Fantasy Football Brothers ??
Its time to start thinking if we are gonna do this again this year ? I am so totally IN if so !!
The 3 Stages Of Marital Sex
This is for all the guys who have been married for a while...as well as for guys just married or not yet married.... There are 3 stages of marital sex. The 1st stage is Anywhere sex. Usually happens when you first get married. You and your wife will have sex anytime , anywhere. The 2nd stage is Bedroom sex. Usually happens…
Starting Bridge to 10K, and a Question
I downloaded ZenLabs 10k trainer app and was thinking about starting this. I currently run every other day, with HIIT training on the alternate days. I am currently running a 5k in about 35 min, and usually run anywhere between 3.5 to 4.5 miles on my running days during the week. I do run on a treadmill and will continue…
Dealing With DOMS Into Week 8
I am into about week 8 of Stronglifts, and the lifting is getting pretty damn heavy. I have just about cut out all other exercise and knocked my running back to once a week. A few week ago I upped my calories to help with recovery and it seemed to be working pretty good BUT it seems like I am back to where I started with…
Question About Progression and the Program
I am into week 5 of the SL program coming from 3 months of full body workouts. I started with an empty bar on some of the lifts, squats, overhead press but I started with a lot of weight on the bench press since starting with an empty bar was sorta ridiculous since I was already working out with 175 lbs. My question is I…
New To The Group, Into Week 4 of SL and Questions
Tomorrow I am going for 115 in the OHP but I can feel it getting much harder. Does anyone have issues with the absolute first press ? Once I get the barbell to the upmost position its completely fine for the rest of the reps but the first one I have to 'push' a little with my lower body. Its like I lack the strength to…
Shin Aches After Less Running ??
So knowing I shouldn't have, I pushed myself twice in W7 D1 and D2 to run the entire 5k. I felt great, my legs felt great so I did it and had absolutely no issues. However I am also doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program alternating with my C25K program, and I was kind of sore the last few days from squats and deads. Because of…
New Guy Here...Glad I Found This Group
Hey all, I am actually kind of excited I found this group. It's great that I can come here and talk with people who know EXACTLY what you are going through in trying to become a runner. I have friend and family, and they are basically split into two groups. The first are the family/ friends who are glad of your…
What Makes Certain People Send Friend Requests ??
Random musings... I'm posting here because I don't want to offend/ piss off anyone on my friend list or anything like that. The other day out of the blue I get a friend request from this particular woman. Now there is nothing wrong with that certainly but this woman who sent me this request is like....simply AMAZING…
Any Beer Drinkers/Home Brewers Out There ?
Just was wondering if there are any beer connoisseur's in the Royal Order ? What do you guys like to drink ? Having a brother that owns a liquor store that specializes in micro/import beers I get the chance to try a lot of different types from all over the place. I tend to stick with ales, and various hefeweizen/wheat…
Are You Ready For Some Football ??
Almost getting to be time for the best part of the year...football season !! Since this group is made up of guys from all over the world, and country, I'm interested in your predictions of who is gonna take the Trophy and why you think it will happen.... I'll go first. Of course I think my Green Bay Packers are taking it…
Stiffness and Joint Pain
Hey all, I was wondering what, if anything, you guys take to help with stiffness and joint paint. I'm into week three of this journey. I am watching my caloric intake and exercising 6 days a week, Three days cardio, three strength training. Before I started this I had some joint pain and stiffness ( sitting at my desk and…
New Guy to the ROOMAFM
Hey all, first I want to say thanks for the invite to the group. I guess getting invited means a couple of things....first that I am middle aged. Second that I am fat. After reading through some of the posts on this discussion forum, I do believe that I can use this as my 'Oh Hell No' moment. Naw, just kidding about that.…
Need Opinions On Beginers Workout
The more I read on these boards, and elsewhere, the more I wonder if I am doing the correct workout routine for the goals I want to achieve. I am just into the second week of my fitness program, and my first and main priority is to lose weight. Maybe I should focus on that factor first as as I get into my loss, then adjust…
40 Year Old Making Changes In His Life
Hey All, My name is Matt and I decided that its time to make some definite changes to my life. I am 40 years old, 5'10", 307 lbs. I have large bone structure and can carry a lot of weight pretty easily. I am sorta active...play sand volleyball weekly and just finished up a spring kickball league. But I obviously am not…