Need Opinions On Beginers Workout

mheebner Posts: 285 Member
The more I read on these boards, and elsewhere, the more I wonder if I am doing the correct workout routine for the goals I want to achieve. I am just into the second week of my fitness program, and my first and main priority is to lose weight. Maybe I should focus on that factor first as as I get into my loss, then adjust my strength training ?
Man, I used to work out heavy 20 years ago, and it seems like the knowledge and science behind everything we used to believe back then is so drastically different now. Anyway here are my 'stats' and the routine I have been following. Feel free to add any suggestions, comments, etc. I am open to different things and/or rountines but I am stating now that I have terrible knees (HS football issues) so I am totally not ready for deadlifts and squats...yet. Of course maybe I shouldn't even be concerned with such things at this point....
40 years old, 307 lbs. I have my calorie requirements set by MFP (and trying to hit those daily). I am doing interval training in the elliptical 3x week for an hour. Sometimes I will mix in 30 min of elliptical, 30 min of interval training in a stationary bike/treadmill. I usually end with 4 sets of ab crunches, increasing weight with each set.

3x week I do strength training increasing weight with each set:
10-15 min cardio warm up
leg press 3 x12
leg extension 3x12
laying leg curls 3x10
lat pulldowns 3x10
bench press 3x10 (usually last set is 5 reps due to no spotter)
tricep pulldown 3x10
preacher curls 3x10
seated row pull x3x10
shoulder press 3x10
10-15 min cardio cooldown

I am usually sweating heavily and completely spent at the end of this. I do not have a HRM yet so I have been using online calculators for calories burned during these workouts.
Thanks in advance


  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    First off, how did you develop/come to this program you are currently on?
    Second, two weeks is not really long enough to determine how effective any particular program is for helping you reach you goals. From what I understand, give a program 8 - 12 weeks and then switch it up.

    I've found a wealth of resources at websites like, etc. that have workout programs you can follow or just use for ideas. On that website, I did the Kris Gethin's 12-week cutting the fat program and lost about 20 lbs. Now I've switched it up to a 5x5 program because I would like to increase my strength.

    Perhaps seeking a trainer to get some ideas would be beneficial since they may be able to properly assess your goals, needs, abilities, etc. and help you design a program best suited for you.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I did no consult a trainer for this, and maybe I should so its something I will look into to. I have workout fanatic friends, and asked them about starting routines They explained that just exercising and getting my heart rate up in addition to caloric intake makes a huge difference. I understand that this isn't 'customized' to me personally but Ifigured I would give it minimum 30 days.

    I understand that two weeks is not long enough in determining effectiveness, but I think I am more asking is there anything I am overlooking, or not doing that I should be. I will look into websites mentioned and re-evaluate in 30 to 45 days.
  • langurmonkey
    That looks like a reasonable workout. I think cardio fitness is pretty important, so I would do some other cardio work that isn't just for a warmup. You might want to put a fly in there as well - I find them pretty fun. Maybe mix it up with some kettlebells.

    Just don't get bored! If you think you are just do some different exercises.

    I like the "Arnold" routines that are linked on fitocracy

    Edit: Missed the bit in your post about the elliptical! I personally find them boring, and prefer running outside, but as long as you are happy on the elliptical it's all good. Keeping motivated is far more important than any program. You might find setting a goal like being able to leg press your bodyweight in six months or something like that.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I am so out of the whole fitness thing I had to google 'kettleball'....ha. Last time I spent any time in a gym they didn't have kettleballs. It was dumbells or nothing.
    As for running outside..not there yet. We will see after I get some of the excess off. Even when I was 'in shape' I was never a great jogger although I tried. I used to tell people I was built for power not speed and endurance. :-)