I have recently discovered Chobani and YoGreek brand Greek yogurt. Love the protein, hate the carbs. I especially love the ones that come with granola. I have only tried strawberry or strawberry banana flavors and am not big on spending money on something without trying it, so I have thought maybe yall could suggest your…
Fluctuating weight throughout day.
I know the golden rule is to weigh in the morning after you wake, first thing. I was very excited this morning when I saw that I was down nearly 10 pounds from where I recently started. Only I weighed myself an hour ago just for ****s and giggles and it was 6.5 pounds heavier than this mornings result. Is that normal?
Dietary supplement: Weider's Fat Burners
Just wondering if anyone has tried these and felt they helped their metabolism or anything at all?
Trucker arms/"ARMPIT BOOBS" haha.
Okay, so I can handle getting rid of the belly, and the thighs and maybe even the chin, but I need HELP getting rid of these dang fat blobs that stick out of the pits of my tank tops and my bathing suit. Does anyone know any specific exercises to help with this?
Eastern NC?
Just wondering if there any other folks on here from my general area-- Eastern North Carolina. Reply if you are, maybe we can have a group of our own! :wink:
Date tonight (So nervous!) Update--
I couldn't find my old thread, so anyone who I left hanging on the last one, I'm sorry! I've been sooo busy-- BUT, there was a second date. And a third. And a couple of amazing kisses. Things are going well. He wants to take me out on his motorcycle sometime soon-- eek! :bigsmile:
Holy CRAP, peanuts!
So I stopped by the farmer's market this morning for some healthy snacks, and bought what I thought would be a good choice-- raw peanuts. They're a favorite of mine, and I indulged a bit. I'm not entirely sure how many I ate, but I think it was between half and a full cup-- I just went to put it on my food diary and HOLY…
I don't know if anyone remembers, but here's an update.
I was very active here this past summer, and a few of you were following my little romance with a new guy-- Well, he's a dud, officially. My ex & I have been together again since August and I have never been happier. I just wanted to give an update for anyone who happened to actually remember me!
Luna bars!
I just discovered these yummmmmmy bars in the health food section of my grocery store and decided to try them.. So far, the Apple Cinnamon, Peanut Butter Cookie, and Iced Oatmeal Raisin have rocked my world. They're wonderful for breakfast with a glass of milk, or as an afternoon snack. Anyone else love them?
I have started losing weight again. Boys, cover your eyes-- I am amazed, because I am on my period, and instead of gaining like usual, I've been losing. I love this, haha! I hope I have finally blasted through my plateau!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
I'm losing it.
And not weight. I'm losing my motivation and willpower and determination. I haven't exercised in over a week. Ugh. I feel gross but I barely care beyond that. I gotta be like Stella and get my groove back. :laugh:
Natural nausea remedy?
I know it's kinda unrelated to weight loss and such, but I've had bad nausea all day and would love a natural remedy or 2 to try. You guys got any?
Date tonight! (So nervous!)
I have my first date tonight since my boyfriend and I broke up a little over a month ago. I bought a new outfit, and painted my nails, and am so nervous! Wish me luck, y'all!
I met my first mini goal!
I'm down to 180! :bigsmile:
So FREAKING frustrated.
So, since jan. 1st of this year, I have lost 30 pounds. 30! I can tell I've lost weight in my face a little bit, and my thighs have gotten skinnier, but my belly REFUSES to shrink. I can hardly tell a difference. I think I may have lost an inch total in my waist, which just doesn't seem like much for almost 7 months of…
Favorite work-out music.
I am in a serious rut, and am looking for something to inspire me. I was hoping y'all could come by here, and let me know some of your favorite work-out songs, I need some new jams. :bigsmile:
Bicycling enthusiasts?
Just wondering if there is anyone on here whose main exercise focus is biking? I try to ride at least 10 miles a day, and am working on my endurance. I'm up to 21 in just under 2 hours... Anyone else here a biker? Please let me know, I'd love to have someone to swap gripes and tips with!
Your favorite low-cal snack foods!
Whatever they are. I work the graveyard shift, and for about 10 out of 12 hours at work, I am sitting on my bum. I used to just stuff my face while I was there, but no more. So I need help staving off the junk with some healthy options, if the munchies get the best of me. Come on, y'all, help a girl out. :bigsmile:
Interesting article. (Eat This, Not That)
http://eatthis.womenshealthmag.com/articlesDetail.php?1.-Worst-Packaged-Food-in-America-849=&page=1 Check it out. It compares & contrasts different items you'd buy at the supermarket, and tells you what they REALLY contain. The fat in one Pillsbury Big Deluxe Classics White Chunk Macadamia NutFat is equivalent to 5 "fun"…
Ab exercises?
I'm at work, and am sitting on my bum 'til about 6am. I'm trying to find some effective ab exercises to do with my free time on the job. :bigsmile: Anyone have any suggestions?
Need help-- Wild Whiskey Burger calories?
For the life of me, I cannot find out the caloric content for a Wild Whiskey Burger from Texas Steakhouse. The website for Texas says they're in the process of updating and will have nutritional information soon. I tried googling and couldn't find anything. Does anyone on here possibly know how many calories are in one of…
Green Tea
I'm not a big fan, but I can stand it. I've heard a lot of positive things about it, especially when combined with a diet. Should I be drinking it?
Quick, fast & HEALTHY foods?
I work nights, from 8pm-8am. 12 hour shifts with nothing to do leave LOTS of time to be bored and hungry. I try to just drink water when I'm not hungry and have had success so far in not over-snacking, but there are times when I am starved and need something quick to put together that's still nutritious. Lately I've been…
Waist trimmer belt?
Has anyone actually tried this? It's a big belt w/ velcro that you put on when you work and is supposed to help trim your waist. Are these worth investing in, or just another gimmick? Help! :) Thanks in advance!
Hey y'all!
I have looked for so long to find a site like this, I'm so excited! Call me a nerd, I don't care. :) I'm DeAnna, and I'm 22. I weighed 208 on New Year's and decided that was the heaviest I would ever be, and started eating healthy the next day. I'm down to 190, and stuck! I started biking-- I'm hoping to be able to compete…