? So does this model. [img]https://fbcdn_sphotos_g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/554582_439557089401694_1760689903_n.jpg[/img]
My target weight should be? (Men only)
Question for fellow men: How much should I target my goal weight at? I am a 5 feet 9 inches male. I am not looking (currently) to be ultra ripped or anything, just trying to get into a reasonable range and toned up. I am gonna try to ignore BMI and other recommended weigh suggestion because I know everybody is different…
Whole milk vs. 1% milk
I am kinda interested to know if there are any disadvantages to drinking regular full-fat milk vs. 1% milk? So far I've stuck with 1% or on occasions with 2% milks but I'm now debating about going the regular milk route. From what I gather these are the nutrition differences I can see that can affect me in a glass of milk…
Need a new Android phone. Suggestions?
I plan to buy a new smartphone soon. I will be using it for everything. From managing my calender to retrieving my mail to writing notes to playing the latest system heavy games. I am not a fan of Apple so iPhone is definitely out. I was thinking about either "HTC one", "Samsung Note 3", or "Samsung Galaxy S4. I dig all 3…
I judge people
who eat sea food and / or pop tarts. And hippies.
MFP computer care thread.
Hi guys. I thought with the vast community we have here, that we need a thread about general computer repair and maintenance and possibly some tips about making your experience with this handy machine a bit more pleasant. I will start off with some basics. Periodically I will update the main post with more info with the…
What brings you here?
Most of us are here for fitness. And even if currently you're not on track, a lot of us still like to log in to seek motivation/support and just bathe in the awesomeness of fit peeps. But on occasion I see folks who are not here for fitness. They are very clear about it and while I love seeing them here (they are typically…
So I hear MFP likes Indian food
It comes up often enough. Inquiries about Indian cuisine so I figured I’d write a little bit about it. Indian cuisine consists of a very large variety but we will focus on the generally offered menu in a typical restaurant which usually serves Punjabi, Delhi, Hyderabadi and Bombay menu. In order to keep the thread a wee…
Who else loves chocolate?
I has a fix! Recipe: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/33237/amazing+maltesers+cake Recipe: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/5224/the+ultimate+chocoholics+muffin Recipe: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/19107/white+and+dark+chocolate+tiramisu Recipe: http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/chocolate-mint-bars-10000001714574/ Recipe:…
Few reasons why counting calories is awesome
taunto, 52 lbs lost: downsizinghoss Marekdds, 61 years old: sk2775 Cold_steel Railr0aderTony The list of people goes on and on. Counting calories work Post your awesome loss since calorie counting!
ladies, please recognize.
You gals with your drooling over every muscular guy is hurting the credibility of real men. Real men have curves. recognize. I just don't understand this new trend. Seriously
Ladies are the rumors true about us Asian Guys?
Are all the rumors about us true? Do we all remind you of a certain loveable Simpsons character? Or your Dell tech support? Or your local caring Doctor?
I ate 4 Candy Bars, 2 Ice cream and 3 cans of Soda
Because I'm a grown man. Suck on that childhood!
How be a better man to your woman!
Don’t ever tell her she looks thin or fit. She’s gonna want money to buy new clothes. Tell her she’s fat. Feeling-bad-about-being-chubby-and-being-thankful-she-got-a-man-in-her-life sex is awesome! Anytime she gets on a diet (which would be anytime you stupidly allow her out of the kitchen to fetch a magazine) , just start…
Can't Embrace my ugliness
I am just ...sick of.. And not at all flattered...to be called a guy with "nice eye lashes". Women constantly walk up to me and say "you have such beautiful eye lashes". Your thoughts on if that is a compliment or jab? I mean, what about the rest of me? Aren't I a pretty man? Are they trying to call me ugly without saying…
Hugh Jackman lifts
Just thought I'd share this. Seems like 185 kg (407 lbs) he's Deadlifting PS. Hulk still lifts more.
Paula Deen ain't got nothing on us Asians
Here is a preview of my diet. Today might be the last day of Ramadan and here is my dinner: Chicken Karhai: made with chicken cooked in butter then mixed in with spices fried in butter and then topped off with heavy cream. And with some green pepper because... ya know... you need veggies Puri: flour made into dough with…
Eid Mubarak
Hope anyone observing Ramadan had a very blessed and successful Ramadan. May we all continue to have blessings upon us.
Asian burritto
Moving back in Asia I miss Mexican food the most. So today I decided to make me some burritto and introduce my family to some Mexican cuisine (they get to eat this in a couple of hours) 1 Roti (Indian flat bread because we don't have tortillas here) 2-3 tbsp Rice (Rice was boiled then I added some cilantro, lime, black…
What if I told MFP ...
That All the girl scout cookies are available all year long by Keebler. Thin mints = Grasshopper Samoas = Coconut dreams Tagalong = Fudge Shoppe Peanut butter Filled