Group Search Results
Group Search Results
If you are a widow or widower and on a quest to lose weight please join in and we can cheer each other on!
This is for all your beachbody program lovers out there. I created this group to get the most amazing results possible. We have all seen the commerci…9 discussions 32 members 32 9 Most recent discussion: Insanity group by RosemarieSenpai December 2013
A group for British girls (and guys) With due deference to our on line friends "across the pond" I dont see many members from the UK, but perhaps the…
Group for mutual support for those of us seeking to maintain a healthy weight in Middle Georgia2 discussions 32 members 32 2 Most recent discussion: What do you do to stay focused on the weekends? by Thesoundofwolf October 2012
This is a group for people who aren't afraid of carbs!
MFP'ers from Missouri!!6 discussions 32 members 32 6 Most recent discussion: ATTENTION MISSOURI CYCLISTS!!! by EnglishDiva August 2012
This group is for anyone with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue who wants to get their body healthy. Share exercise tips and recipes. And to encourage…2 discussions 32 members 32 2 Most recent discussion: Low energy and chronic pain in exercise by nrshfqh January 2018
If you are anticipating surgery and have questions or have made the decision and need support, I am here as a post sleeve patient doing very well and…1 discussion 32 members 32 1 Most recent discussion: gastric sleeve surgury best decision of my life! by circledmetalart September 2016
A place to share ideas, future con hopes, dream cosplays, current cosplays and to make friends!♡8 discussions 32 members 32 8 Most recent discussion: Newbie here! Hi and body paint question. by lewnatic August 2015
This is a group open to anyone that is interested in completing a 30 day plank challenge. We will be starting September 1, 2014!19 discussions 32 members 32 19 Most recent discussion: Plank Challenge Day 13 and Beyond by barbiecat October 2014
For anyone needing a boost during the month of December. Set a goal and challenge yourself, then tell us about it! Name: Height: Starting Weight (12/…4 discussions 32 members 32 4 Most recent discussion: December 2014 Weightloss Journey by ritchiehl January 2015
A simple, but challenging opportunity to "Eat Clean" during the month of November. The rules are simple and the process will be fun. AND YOU GET THRE…13 discussions 32 members 32 13 Most recent discussion: Nov. Tips/Suggestions by brattyworm November 2013
Join the F.C.F if you: live in, live near, visit or have ever been to Flagler County Florida and are interested in getting Fit!15 discussions 32 members 32 15 Most recent discussion: Away.. I have returned. by Itbeginswithyourself October 2014
8th period Health class at Joliet Central High School.3 discussions 32 members 32 3 Most recent discussion: Topic #3: Reaching your goals by balcazar13 April 2013
Current Study: Living Like Jesus
GI stands for Glycemic Index and is a measure of the impact of food on your blood sugar. .
This is a group for people who practice or are interested in Quantified Self (QS).3 discussions 32 members 32 3 Most recent discussion: An update/summary on my self monitoring by arober11 April 2015
Weight Loss Made Simple group from Fitocracy with Dick Talens0 discussions 32 members 32 0
This group is a 4 week challenge open to all that are trying to lose weight and are looking for encouragement, fun and accountability.8 discussions 32 members 32 8 Most recent discussion: FINAL WEIGH-IN TODAY by AZRunnerGirlinErie November 2013
Support and motivation group for those working on Les Mills Combat. Doesn't matter where you are in the process, come join and help us support each o…5 discussions 32 members 32 5 Most recent discussion: anyone still doing this? by hellomanen August 2014
60 day weigh loss challenge2 discussions 32 members 32 2 Most recent discussion: I thought I was in relatively good shape for my age . . by mmjohnson1965 May 2014
Group for Moms from the Babycenter April 2014 Birth Board
SHED Participants at Honeywell FM&T's NSC Fitness Center1 discussion 32 members 32 1 Private Group
The Unicity Transformation is designed to help you achieve personalized results. Whether you're looking to shed pounds and inches, hoping to have mor…2 discussions 32 members 32 2 Most recent discussion: Unicity Transformation - a new outlook on life ! by naturemade85 July 2014