cbills65 Member


  • If you can get the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women it will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about lifting and how to do it the right way along with how to eat to maximize results. Excellent and easy read. I got it as an ebook on my kindle so I could read it on my phone whenever and wherever. For what…
  • You are brilliant. Just love your sense of humor.
  • I'm on my second round of BB. I love it and highly recommend it. :smiley: My first round was very successful. I was able to reduce my body fat percentage from 30.1% to 23.4 % from start to finish. Round 2 started April 20th. I keep my dumbbells and my stability ball tucked away in a corner where they are out of the way but…
  • There are few things I hate more than burpees. The entire process feels awkward and difficult to me. I avoid them at all costs. I'll do mountainclimbers all day, but burpees no thanks!
  • Great job! You are quite beautiful, young lady. :smiley:
  • I am also looking for your blog. Would love to check out your recipe since we eat a LOT of ground turkey in my household. Please post a link if you don't mind. :smiley:
  • Turning 50 in October. It's truly never too late.
  • I think if you go into settings you can edit to remove any previous entries you had. That should put you back at zero. :smiley:
  • When you have to pull up your pants every couple of steps because they slide down fast as you walk.
  • Accountability partner(s). Just like any compulsion or addiction, have someone or several someones who you can have talk you off the ledge when you start feeling your resolve to be good begin to crumble. I would think it would be adventatgeous to find people with the same struggles so you can help each other and it isn't a…
  • I would assume you lift the same but cut or bulk would be governed by whether or not you are in a calorie surplus or deficit. I maybe wrong but that's my take on it. If not, someone will correct me and give you additional information. Good luck!
  • Going in with the mindset that you may fail is toxic in my opinion. I made a permanent changes with my eating habits and fitness goals. I don't plan on abanoning them; they are my new lifestyle and have been for approaching a year. So, I won't need fat clothes because I won't gain back 20 or 30 pounds. It's not like the…
  • Agreed... on all points. I like to surround myself with very positive people as well. Feel free to add me if you like. :smile:
  • It will but you have to log it as cardiovascular. I just do a "create an exercise" and put all my strength training in that way in the cardio log so it will count for me. I think people have had the same complaint forever, tho. I really don't get why they haven't done something to fix that.
  • I am firm believer in accountability. If I log my food and exercise accurately every single day, I am informed about my CICO and can track my macros. If I go too high in one area and don't like it, at least I can backtrack and see who the culprit was. Like sodium content for example. Where did I go wrong? Make the…
  • Do you exercise? Or will you be exercising as you start watching your calories?
  • ^^^THAT is not just a prize. That is a MAJOR AWARD! Woo hoo!!!!
  • I lift 6 days a week and am starting a bulking phase this week. Would love to have more friends who lift. Please feel free to add me. :smiley:
  • I love protein shakes and bars so that should help boost my calories as well. I appreciate the advice and tips, gentlemen.
  • Good luck to you! This is a great place to start :smiley:
  • Agreed and that makes perfect sense to me. I don't love the idea of fat gain but it's part of the deal. It seems like a small price to pay for the muscle gain and like you said, a cut later will take care of it. No allergies. Just unfavorable digestive implications from dairy consumption. I don't know if it is lactose…
  • I have grudgingly accepted the fact that there will be fat gain and I fully anticipate a cut later on. I agree it will not be possible to eat 100% clean. I just want to do this right and it's a completely foreign concept to me. Being female the focus all my adult life has been to get lighter, get smaller. It wasn't until…
  • I'm glad I stumbled across this thread. I've been lifting for just over 5 months but just decided to take a leap of faith and bulk. I'll admit, I'm terrified of screwing this up. Having been someone who has always tried to lose weight and eat in a deficit I am already finding it challenging to eat enough healthy food to…
  • I work in administration for an independent school district. My advice is that you should not take any action on your own. You should share your concerns with a school social worker or at the very least go up the chain of command within administration. Document the concern along with your actions and any follow up. Many…
  • ^ This is interesting. I just read up on it.
    in Loose skin? Comment by cbills65 May 2015
  • Congratulations and welcome to MFP. You definitely came to the right place. You should find that logging your food will keep you accountable and can be very eye opening. It made a huge difference for me. My "guesstimates" were way off and I easily took in more calories than I realized. Once I started accurately logging all…
  • "I tend to start but once I eat something I know is gunna push me over, or mean I can't eat very much the rest of the day i dont put it in." ^^^ I see. Well, most people on MFP will tell you that the key to taking control of this thing is logging and being very accurate and truthful. Even if it looks bad and is…
  • If you log your food, try to keep the calories within limits in spite of what you eat. It won't help you be healthier if you continue to eat garbage but if you are just trying to manage on the days you feel like you need to splurge at least you'll feel like you have some kind of control. Maybe you will learn some…