[rant] self sabotage, why?!

I'm an on again - off again MFP user and relatively new to the forums here. Forgive me if this is not the place for this type of post.

Can I just say that I'm so sick of my own self sabotaging? I've eaten my way into 20 extra pounds over the past year, and despite knowing clearly that I shouldn't eat that muffin, or pork bun, or drink that extra beer, I do it anyway. Despite knowing my time is better spent waking up early and going to the gym (instead of sleeping in and munching) I do the later. Ugh. I'm sure you all have these struggles too?

How do you deal with this? Why do we do this to ourselves and can we support beach other in not eating these harmful foods in excess?

I'm not sure how this works, but I'd like some support from the community here on eating right.

thank you and good luck to all.


  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Accountability partner(s). Just like any compulsion or addiction, have someone or several someones who you can have talk you off the ledge when you start feeling your resolve to be good begin to crumble. I would think it would be adventatgeous to find people with the same struggles so you can help each other and it isn't a one sided thing. Or maybe a group/forum? Just throwing out the first ideas that came to mind. Keep in mind that all the support in the world will fail if you don't actually respond and take the advice to walk away. There's little point in reaching out if you know you will turn around and do what you want to anyway. It's hard to do this alone, especially if you lack self control. But it can be done. You need a really good support system and the resolve to change your habits. Good luck to you!!!!