Ice Cream Review - Anti Starvation mode thread
Finally got to try to Breyer's Salted Caramel Truffle gelato. Ate half the container for about 700 calories. Good creamy consistency, ample caramel sauce and truffle flavor with the right amount of chocolate bits. A bit too sweet on the finish, but well worth the calories. I still prefer the Breyer's Waffle Cone ice cream…
I'm not talking to you (the passive aggressive game)
In honor of those people who like to indirectly express their displeasure with a person while still trying to seem friendly or such, let's take a moment to say it here instead. You can be direct and not worry about it even (shock and awe!) I am not talking to you I'll start... Thank you for all that creative input on how…
Video Selfie - Da Velfie Thread
We've had selfies, more selfies, even more selfies, posting what you look like at any given moment, throwbacks, gifs, and my voice thread had a really good run there, but I do not recall a video vanity thread. I know I have thrown out the challenge in the past and a few have posted vids, but meh...I think it deserves more…
You are defined by your mug
I think anyone who drinks coffee has a mug, cup, or vat for the hard-core that is an extension of their personality. So show us your mug, or mugs!
Chael's PChop Thread
I am a designer and technologist of sorts (read, uber geek and nerd with a good eye for mashup) and one of my favorite things to do is play around in Photoshop. It helps me hone skills for overlay, blending, lighting, color matching, textures, and more. With the current suit picture that came off too real, I thought I…
Chael's Gif thread
This is mine.
Voice Thread - Let's hear those melodious tones.
Did this years and years ago becuase I always made up voices in my head of everyone, but I wanted to know what they REALLY sounds like. Can't find that for a threadsurrection, so new thread started. You can simply use vocaroo.com to record and share a link. :) Post up! http://vocaroo.com/i/s1nuyyrajcju Adding encouragement…
Sunny and 80 - Be jealous!
Just a quick note for all you winter sufferers, that this is what Sunday was like in Arizona. Had my sun tan lotion on so I didn't get burned. Carry on with that snow and freezing temps y'all. :D
Shape Scale 3D scanning
Just came across this. Kind of a cool idea if it works well and takes away the guess work of measuring and such. Check it out. Shape Scale
Tell me how you like it...
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Can I get 50 Views (The anit-500 thread)
In an effort to boycott the 500 view thread I would like to encourage you to post and visit here to show your support and rally against such blatant attention horsing. I prefer you also like my initial post and send me words of encouragement to sooth my soul. Thanks. The Management.
Net Neutrality - Opinions.
So Net Neutrality died what I can only gather as a pretty silent death the other day. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the yay or nay of it?
Lost to Love (Wutchoo want back!)
The majority of us have lived, loved, and lost over the years. And when I say lost, I mean those situations you get into a more serious relationship and some goods change hands. Then, things faulter and you break up, but you don't get that something back. This could be something you left after moving out, something you…
Like this, do this, post this, persona above you...GAH!!!!!!
How I feel on FB and in the Fun and Games threads.
What's the best gif you ever got?
Do you even gif, bro?
If you want untan & disproportionate friends..
Anyone else read that other thread title wrong? Do you even squat in the sun, bro?
I just ate a 2 week old salad....
Will I die? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] You're and idiot [ ] ______________________
Men's comfortable dress shoe...
I have spent a lot of money on shoes over the years, up to some hand-made Italian kicks that were stupidly expensive. But i always come back to the Dockers Trustee Oxfords as the best, most comfortable, bang for the buck. I usually pick them up around $55 or less. But I am always open to suggestions. Do you have a favorite…
Interpretting MFP Ads...
Weird stuff sometimes. Post this on my status this morning but thought I would ad visuals. What are they trying to sell? lol. Don't have the Vaseline ad, but you get the idea.
Because MelMel is a Wonder...
WOMAN! @melmelw03 Since I promised. Have an AMAZING day chica.
Finally completed my first Whole 30!
Feel much better now.
The Art of Fullfilment - Motivating video
What is in Front of you? Post a pic!
Selfies are all fine, but where are you? What do you see? What is in front of you? Post your pics
Is divorce on the rise?
Anecdotally, I think it is. At least around me for people at this 40+ stage of life. If I read statistics though it seems it is on par without too much shift the last several years (still going up). What do you think is the cause?
It is not where you are in health, but who you are as a whole...
It is funny after spending a weekend with a bunch of sixth grade boys and girls, how apparent it is that marketing is too strong in shaping the values and thoughts that we ALL have about ourselves. I especially feel for the young girls I see, all lovely in who they are, but so many have been socialized to feel less than…
Just a funny video
Meh, This mixes my geekiness with epic fails! Well played editor...well played. Epic Vines
Dove Hunting
First opening day I have missed in I don't know how many years. Anyone get out today?