Couch to 5k...
I just figured out that I can get this for free... =p Does it work? I've been going on my treadmill.. not running but walking pretty fast for up to 40 minutes.. Should I do Couch to 5k along with my normal routine? Also can I/ how would I track it on here?
NSV!!! =)
Okay, I work on the freight team every Wednesday morning.. I get up at 3 am, and get to work at 4.. Usually I'm tired as hell and want to fall out asleep. This week, I had so much energy I din't know what to do with myself!! I wasn't sleepy feeling or anything. I was moving box's like NOTHING. I got all of my freight DONE.…
What the he** does it mean?? O.O I've been on here about 5 weeks and see it on all these threads..but I can't figure out what y'all mean.
I'm getting worried O.O
I have been going 5 weeks. I do notice changes..my leg and ab muscles are a lot stronger... I can FIND them now =p and my boyfriend said my butt looks different..and he told me today that I had a roll under my arms on my back this has gotten a lot less noticeable.. I don't know why but I still feel like I'm never gonna see…
Sugar, track it..or not?
Most of the sugar I eat comes from fruit.. Is it necessary to track it? I did choose to track it earlier..because I noticed how much I was eating.. I don't have any health issues to wear I would need to know how much I'm eating. You can see my diary.. I eat fruit.. and that puts me over.. Suggestions? Does it make that big…
Fairly New.. Want local friends =)
I've been on here for about 4 weeks now.. I have found very helpful and supportive friends!! I'm 20 years old living in Myrtle Beach, SC. I started at 214, my highest weight was 216 =( I currently weigh 193.8! My goal is 140, possibly lower. I would like to find some friends on here that are a little closer to home.. =)…
If you could say anything to someone...
that is currently Over weight, meaning 30 or so pounds, Someone Obese Someone Morbidly obese.. what would you say? This is w/o fear of hurting feelings, or getting hurt or anything like that.. just something you have learned so far that you would want to say to someone. Just curious.
I get to post NSV!! =)
I've had this pair of jogging pants for a few years.. the past year or so they've been hanging in my closet. Last night I had NOthing to wear. I grabbed them, I didn't wanna but them on because they were SO tight on me last time..., I put them on, They FIT. =) Not tight at all!! This also happened with a pair of capri…
A serving of Chicken...
I don't have a food scale, and I can't afford to just go buy one right now.. until I can go buy one what is the best way to figure a serving of chicken? I've got a pack on boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the fridge and I wanted to go ahead and cut them up so I can freeze them.. I just don't know how much I should…
Body Fortress Whey Protein
How many teaspoons/ tablespoons is in ONE scoop?? =/ My scoop seems to have gone MIA. =( I don't wanna guess and put too much or too little..
Protein Shakes.. =) Again..
I've made protein shakes with one scoop of body fortress whey protein.. 2 days in a row now. Just wondering.. will this affect weight loss? I've gone over my protein goal both days. I should ask 'how /' will this affect weight loss? I've never used anything like this before.
Protein Shakes
I'm looking for a really good protein drink, or shake or something.. I need more protein and I need to eat breakfast. So does anyone know of any really good, Cheap, shakes or something I could have for breakfast? Ensure looks good but I can't spend much.. and they come in pack of 4.. I don't like eating in the morning when…
Pure Romance =)
I'm a consultant and I'm having a little sale today.. I just thought I'd let my MFP friends know.. Message me if interested! If you want to order please be 18+
People 'looking down' on my 'diet'
I don't call what I'm doing a diet, that isn't what this is. It is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. But people at work don't get that.. They look at me like, 'oh, you're on a diet.. =/ ' and make me feel terrible! They make me feel uncomfortable about losing weight... Anyone have those people around?
UNDER 200 =)
I know it isn't that big of a deal.. I only lost 14 to get under... but I'm so excited! I've been stuck over 200 for almost a year now.. Feels good to see that 1 <3
Girls.. aunt Flo =(
She is 'on her way to town'.. I've been preparing, taking Ibuprofen and stuff.. but I'm worried. How has exercising affected you 'aunt'? I'm hoping mine wont hurt as bad this time.. I bet anything it will come tomorrow and the next day will be hell.. how should I deal with this? I'm a big baby and have put off exercise for…
PLATEAU questions..
I keep seeing this everywhere.. I've read up a lot on what to do when it happens.. but is it inevitable? Will if for sure happen? Is there any way to avoid it now? Should I start eating more calories to prevent it? I'm just getting worried.. I'm set up now to lose 2 lbs a week. Its only been 5 days.. and I've lost 1lb.. =/…
Rewards =)
Does any one have a special reward planned for themselves when they reach their goal weight? I do <3 I'm getting my belly button repierced! I've wanted to get it re-done for a while now.. so I'm really excited! Can't wait to get to my goal weight!!
Ok, so this morning I went into my food diary.. and entered in what a normal day would have been for me about 2 weeks ago. I was pretty shocked at how many calories and how much fat I was eating. If you feel like slipping up, try that..or if you feel stuck and need something.. it really shows you what you were putting into…
Dopamine, and snacking..
So, I've been feeling GROUCHY as God knows what every night since I've started this.. my boyfriend summed it up for me.. I'm not snacking at night any more! Eating releases Dopamine, the feel good chemical! I've read that eating can release it the same that Sex does! So if any one else is feeling grouchy after cutting out…
If anyone else uses a Treadmill...
I found this because the one I have doesn't work right.. I can't track progress on it at all.. http://42.195km.net/e/treadsim/ =)