People 'looking down' on my 'diet'



  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    You should be PROUD of yourself, not embarrassed. So many people don't have the guts to make this kind of lifestyle change. It's for a happier, healthier you. That's something to feel great about.

  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    I'm SOOO doing this from now on! FTW!
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    yeah I get this crap from my own family! When I ask about how something was made or if I can see the nutritional value, they tell me im being complicating and to just eat it.
    Sorry I don't want to digest pure fat and liquid sugar.
    I just keep my head high and feel proud that at least I'm doing something to make myself healthier and happier!
    Anyone who puts you down is jealous and lazy in their own health.
  • ashmarie484
    ashmarie484 Posts: 484 Member
    Yea I have the same problem. Everyone tells me that I dont eat enough & Im starving myself just because I dont want to eat a jelly filled doughnut or some other gross snacks they order at work.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    A really really sweet man here, who is the kindest of kind said this to me "now that your vacation is over, maybe you'll start eating normal again".

    Normal? Really? How is this abnormal?
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    When people ask me what 'diet' I did to lose weight I tell them it's the 'Move your @ss and quit eating crap' diet.

    They don't ask many questions after that.

    Love it!
  • jayraycee
    jayraycee Posts: 33
    I say that, diets are temporary and futile, THIS is my life now.
  • tamarina09
    tamarina09 Posts: 17 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    Love this. My new response, I think!
  • cwe1229a
    cwe1229a Posts: 34
    i understand you completely, people i work with and my own family label all this as dieting. thankfully though, by explaining exactly what i'm doing, i've pulled a few of my friends into it with me. : ) don't let it get you down! they probably feel bad they aren't doing whats best for their health like you are!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    That's why I don't really tell anyone what I'm's not anyone's business what I eat, when I eat, how much I eat...
  • TheOriginalGinging
    Explain that you're focusing on nutrition and fitness. Maybe they'll learn from you. Stick to your guns!!
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    With other people who talk about exercise/diet my favorite word is "yeah"

    you on a diet? yeah

    you should run 10miles a day and just drink a ton of water. yeah

    my cousin lost 50lbs in a month doing diet x. Yeah

    You shouldn't eat carbs. yeah

    Totally THIS ^^^^^^^^

    Those people are everywhere. I don't get into the subject with people for just that reason, but when they start to notice weight loss and ask questions, I answer with the "Yeah" approach. Works better than "none of your business."

    If people still want to jump on you after getting 3 rounds of "yeah" then piss on them! What you are doing is working and you presumably feel and look better. That is all that matters. Some people just can't stand anybody doing anything different/better/new.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Simple solution. Don't talk to people about your eating habits. It's none of their business.

    Actually, I get mad when my co-workers tell that I can't have a cookie or a piece of birthday cake. And I'm like "Really? I'm a grown up. I don't need you to make those choices for me!"
  • horses1jessi
    horses1jessi Posts: 49 Member
    After they see you have the stick to it-ness.. You'll just be known as the girls who eats healthy.. No shame in that..
  • tamarina09
    tamarina09 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been getting this a LOT from the ladies at work that are on Weight Watchers.. I said 'I've lost 10 lbs' and she says, you eat a lot of sugar! You should do this... O.O ? She has no idea what I eat! My neighbor does it too.. Its like.. I've already lost weight.. I don't need you to tell me what diet will work! I'm doing just fine.

    You've accomplished so much to be proud of already! Pfft!! to them. You're my inspiration for the day, so thanks for sharing.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I love everyones response. However, I have many haters at work not just because I'm losing weight, but because I am the best employee ever!

    So when ever I get a new pair of pants and lost some inches, I walk by my haters desk and say good morning to them :D

    I know it kills them. Doing this makes me feel better when they try to put me down. :)
  • faryewing
    faryewing Posts: 3
    I've had this problem. My friends have more weight to lose than I do. They think I am already skinny and to lose anymore I would be too skinny. They don't think I should be counting calories. Oh well, at the end of the day, I am the only one who can decide about my health and weight - so keep up your lifestyle changes and taking care of yourself. You deserve it.
  • carrollel
    carrollel Posts: 57 Member
    theyre just jealous. A "diet" is a healthy way of living, not a tempory fad which is what they initally expect. Its your choice to live healthier! If they dont get it, then their the one's who are going to wonder why they have medical problems in the future.

    just tell them, " you are what you eat" and if chemicals and processed foods is part of their daily diet then clearly, THEYRE FAKE! :P

    does my "dis" even make sense? heh...
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Ugh just yesterday my moms friend was eyeballing me with an expression of...well I don't know what it was but it wasn't positive. Then she said "Wow I hadn't realized how skinny you'd gotten....." then she asked me if I was just maintaing my weight now, I wasn't trying to lose more right? I felt like saying Mind your own f*cking business but I just said yeah and got up and went to the bathroom. I don't get people. If I said "Wow I hadn't realized how fat you'd gotten......." I'd be the biggest @sshole going.
  • kbf2107
    kbf2107 Posts: 42 Member
    I know the feeling. My friends would always make fun of me when I would measure my food, or constantly check the nutrition facts. Since they've seen how much progress I've made, they don't really say much now; maybe because they've finally realized that I was serious about changing my eating habits. But I guess my point it, don't let other people discourage you. If anything, they should be the ones who are embarrassed because you'll lose all the weight and look great and feel so much healthier, while they will...well, they just stay the same.