what time do you stop eating? couple of questions.

I used to stop eating a 8pm but now I get head aches if I don't eat. tonight I had broccoli and cheese and around 9:30. Is there any shakes or something I can drink to keep me from getting headaches? Because after I eat at night first time I broke the 8pm in three weeks I feel like I have to exercise it off before I go to bed.

I have lost 12 lbs in a little over five weeks. I know my stomach is getting smaller but seems like a really slow process. Is it true there is no such thing as toning? I mean everyone says it just builds muscle under fat but what if you are just a little fat like at 19 percent body fat. Isn't it true the more muscle you have the more calories you burn to keep up with the muscles or something?


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    It does not matter. You set a realistic goal for total calories, make a plan that does not leave you hungry, and space the calories throughout the day. If you want your main meal to be in the late evening, it is fine.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Concerning meal timing...

    Lyle McDonald has some great information on it here:

    The take home from Lyle's article, in terms of practicality and application, would probably be this quote, this is Lyle here:

    * If eating more frequently makes it easier to control/reduce calories, it will help you to lose weight/fat.
    * If eating more frequently makes it harder to control/reduce calories, or makes you eat more, you will gain weight.
    * If eating less frequently makes it harder for you to control/reduce calories (because you get hungry and binge), it will hurt your efforts to lose weight/fat.
    * If eating less frequently makes it easier for you to control/reduce calories (for any number of reasons), then that will help your efforts to lose weight/fat

    Or in other words, personal preference.

    Some peer reviewed studies:


    The full link...


    Waits for IF mob to debate...

    The Muscle, toning and stomach questions I will leave to others. I think I know the correct answers but I prefer to cite references and I am going lifting.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I stop eating when my calories are done..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Re when you eat - it does not make any appreciable impact on fat loss - eat when you want based on energy, hunger and personal preference.

    12lb in 5 weeks is very reasonable progress.

    "Toning' is really resistance training while losing weight - so you keep your muscle mass while lowering body fat so you reveal the muscles.

    The higher your muscle mass, the higher your BMR as muscle is more metabolically active than fat. However, the amount is not very significant. Also, you should remember that as you lose weight, your BMR and TDEE (how many calories it takes to maintain) decrease as you are moving less weight around and have less mass to maintain.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    You're asking a few questions here... I don't know how the time you stop eating might cause headaches. Do you drink enough water?
    Also, exercising before bed - not a good idea. When you work out your adrenaline levels rise and it will be very difficult for you to fall asleep later.
    If you didn't go over your calories, I don't see a reason to be worried about eating later than usual. Why is it such a problem to you?

    I'm not sure I understood your second paragraph. But anyway you can't build muscle when you're eating at a deficit.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Every night I have a glass of kefir (it is a milk based probiotics like yoghurt) just before I go to sleep.

    Has not stopped me losing weight, and it supposedly helps you sleep. Not sure if it does actually or not.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I don't have a specific stop time. Some nights, my schedule has me getting home around 9pm, so I have dinner then. On the weekends, I stay up a bit later so I might get hungry and want a snack at 11pm. I haven't noticed any negative effects.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    As others have said time for food is not a big deal. Personally headaches for me is if I under eat or eat saturated fats in fried and salty food. I find undereating in the past can go I head ache. I suggest you review If you are eating enough salad and caffeine intake review. Also have you had your blood pressure checked? I tend towards pre-pertensive which i think may have contributed in my history with also being over weight.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I used to stop eating a 8pm but now I get head aches if I don't eat. tonight I had broccoli and cheese and around 9:30. Is there any shakes or something I can drink to keep me from getting headaches?

    I should imagine it's probably more what you are eating than the timing. An hour and a half is not long to go without food. Have you by any chance gone low carb? How many calories are you eating?
    Because after I eat at night first time I broke the 8pm in three weeks I feel like I have to exercise it off before I go to bed.

    This is a little worrying and is slightly obsessive behaviour. It doesn't matter when you eat your calories, as long as you stick to your daily allowance. If you want to eat nothing all day then eat 2000 calories just before bed, that is fine. No need to exercise it off.
    I have lost 12 lbs in a little over five weeks. I know my stomach is getting smaller but seems like a really slow process.

    Your stomach does not 'shrink'. You do get used to eating less food, so you are eventually feeling less hungry. That is what you are experiencing.
    Is it true there is no such thing as toning? I mean everyone says it just builds muscle under fat but what if you are just a little fat like at 19 percent body fat.

    If you are eating at a deficit you won't 'build' muscle, apart from perhaps very small noob gains. What heavy lifting will do is retain your current muscle mass as much as possible, while burning the fat over it, so you get more muscle definition, which is the 'toned' look you mention.
    Isn't it true the more muscle you have the more calories you burn to keep up with the muscles or something?

    Yes, this is true. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the higher your LBM (lean body mass), the more calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight.
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    I can tell you what has worked for me and just generally what I do and what i know. Some of it is based on things I've read but i can't cite all the sources.

    I stop eating 3 hours before bed.

    Your metabolism will increase if you have more lean muscle. In other words, you will be burning more calories just sitting there versus someone with less muscle. How much more I can't tell you but I'm sure it's just a google search away.

    Yes you can become lean and tone. Maybe you're getting this confused with the idea some people have about being able to lose fat in a specific area. You can't lose fat just from one spot but you can target specific groups of muscle in that spot.

    Being toned and having little body fat are two different things.
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    it doesn't matter what time you eat, it's WHAT you eat, take a pain killer!
  • NiikouruDesu
    I usually ave breakfast and lunch sofore stop eating by 2 or 3pm. I dont get headaches from it
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    Headaches are often due to dehydration, make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids. If you think it is due to food you can try something like fruit or a yoghurt that will give you a sugar boost without that many calories.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Headaches are often due to dehydration, make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids. If you think it is due to food you can try something like fruit or a yoghurt that will give you a sugar boost without that many calories.

    There are a couple of explanations but this seems to be the most reasonable (so either dehydration or hunger / low blood sugar)

    So, drink more fluids (tea is actually a nice idea here) or reduce your calorie deficit or keep more of your existing calories for the evening time or eat more regularly to balance out blood sugar fluctuations. Without more information it is hard to know what is the best solution for you.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    if you eat after 8pm you will die. The end.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I used to stop eating a 8pm but now I get head aches if I don't eat.

    I don't think you are getting headaches because you go 1.5 hours without eating. Do you wake up in the morning with a headache? You are going much longer without consuming food while sleeping. Like others have said, headaches can be from dehydration. Are you drinking enough water? Headaches can also be triggered by other things, depending on the type of headache. Where is your headache (like where is the pain at)?
    Because after I eat at night first time I broke the 8pm in three weeks I feel like I have to exercise it off before I go to bed.

    This worries me a little and feels a little obsessive. You do not have to burn the calories you eat before bed. Exercise before bed can make your sleep worse.
    I have lost 12 lbs in a little over five weeks.

    That's great!

    I'm still learning about toning and building muscle, so can't say much on that stuff. 19% BF seems pretty good.
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone. I drink plenty of water I have been drinking the 8 recommended glasses a day sometimes more. I did it hardees yesterday and I'm no longer used to fast food. Maybe that had something to do with it. This is the first time I have been motivated to exercise and lose a few lbs and stick with it. in the past I just hit a stand still on losing weight not actually gaining but always around the same lbs. I want to be a more healthier me.