March Mindfulness Challenge 2025
Life is...well....it's LIFE, isn't it? It can be good. It can also be busy, frantic, and sometimes, downright chaotic. We are pulled so many directions but so many situations and distractions. When do we have time to breathe, let alone live in the moment? So this month, I think it would be excellent to challenge ourselves…
Love Your Health: February 2025 Challenge
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health. Since we are ever a Roll Your Own group, this challenge is for all levels: weightloss or maintenance! You could keep trying to get some pesky weight off. Or make sure…
January Jumpstart Challenge 2025
Here we are. Another year gone. But a new one is starting, and in keeping with the tradition of a New Year Resolution, I have a challenge for you aiming at helping you KEEP those resolutions this year. It's the perfect time to Jumpstart your health! I do go on and on about one B-word. The Basics. Why? Because they're…
Ahoy, New Members!
Some of you probably already know this. But I'm just providing a heads up for the new folks. :smile: At the top of the group, there is a structured library of all our collected knowledge here at the LCD group. START here! The LCD Launch Pad For those wondering where to start:* Check out: FAQs and General Low-Carb Info *…
Santa Sprint Challenge 2024
There's a statistic that's always going around that something like 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work and school and other activities. With all the stress and uncertainty it's easy to just say to heck with it and cave. And wake up on New Year's Day and…
NO NONSENSE November 2024
There's a statistic that goes around: something like over 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work, school, get-togethers, and shopping. We all have a lot on us, including whatever crisis is after us at the moment! :tired_face: It's easy to just say "to heck…
FEARLESS! October 2024 Challenge
Ahhh...it's that time again. Fall. Temps turns cooler. Leaves change color. At least in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. But, regardless, all those holiday foods start creeping in on us. Pumpkin this and that. Parades of Halloween candy-crack...And shortly after that Thanksgiving (for some). More and more holiday parties…
Daily CHIT-CHAT!!!
Well I dunno what happened to the other one, as I didn't delete it. Let's try this again. Diet talk, life talk, whatever talk. Annnnnnnd GO :joy:
STEP IT UP September 2024 Challenge
It's been a long and busy summer. Maybe you've been on it the whole time! Great job! :+1: Or maybe you've been hit or miss? Or slacked off toward the end? Whatever it is, that's in the past! Time to look ahead! This month let's focus on how to Step Up your efforts to achieve your health and fitness goals. Whether or not…
ALL-IN!!!! August 2024 Monthly Challenge
All right, troops! Time to go ALL-IN! Whether you're a beginner, in your stride, or a long-time maintainer, we all have things to work on. And if you're anything like me and this last month has been BONKERS, it's time to get more active on your challenges. Summer is winding down, and it's time for a Bootcamp. To focus…
GET DAT REAR IN GEAR July 2024 Challenge
It's not summer for some of us. It's winter in the southern part of the globe. Or you can take the position of the sunny side and remember we're smack dab in the throes of the oh-so-lovely 2024, still freakin' dealing with one kind of crazy nonsense or another... Whatever the season (or catastrophe. There's always…
JUMP IN June 2024 Challenge
New month knocking on the door, new challenge! This month's theme came to us a couple years ago courtesy of a member. I liked the idea so much, I decided to use it again this year. And also, it was already dreamed up, and I'm busy. :bigsmile: Excellent idea! The challenge starts June 1st. So go ahead and post your goals,…
Spring into a New You (May 2024 Challenge)
Spring is a time of new beginnings. What better time to take that first step to better health? Summer is around the corner! Let's get ready. So this month pick one habit you want to change (or more if you are feeling extra adventurous) for this month whether it be for your WOE, fitness, or mental health. Got the activity…
Active April Challenge 2024
It's Active April, folks. The word "active" is a loaded word. Not only can it apply to exercise, but it can also mean "characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation." Time to get fit or act on your goals, whatever they may be. Increase your NEAT, do one of the bazillion YouTube vids and workout…
March Mindfulness Challenge 2024
Life is...well....it's LIFE, isn't it? It can be good. It can also be busy, frantic, and sometimes, downright chaotic. We are pulled so many directions but so many situations and distractions. When do we have time to breathe, let alone live in the moment? So this month, I think it would be excellent to challenge ourselves…
Love Your Health: February 2024 Challenge
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health. This challenge is for all levels: weightloss or maintenance! You could keep trying to get some pesky weight off. Or make sure your electrolyte levels are better. Or…
Jumpstart January Challenge 2024
Here we are. Another year gone. But a new one is starting, and in keeping with the tradition of a New Year Resolution, I have a challenge for you aiming at helping you KEEP those resolutions this year. It's the perfect time to Jumpstart your health! I do go on and on about one B-word. The Basics. Why? Because they're…
Santa Sprint December 2023 Challenge
There's a statistic that's always going around that something like 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work and school and other activities. With all the stress and uncertainty it's easy to just say to heck with it and cave. And wake up on New Year's Day and…
NO NONSENSE November 2023
There's a statistic that goes around: something like over 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work, school, get-togethers, and shopping. We all have a lot on us, including whatever crisis is after us at the moment! :tired_face: It's easy to just say "to heck…
Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 4
HEY! It's dead up in here. The last thread was several years long. I know I may be the only one talking in here but let's try to revive this thing. Talk keto, keto struggles, life stuff, whatever.
Fearless October 2023
Ahhh...it's that time again. Fall. Temps turns cooler. Leaves change color. At least in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. But, regardless, all those holiday foods start creeping in on us. Pumpkin this and that. Parades of Halloween candy-crack...And shortly after that Thanksgiving (for some). More and more holiday parties…
Step It Up September 2023
It's been a long and busy summer. Maybe you've been on it the whole time! Great job! Or maybe you've been hit or miss? Or slacked off toward the end? Whatever it is, that's in the past! Time to look ahead! This month let's focus on how to Step Up your efforts to achieve your health and fitness goals. Whether or not that…
LC Boot Camp: Active August 2023
All right, troops! Whether you're a beginner, in your stride, or a long-time maintainer, we all have things to work on. And if you're anything like me and this last month has been BONKERS, time to get more active on your challenge. It's time for a Bootcamp. To focus hardcore on your plan's basics and to keep your body…
GET DAT REAR IN GEAR July 2023 Challenge
It's not summer for some of us. It's winter in the southern part of the globe. Or you can take the position of the sunny side and remember we're smack dab in the throes of the oh-so-lovely 2023, still freakin' dealing with one kind of crazy nonsense or another... Whatever the season (or catastrophe. There's always…
JUMP IN June 2023 Challenge
New month knocking on the door, new challenge! This month's theme came to us a couple years ago courtesy of @kfat1. I liked the idea so much, I decided to use it again this year. And also, it was already dreamed up, and I'm busy. :bigsmile: Excellent idea! The challenge starts June 1st. So go ahead and post your goals,…
Spring into a New You (May 2023 Challenge)
Spring is a time of new beginnings. What better time to take that first step to better health? Summer is around the corner! Let's get ready. So this month pick one habit you want to change (or more if you are feeling extra adventurous) for this month whether it be for your WOE, fitness, or mental health. Got the activity…
Active April 2023 Challenge
It's Active April folks. The word "active" is a loaded word. Not only can it apply to exercise, but it can also mean "characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation." Time to get fit or act on your goals whatever they may be. Increase your NEAT, do one of the bazillion YouTube vids and workout…
March Mindfulness Challenge 2023
Life is...well....it's LIFE, isn't it? It can be good. It can also be busy, frantic, and sometimes, downright chaotic. We are pulled so many directions but so many situations and distractions. When do we have time to breathe, let alone live in the moment? So this month, I think it would be excellent to challenge ourselves…
Love Your Health: Feb 2023 Challenge
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health. This challenge is for all levels: weightloss or maintenance! You could keep trying to get some pesky weight off. Or make sure your electrolyte levels are better. Or…
Jumpstart January 2023 Challenge
Here we are. Another year gone. But a new one is starting, and in keeping with the tradition of a New Year Resolution, I have a challenge for you aiming at helping you KEEP those resolutions this year. It's the perfect time to Jumpstart your health! I do go on and on about one B-word. The Basics. Why? Because they're…