Not happy unless I run/exercising.
I'm clinically depressed, have bi-polar disorder and I have schizoaffective disorder, Im always sad unless I run/lift weights /anything that gives me a good workout. I used to enjoy video games, movies, going to church/ shopping etc now they all seem boring since I cant exercise all of the time what should I do? Already on…
Six min mile
I have a goal by next year to run a 6 min mile, already averaging 9 mins If I only run one or 10 mins a mile if I run three or more. A nine min mile is 6.67 mph so 6 min mile I will have to run ten mph or a little slower at times then run faster then ten mph to make it up, which will prob be hard to do in town with traffic…
anyone else feel this way?
I have lost a good amount of weight this year and my stomach is the smallest as it has been in five years but I still feel like I'm going to gain it all back and with girls every posting guys with big muscles etc. I feel as if just losing the weight is not enough anymore I now need to put on muscle.
muscle questions
so I have lost 40lbs for the summer but I'm pretty much finished swimming and all so I decided to eat more calories, take creatine, and fish oil pills, I get enough protein through what I eat and drink, I love milk, eggs and meat and pretty much eat and drink them every day. I have never tried to gain muscle before I have…
trying to lose weight but end up maintaining
I have lost a lot of weight, well not as much as some people on here but you can tell a big difference from the first of the year until now , I used to be 215, I have recently been jogging a mile in 9 mins sometimes a couple seconds more and then going for two or three more in around 10 mins each, I usually jog three miles…
lost 40lbs this year
I was in a relationship and was to comfortable and gained a lot of weight., well after the break up I had many parties and drunk a lot with everyone at the parties taking shots, beer pong, drinking card games etc. I started eating even more. My face was really bloated and my stomach couldn't stick out even much more when I…
Gaining muscle without fat?
Now that I'm almost at my goal weight how do I put on muscle without making my stomach bigger. I tried before and failed I did gain muscle and strength but a lot of weight with it. Or should I have worried about getting the muscle before I lost the weight? If that's the case I will stay were I'm at now because I like the…
any doctors on here?
Ok so this is going to be about bowel movements so don't read anymore if this bothers you. I went to the bathroom the other day and had blood on the feces and went again tonight and noticed the same thing and it was orange color, should I go to the doctor? what could it be?
weird foods that are actually good.
What do you eat that isn't to bad for you and sound weird but tastes good. Weird combinations, I like peanut butter, egg and cheese on wheat bread. The flavors once combined go real well together, especially if you like peanut butter. What foods do you combine? I'm looking to try some new stuff.
How can a vegan gain muscle?
I haven't had any meat,eggs or cheese in over a month, I bought some whey protein and creatine recently are they going to help? Once I get muscles do I need to start eating more calories? I went from 15lb dumbbells to 25 in a month but that was before I stopped eating meat. I just started lifting again (seriously) tonight.…
gaining (maintaining) muscles on a cut?
not sure me gaining muscle while trying to lose weight is a good thing or not I eat the same and exercise the same but every time I see the number go up my first thought is I gained weight not muscle. Some people just drop weight then bulk to gain muscle, I might try that depending on what people think. 189 to 192 in two…
Juicing what do you think?
So I bought a juicer and plan on using it all next month. But not necessary for weight loss, I have to go to the dentist and get some teeth pulled so hard food is out of the question , I'm going to get partial plates put back in but not until I can save up prob the month after. I only eat fruit and vegetables now and drink…
is it possible...
I only lost two lbs recently but my stomach looks a lot smaller. Was it just water weight etc causing me to be bloated?
sore, little tired, eating good but not losing lbs
The last nine days I feel like I have done nothing but maintain my weight, but I can run farther, do more push ups, lift longer, and do more situps plus plank longer. maybe I'm gaining a little bit muscle through out my body but I wish I could at least lose 2 lbs a week. I lost 14 lbs in two months and would like to try to…
what time do you stop eating? couple of questions.
I used to stop eating a 8pm but now I get head aches if I don't eat. tonight I had broccoli and cheese and around 9:30. Is there any shakes or something I can drink to keep me from getting headaches? Because after I eat at night first time I broke the 8pm in three weeks I feel like I have to exercise it off before I go to…