Question for the girls..
Do you girls feel a need to eat junk when your on your period?? Whenever I get mine I have a day where I eat pizza/cookies chips and then the rest of the time im eating healthy chicken , oatmeal , cucumbers , fruit etc... Just wondering if im the only one
eating junk and losing weight?
I'm so confused .. i used to eat like KFC or McDonalds everyday for lunch i would snack on chips.. then we decided to do the biggest loser at work so the first week i lost 4lbs.. then i was up and down so i was good for 2 weeks straight then on friday i had a med fry from mcdonalds i woke up the next day the smallest i've…
1200 calorie girls
who else is doing a 1200 cal diet right now
At a stand still for my weight loss
So we are doing the biggest loser at work when I started I was 146.8 we are into week 4 I believe last week I weighed in at 141.8 on the weekend i got down to 139.6 then when I weighed myself Monday after making no changes in my diet I was up to 141.0 this morning i was 140.6 .. it seems like i just can't get past them.…
Foods low in Sugar
Can anyone tell me some good snack quick and go foods that are low in sugar.. ? It seems that i'm like 45 points over in sugar everyday and i need to lower my sugar to lose these love handles.. im such a snacker so was wondering if you have any ideas.. i ate a pear today and it was 16 points of sugar and a banana was 14 !!!
Stretch Marks..
Does anyone know anything good to get rid of stretch marks.. i have some on my stomach from having my kids...
Help!! Pics
So the scale says i went from 143 to 140 within the last week and a half ... but i just compared a picture of me in the bikini from this week to last week and i think i look bigger in the 2nd picture which is this week.. i've been working out eating right and the scale says down.. ugh.. frustrated Untitled-1 by…
Uploading photos
What do you use to upload photos??
Current PIcture - Goals
Post a current picture and what your goals are Here is my current picture.. weight in this photo is about 143 My goals are to continue to lose .. I want to lose about 10 more lbs and I want definition in my arms and abs .. I also want those love handles gone!! they are my biggest enemy . photo by ashleylynn03, on Flickr
sublements and meal replacement shakes
How do you know which sublements to take and does anyone know any good meal replacement shakes??
Help.. What to eat??
SO I am a very picky eater.. i love fruit but dont like many vegetables.. i like olives , pickles, cucumbers, corn, green peas, green beans.. and that's really about it.. i'm trying to eat healthy throughout the day but I struggle so much before I don't know what to eat.. usually for breakfast i will have homemade oatmeal…
Hi Friends :)
Hello, since I don't think I ever really introduced myself on here i'm going to now. My name is Ashley I am a mom of 2 , I am 27 years old and live in Canada . When I first started using myfitnesspal in 2010 I weighed 162lbs... this was after the birth of my son ... my most recent weigh in was at 141 .. However I am still…
Stuck... blah
I have been doing what i'm doing for 2 weeks now cutting out bad foods such as chips etc , only drinking water, eating oatmeal, green tea, chicken, eggs, fruit , vegetables.. plus doing some kind of work out everyday. I work with kids so i'm always moving around.. then when I come home I do about 15 minutes of a mixture of…
Guess The Song
I will start.. someone else puts the answer and another song lyric to guess... here we go... "You made a rebel of careless mans careful daughter"
Does anyone have the fibit that myfitnesspal promotes?? if so how do you like it? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/apps/show/fitbit
Weight loss so far
These are my weight loss pics so far.. I still have about 10lbs to go and muscle to build before i reach goal weight .. I weight 162 in 2010 picture it was a month after my son was born .. the other two pics the middle one was in January and the one on the right was yesterday. I bought weights yesterday and a situp ball…
Do you ever ?
Just have days where you eat McDonalds and chips in the same day and feel horrible cause you just went over your calorie goal.. cause that seems to be my day today .. ! :P
Hello :)
Hello Everyone... I am new to this site.. here's a little bit of history. I am currently 154lbs .. and am trying to get down to 138. I have cut out juices/pop and also chips and cookies other junk food.. sometimes I indulge and have a small frozen yogurt or something to that extent. This is week 2 and a half of my diet.…