muscle questions

so I have lost 40lbs for the summer but I'm pretty much finished swimming and all so I decided to eat more calories, take creatine, and fish oil pills, I get enough protein through what I eat and drink, I love milk, eggs and meat and pretty much eat and drink them every day. I have never tried to gain muscle before I have lifted to burn more calories before I sleep while on a calorie deficit but that's about it. I have recently been doing the opposite now and up to 140lb deadlift up to 25 times now, looked at youtube videos for correct form and went from 25lb dumbbell bench press 40 to now 60 after the deadlifts then 30 curls each arm, 30 military presses each arm and then 50 push ups the numbers are going up often how much and many times I can lift but was wondering when should I start seeing muscle growth?

I have been lifting till total failure


  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    If you are eating in calorie surplus and getting stronger you are probably building some muscle.

    Building muscle is a slow process. If you want the best results I wouldn't train to failure and I would also train with some structure by following a proven beginner fully body routine such as:

    -All Pro's a simple beginner routine
    -Stronglifts 5x5
    -ICF 5x5

    Hit your macros and follow a decent weight lifting program as it's written for 6 months and you will get strong and see some good results.
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the info!
  • ikearch
    ikearch Posts: 32 Member
    Instead of more reps, add weight and keep reps around 6-8 for most everything except leg (legs around mid-teens). Try increasing every week-2 weeks. Try other exercises for the muscle groups instead of the same ones, switch between them (every other time you work out arms, etc...). is very resourceful for various exercises.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    Instead of more reps, add weight and keep reps around 6-8 for most everything except leg (legs around mid-teens). Try increasing every week-2 weeks. Try other exercises for the muscle groups instead of the same ones, switch between them (every other time you work out arms, etc...). is very resourceful for various exercises.

    Why so many reps for legs?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Do you mean you did 25 deadlifts at the max you can lift? I suggest you limit your deadlifts as they take their toll on your nervous the Stronglifts program you do 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise apart from deadlifts, only 1x5.

    When I did Stronglifts, I misunderstood and did 5x5 Deadlifts and found myself feeling dizzy and lightheaded!!
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    My deadlifts are no where near my max, I have a small weight bar and weights that have been given to me, all I had equals to 140lbs got on the scale with them to make sure what it was weight my normal weight then stepped on it with the bar with the weights on it. my dumbbells which I can add weight to it all of my weight plates are on the bar. I was benching 50lb dumbbells but I guess 25 lbs after other lifting isnt to bad, has got to be better then not lifting at all. I did get a little dizzy but thought that was normal lol thinks for the info! I'm going to need to buy some weights or go to my local gym ( I have a membership) I just feel self conscience compared to the other guys lifting four times as much as me and the girls always seem to watch the guys lift do pull ups etc then seem to get mad when we watch them exercise :-/ .my arms were sore today first time they have gotten sore in a long time.

    Oh almost forgot should I cut back my cardio now that I'm lifting have done so for a little while and haven't gained any weight
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You'll get much better results if you follow a novice program. Don't just do whatever.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I would also suggest following a program...
    StrongLifts 5x5 I think is a good one.

    Also, figure out how many calories you need.
    Get adequate protein, and make sure you get enough carbs......they aid and benefit muscle growth, along with a caloric surplus.

    So you will want to make sure you are tracking things.
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Agree totally with my MFP Friend MityMax96, I would just like to add, that you should add volume, work past your limit, force yourself get close to that failure as you can, and get plenty of rest/ switch it up, the body gets use to this **** fast. Everything you read or learn is all basics, you must try, test, and see what works for you....
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm going to need to buy some weights or go to my local gym ( I have a membership) I just feel self conscience compared to the other guys lifting four times as much as me and the girls always seem to watch the guys lift do pull ups etc then seem to get mad when we watch them exercise :-/

    IDK about the girls at your gym, but when I'm working out, I'm doing my own thing and I don't care what anyone else is doing. If you can't squat as much as I can, I honestly wouldn't even notice.
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I agree with the sexy young lady above who the **** cares what anybody else is doing you need to be focused and stay in your world
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    My deadlifts are no where near my max, I have a small weight bar and weights that have been given to me, all I had equals to 140lbs got on the scale with them to make sure what it was weight my normal weight then stepped on it with the bar with the weights on it. my dumbbells which I can add weight to it all of my weight plates are on the bar. I was benching 50lb dumbbells but I guess 25 lbs after other lifting isnt to bad, has got to be better then not lifting at all. I did get a little dizzy but thought that was normal lol thinks for the info! I'm going to need to buy some weights or go to my local gym ( I have a membership) I just feel self conscience compared to the other guys lifting four times as much as me and the girls always seem to watch the guys lift do pull ups etc then seem to get mad when we watch them exercise :-/ .my arms were sore today first time they have gotten sore in a long time.

    Oh almost forgot should I cut back my cardio now that I'm lifting have done so for a little while and haven't gained any weight

    You do know that these guys did not come out the womb being a strong person. Girls like to stare because some know the dedication it takes to lift four times more than you. Its takes years. I know someone it took over a decade with no injuries.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    concur w/ the 3 above me.

    Who cares what others think in the gym????

    Go in and do your lifts.

    If I happen to notice a guy in the gym doing a "light" weight on bench or whatever...
    I usually think to myself, man I remember when I was there....glad he is starting somewhere, and in the gym.

    Then sometimes I wonder if I should give advice/opinions.....but I don't.
    I just walk to my next exercise and continue my workout
  • drepublic
    drepublic Posts: 180 Member
    Building Muscle takes time...can take years...depending on your goals. The physical transformation may happen slower than the weight loss physical transformation. You'll want to stay at a slight caloric surplus but I would keep some cardio in your regimen. Just continue to learn more about form, technique, and definitely get on a some regimine. I would keep a log or crreate your own worksheets to track your progress.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    One time at golds gym. ME and this girl were use the two squats racks to deadlift. (I know but no other space really to do deadlifts). I caught her watching me just putting on the 45s. When I put on 315 you said wow you are strong. I just smile and say that I have been lifting for like 7-8 years. She was doing 175 deadlifts which I though was good because I rarely see women doing deadlifts and squats at the gym. Then we just continue doing hour dead workouts.

    Key word in this story is the amount of time I put into lifting weights. If there was a way to out exercise a poor diet I would of done it. When I see a beginner at the gym I think man those days and only maxing out with one 45 (on each side)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    One thing else I will say on just getting in and lifting is this.

    Sunday mornings, I do legs. I am there when the gym opens.

    Shortly after I start, a group of women come in (about 6)....I see them coming back to the squat area....and I think to myself here comes the female wrecking crew.
    These women do not s**t around....
    One of them did 215# on squat, @$$ to grass squat.....for like 5 reps....

    I am weak as hell on squats, so watching her do that keeps me motivated.....
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    One thing else I will say on just getting in and lifting is this.

    Sunday mornings, I do legs. I am there when the gym opens.

    Shortly after I start, a group of women come in (about 6)....I see them coming back to the squat area....and I think to myself here comes the female wrecking crew.
    These women do not s**t around....
    One of them did 215# on squat, @$$ to grass squat.....for like 5 reps....

    I am weak as hell on squats, so watching her do that keeps me motivated.....

    I go to a community college. At that gym I was doing 135x15 warm up squat ATG. Some guy was like how can you do that. I just said you realize that is a warm up set. I love squat and it takes so much out of my body. Most energy draining workout out of all workouts. I thought I was weak too. A lot of people do not exercise let alone can lift weight like some people.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My deadlifts are no where near my max, I have a small weight bar and weights that have been given to me, all I had equals to 140lbs got on the scale with them to make sure what it was weight my normal weight then stepped on it with the bar with the weights on it. my dumbbells which I can add weight to it all of my weight plates are on the bar. I was benching 50lb dumbbells but I guess 25 lbs after other lifting isnt to bad, has got to be better then not lifting at all. I did get a little dizzy but thought that was normal lol thinks for the info! I'm going to need to buy some weights or go to my local gym ( I have a membership) I just feel self conscience compared to the other guys lifting four times as much as me and the girls always seem to watch the guys lift do pull ups etc then seem to get mad when we watch them exercise :-/ .my arms were sore today first time they have gotten sore in a long time.

    Oh almost forgot should I cut back my cardio now that I'm lifting have done so for a little while and haven't gained any weight

    you should usually have SOME form of cardiovascular work- but if you're trying to gain- it's not a crisis. Cardio = more food- and usually by the end of the day- you're not interested in eating more food. So most people cut back- but it won't kill you.

    And seriously- get in there and get your work done- don't worry about everyone else. yes people watch- yes people stare. At my gym- for big big lifts- people stop and watch.

    I know when people are between sets- I KNOW they are watching me- whatever- I still have to lift.

    At some point you get used to the flow and you see the regular group of folks coming in and you feel less like you're being watched and more like people are there just doing there thing.

    You get used to it- there is always more watching in the weight room. You have to rest at some point- what are you going to do?
    play candy crush or watch people (I do both)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I do similar...135 x 10, ATG

    Right around 205 is where I start having issues w/ ATG
    My hips give me fits
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I got your candy crush. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: