suruda Member


  • Can you "hide" cauliflower and eat it? We make macaroni and cheese with half pasta and half cauliflower and it is great. Spaghetti, lasagne, all easy to make vegetarian and still delicous. Pizza, Curries and stir fries are good vegetarian and I know others will have many more great suggestions as I am happily a meat eater!…
  • If it is your bum you aren't comfortable the yoga pants but look for tanks or tops that are longer and cover all or most of your bum. I know I find them at Athleta..., spendy but they often have a great clearance section!
  • People spend an amazing amount of $$ at Starbucks and consume so many calories...I see it every day from behind the counter! There are lots of ways to make your drink lower calorie but of course it won't taste as delicous...especially if you love the calorie bombs of white mocha or caramel good substitution for…
  • Why would you get yelled at when you post pics? You look great in your profile pic!
  • Me too....have 10-20 to lose. Currently I'm at a weight where I feel good, and get lots of compliments. That makes me lazy with tracking and counting calories! I feel like I need to tighten things up.
  • I enjoyed a couple of days of headaches when I first re started (1/1). I cut out sugar and most carbs...pretty sure it was the sugar withdrawls as I was enjoying mucho holiday consumption prior to that!
  • I like the little goals...5 lbs, 10 lbs, getting into each new weight group (180's, 170's etc). I weigh every day to see trends which I prefer. There is an app called "happy scale" that I really like for tracking your weight and setting mini goals. I know others do better if they get on the scale less often, for me that's…
  • Wow...amazing story! You are so right about the expectations of others or what others say is the "norm" causing frustration! This is your journey and it is the journey of a lifetime! Congratulations on your success...the ability to shop easily is such a huge win! I always wanted to be able to wear clothes that I liked, as…
  • Congratulations! That is an excellent loss! I love seeing everyone's stories and how they have done it!
  • I think the aerial hoop looks so cool. I have a brother in law who does it for workouts...he sends videos often. He is usually the only guy there. It looks hard for sure! Welcome to MFP!
  • Do you like gyms or belong to one? Our local gyms all have active older adults classes...I'm 52 and went to one, it was good...I totally worked up a sweat! My husband (who is 61) and I both love hiking...anything from a nature walk to a strenuous 8-10 mile day hike. Those are abundant and a great way to get a lot of…
    in Working out Comment by suruda April 2017
  • Congratulations on your success! All of your hard work has totally paid off!
  • I'm the same....except adding in fruit works well for me. I feel most on track and the scale moves best when my calories come from veggies, fruit, protein, and some whole grains. Healthy fats are in there as well. I have been craving chocolate in a big way the past month or so and am still negotiating how to fit it in with…
  • The thing about letting yourself be hungry is that it will often lead to bingeing and poor decisions later...that wholesome dinner will likely grow into something else! I would recommend pairing fruit with protein as well for it to sustain you for long. Cheese and apples is often my lunch!
  • Nice job! congratulations on your success!
    in 209.4 Comment by suruda April 2017
  • Congratulations! that is such an amazing milestone!
  • Such a great way to start out 2017! nice work!
  • Hard boiled eggs have a certain smell to unpleasant! :wink:
  • I'm not the biggest egg fan but do like to have a quick breakfast to take on the go. I'll cook a chicken breast and take 2-3 ounces plus a sliced apple with me out the door...maybe a string cheese too depending on how hungry I am!
  • Nice job, that's a great milestone! congratulations!
  • Nice work! congratulations on your 35 lbs down!
  • I'm a vodka fan too...I like it with fresca, diet sprite, or soda water with lime or lemons or both
  • Buy a kitchen scale and be honest with tracking your's pretty eye opening what a true "portion" size really is! Fill your plate with half veggies...they go a long way for bulk with very little calories. There's a ton to learn, spend some time poking around!
    in Help Comment by suruda March 2017
  • grilled chicken thighs, corn and broccoli...pretty low cal as well!
  • I do well for me. Low carb, I get carbs from fruits and veggies and that's about it. I don't miss pasta, rice or bread surprisingly! My husband and I think this is the way we need to eat from now on with carbs being an occasional desserts!
  • Werthers original hard candies...I do sugar free, hubby does regular. those sometimes will do the trick for a little sweet treat. I also have dove dark candies (45 calories each) and have had Hershey's kisses around too...
  • BTW...I'm that way with chocolate...rather "pay" in calories for the real thing, and a small amount of my favorite instead of crappy stuff!
  • Funny, this is one product that I like better than the original. I feel like you taste more tomato flavor. Maybe I'm used to the Splenda aftertaste though. A few years ago, I stopped all artificial sweeteners, it didn't take too long before I could taste that weird chemical taste if I had some accidentally. You do get…
  • you can win this game for sure! One of my problems when I'm home is walking through the kitchen and picking at whatever there is. So....on days that I am home all day, I"ll cut an apple, some veggies and put those on the table...then as I walk through the kitchen, those are what I graze on. For some reason if there is food…
  • Nice work! You look great, hope you feel great too!