Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt/Gelato/Sorbet Recipe Collection
Let's start a collection of recipes! I now have a new kitchen gadget (Ninja Creami) that makes various frozen desserts. I'll share what I come up with, and hope others will chime in with recipes they have made and tested. All recipes welcome (regular/lite/low-cal/high protein/etc.).
Search for recipes by ingredients
I’m sure I’m not the first to suggest this. I find the way the app classifies recipes is next to useless. I want to type in a list of ingredients, for example, zucchini and feta, and see what comes up. This feature would ensure I use the recipe section and would save me laboriously looking for a recipe outside the app and…
Hey y'all I'm new here
Hey Yall!!! my name is Lindsey and I am a mother of 3. I am a sahm and my youngest is our only boy. He was born with hydrocephalus, epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Due to his many many many hospital stay, surgeries and other medical issues I have not eaten the best over the last decade. However I am making it my mission as of…
How to create recipes that include items like flour
OK, assume I'm adding a crispy fried shrimp recipe. I may use 1 cup of flour and some cornstarch, but that's just to cover the shrimp before it goes in the fryer. Should I add some flour in the ingredients, like a tablespoon, or just exclude it altogether?
How do you log your meals when you’re a no recipe kinda mom?
Hi folks, I’m new sort of to this app and I find tracking my meals I’ve cooked on a whim, really hard to log. Do you log each ingredient in the dish as a whole or do you log just what’s in your plate? For example- I made salmon filets with basmati rice and steamed veggies. I made a soya sauce based sauce with home made…
Potential Feature: Using Logged Food Data to Create Shopping Lists!
This should be a feature available for premium users. If I am in error, and this feature already does exist, I would love to know how to gain access. I have tried exporting a printable version of my Diary and using AI to analyze and generate a list, but the text of the exported file is not OCRed, which means it is not…
How do I trick myself?
I'm aiming to lose about 5-8kg and I like lots of fruits and vegetables, but I realllyyy can't get myself to willingly eat salad or tomatoes. Idk what it is about them, probably the texture for tomatoes, but I just can't. Could someone give me tips to kinda "trick" myself into eating more of it? I know it's one of the best…
How to export my own recipes etc.?
There is an "Export" function in the app that sends you a link to your data - albeit only for weight, macros and exercises. Is there a way to also export the recipes, ingredients etc. that I created?
Best app to organise recipes
Hello, I'm looking for an app in which I'm able to import recipes from myfitnesspal so I can organise them in e.g. lunch, dinner, chicken, wraps etc. Right now, I create recipes beforehand just like I think I'm going to cook something, but as I'm busy cooking, I sometimes prefer having a little bit more of something or…
Enable Recipe Searchs by Specific Food
Enable users to search for data base recipes by ingredient, e.g. eggs, squash, turkey. This would help when trying to use up items users already have on hand, or when looking for ideas when cooking with seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Hi everyone! Jack here, have used the app on and off over the yearsm now back at it! Working with Stronger By Science to help with my nutrition, currently on my 92nd consecutive day. Started at 156.9kg, now sitting at 128.8kg. I was a competitive powerlifter, but have since decided to focus more on my health and…
Confirmation window when exiting recipe editor with unsaved changes
Whenever I accidentally leave the recipe editor/maker with unsaved changes it just removes all the changes I've made without prior warning which is rather frustrating. Having a confirmation window pop up to confirm any changes I've made would help avoid this problem immensely.
Easier Meal Plan tracking with recipes and macros
I personally find planning my meals with macros each day really hard, I have to upload a URL for a recipe but this is super buggy and doesnt work very often. I'd love to be able to plan ahead with an overview of the entire week and my macros on each day, by uploading a url of a recipe that I can then just move/drag around…
GF Protein Pancakes
I’ve been playing around with this recipe, and i think it’s pretty good, so thought I would share. makes enough for 2-3 people. 1/2 cup GF self raising flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 egg 2 scoops protein powder 1-1.5 cups coconut water recommendations / notes: “Well & Good” GF flour is excellent vanilla man shake powder…
More protein please
I’m having trouble reaching my daily protein goals. Usually I’m getting about a 1/3 of what I need. I’d love any tips on how I can increase my protein while keeping carbs down. I also won’t eat fish.
The Food Database Really Needs Curation and Editing
First off, although MFP is the best recipe builder and meal tracker I've found, it's woefully difficult to use, and also can't be exported?! Come on. Not even a CSV? Also, let's enjoy this glorious screenshot: Last time I check, mL wasn't a very logical or common measurement for a powder. Sure, it can be, I guess, but all…
Breakfast from the recipe section of mfp
Kale quiche with sweet potatoes crust
I just signed up and look forward to becoming healthier.
Hello i am rumaisa i am starting my weight loss journey from today onwards. I am right now extremely motivated and excited.
Logging Recipes
Is there no way to add a recipe by weight as opposed to set servings? Sometimes I'll just want to log 100g for example of whatever the food is (soup e.g.) and not necessarily a set serving size.
Copy a recipe
I have a few recipes that I will make with just one variation. For example I make Eggroll in a Bowl monthly. Sometimes I use ground pork, sometimes ground chicken. There are some pretty big differences in the macros depending on whether it is ground pork or ground chicken. It would be great to be able to take a recipe I…
Online recepies: they do not all show
When looking at my recipes online (rather than the app), they only show a single page and not all of my recipes are there. Is there a way to see them all online, am I missing something?
Adding food in grams not servings
At the start of the week I make a big salad and each day I just grab however much I need to add to my meal based on my hunger. Is it possible to add a meal but instead of saying how many servings it is when I add it to my fitness pal I just want to say I've had x amount of grams instead of a serving as this will differ…
Hello I am new
Just starting on my fitness journey. I am doing pretty well and would love to connect with others who are going through this journey. Looking for me recipes for smoothies.