

  • As a photographer, I can tell you, noone is going to notice those last few pounds but you. And you are way too hard on yourself, I promise. We all are. I'm glad you had them done! Any photographer worth the money would be able to capture you at your best possible, anyway.
  • And don't worry about sounding harsh! Just bc I have to weigh daily doesn't mean I need to keep checking. Thanks yall! :)
  • I have to weigh myself daily for a journal for my orthopedist, as part of my physical therapy. It sucks. Haha.
  • I go through about a gallon a day.
  • I realize that pills don't really work, and that it is not the healthiest option. In the past year and 3 months I've lost total 40 lbs through only healthy choices and exercise. However I'm on a plateau and need an extra boost, however unhealthful I'm afraid, to break through to the other side. Please spare me the lecture.
  • I'm just glad Morehead finally got a Ross! Haha.
  • Yeah, Jacksonville's where all the shopping is around here. Haha.
  • I'm putting scratch off tickets in my family's stocking this year.
  • Why is everyone hating on cucumbers? No, they're not something you want to make a meal out of or base your nutrition off of, but they are not bad for you. At least she is making a healthy decision, cucumbers are better than french fries or other fried foods, and tons of other stuff, no?
  • So, I am proud to say that I just walked for about 2 and a half hours, and biked for about 15 minutes. Feeling MUCH better now!
  • Oh girl, I don't usually do this but I'm running a special so if you know anyone around here who needs pics done before Christmas, send 'em to my website-- www.fomphoto.wordpress.com -- in case you know anyone in the area. :) So how long have you been in newport? Do you hate it yet? Haha.
  • Instead of going for a walk or anything I'm still sitting here, AND just ate a bologna sandwich. I know I need to get up and go, I just can't make myself do it.
  • I hear that. I was biking 20+ miles every few days back in July, and now to just go a few is torture. I have yet to go on the walk I've planned for today, too.
  • I'm down, Mine is public, but yeah, mine only has what I've eaten today in it, Hopefully I will be better about logging!
  • I was going to Sportscenter but can't really afford it anymore. I wanna try out the 24/7 gym-- that might be the snap fitness one? Not sure. I don't do Gold's 'cause of their contracts. I mostly just ride my bike and run-- living on a long farm town road has it's perks, like lack of traffic. haha.
  • Hahah, well I actually live in Newport but if you're not from here, you have no idea where that is. Most people know the beach, so I went with that. I cannot believe there's another Newporter in here! Small world. Haha.
  • Ahhh, but I don't wanna get up off this couch!
  • I recall one cake I didn't like. But it was a long time ago. Haha. French fries, toast, potato chips-- those things are MY weakness.
  • I meant jog. Haha. Not job.
  • Oh gosh! Having an empty house is even worse. I'm in the same boat. And I know there's about a million things I could- and need- to do, but I have zero energy to do it. I'm about to go for my first bike ride or job in a while-- haven't decided which yet.
  • I was just about to say, mrs. dash is amazing if you wanna cut out sodium. Fresh herbs and lemons make excellent seasonings as well.
  • I'm at Atlantic Beach, soon to be Raleigh in a few months.
  • I smell a group coming on.
  • Breakfast of champions, don'tcha know. :)
  • I just got back on here for the first time in months, so I don't know, but it's possible you had a dilemma that noone had a solution to, or even that it was something that is seen alot on the boards-- have you tried reading other threads? I wish you the best of luck wherever you go!
  • Holy moly. You're my hero. I am no match for cake.
  • I'm sending you a mental hug right now. I lost 32, and now I'm back up 13. Yo yo, anyone? I feel your pain. I'm such a boredom eater, it's disgusting. Just stay here and talk to us mfp'ers, screw the food! :laugh:
  • Can we please be best friends? Haha. Seriously, though, this is ME. I never had babies, but aside from that, me me me. I did really well for almost 6 months and lost 32 pounds-- Got a boyfriend and gained 13 of it back. I do really well here and there now, but my ambition is gone and I can't stand to look at myself…
  • Okay, people! Haha. So, I kinda fell off the wagon with the whole eating well thing. The guy I was gushing about in previous posts on this thread... Well, he fell through. Apparently, I'm 'too nice' to date, and he needed to date other girls so he could be ready to settle down with me. Needless to say, I am no longer…
  • I love this! Great idea. My boyfriend just recently (one week ago, actually, sigh.) moved about 3 hours away from me. 'One day at a time' has been my mantra for the past 7 days-- Just putting one foot in front of the other. Just for today, I am going to cross off the things I have on my to-do list that are within my…