People 'looking down' on my 'diet'

I don't call what I'm doing a diet, that isn't what this is. It is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. But people at work don't get that.. They look at me like, 'oh, you're on a diet.. =/ ' and make me feel terrible! They make me feel uncomfortable about losing weight...

Anyone have those people around?


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ummm. You are making them feel terrible and uncomfortable and they are taking it out on you. You are making healthy choices and they are not. Stick to your guns. Do what you need to do to be healthy and ignore everybody else.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    How do your co-workers know about what you're doing to improve your life? If you told them, they yeah, they're going to call it a diet. Everyone is always quick to label things that they don't necessarily understand. That's why I never tell co-workers that I'm "dieting".

    Try not to let it get to you. Just do your own thing, motivate yourself, and let them all go pound sand.
  • mrscapamerica
    You should be PROUD of yourself, not embarrassed. So many people don't have the guts to make this kind of lifestyle change. It's for a happier, healthier you. That's something to feel great about.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    People ask me which "diet" I'm doing all the time. It's irritating, but the truth is I've dropped 42 lbs, so I really just don't care what they think.

    Ignore them and keep doing what you're doing.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    my friends can be a little like this..... at the end of the day im just eating what i want... which happens to be a whole lot healithier than the choices they make. ive even starting to teach some of them my recipes haha x
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Oh god I have heard it all...been called obsessive (thank u btw) been told I would never get my body back after three kids so why try (to prove you wrong thank u very much)....etc etc...

    Yes you making lifestyles changes will make other uncomfortable uneasy and insecure. Just do what u gotta do! And know that u are doing the right thing. Let their negativity fuel your fire!! And hopefully they will take your lead.

    Congrats on your 63 lb lost!! Truly amazing!!!!
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Well, then don't call it a diet. Call it "eating better for my own health and happiness". If they still look down on you, tell them to suck it. In 30 years you can laugh again because they'll be complaining of health issues and you won't.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    I'm on a special "diet" as prescribed by my naturopath to balance my hormones. I keep trying to explain to my mom that the "diet" is meant to heal me not lose weight. The weight is coming off because I'm counting calories simultaneously not because of the "diet" I've been prescribed. The two are completely unrelated.
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    It sucks that they are making you feel that way. I had a little of that here. On top of my lifestyle adjustments I am Gluten Free. I get looked at like I am a crazy person because they don't believe it is a real issue.
    Clearly they have never had stomach cramping like I have after eating breading on something. That Sh** takes me DOWN.
    Just ignore them. They don't understand what you are doing so they are pooh-poohing it. Shame on them for not being supportive and open-minded.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    People ask me which "diet" I'm doing all the time. It's irritating, but the truth is I've dropped 42 lbs, so I really just don't care what they think.

    Ignore them and keep doing what you're doing.
    Well Elizabeth based on your avatar I can see why people assume your can afford a few extra lbs.......just kidding, love your avatar.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Tell them you are adopting a healthy lifestyle, then ask them if they would like the website addy! :devil: :bigsmile:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    People ask me which "diet" I'm doing all the time. It's irritating, but the truth is I've dropped 42 lbs, so I really just don't care what they think.

    Ignore them and keep doing what you're doing.
    Well Elizabeth based on your avatar I can see why people assume your can afford a few extra lbs.......just kidding, love your avatar.

    LOL Thanks! I kinda feel like a deadlifting baby sometimes.. :smile:
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Just ignore them.
    Anyone's opinion about how you live your life should have ZERO impact on how YOU LIVE LIFE.

    The only one that has a right to pass judgement, is YOU
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    You can't control how others behave and what they say, you can only control how you react.

    Don't let it bother you, no biggie.

    You do you, they'll do them.

    I just ignore if anyone questions what I'm eating at work....I will say, however, that it isn't usually them belittling or making me feel bad but them trying to open conversation to learn more. Keep that in the back of your mind when dealing with your coworkers.
  • roberts1013
    roberts1013 Posts: 103 Member
    I had an issue with that at first too. Now I have been doing this "lifestyle" for 15 months and they are all slowly starting to change too. Just do what is best for you and ignore there negative attitude. You are just making them doubt themselves is all
  • Purplebfly333
    Purplebfly333 Posts: 32 Member
    Boy did I ever, and at first it got on my nerves with people watching everything I ate, but I got use to it. First of all it is none of their business. Second, I had to stay focus and do what was best for me. I'm not trying to be mean, but isn't weird you don't hear anyone saying anything when you have to take that shot from having diabetes, or when you have to take that pill for your high blood pressure. Hmmmm, people seem a little backwards to me......( I'm just saying.....hmmm)
  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    There are always always always going to be haters in life. Everyone has them. Sometimes their motives are pure (worry for you, an honest difference of opinion); sometimes their motives are evil (jealousy, defensiveness). It is hard to swallow when people do not approve of you. But it is a fact of life, there will always be the haters. Ignore them the best you can, don't let it eat at you! You are doing a great job! God bless!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    People are ignorant and annoying. Ignore their stupid comments, hold your head high and keep doing what you're doing.
  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    lol love it
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah
