
Hello everyone I'm very new to this app and the whole diet and exercise thing. Please give me any tips or advice you may have. Thanks!


  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    There is a sticky that says most helpful posts I find to be helpful. The best tip I can give you is to enter your goals on MFP and eating the calories provided.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Buy a kitchen scale and be honest with tracking your's pretty eye opening what a true "portion" size really is! Fill your plate with half veggies...they go a long way for bulk with very little calories. There's a ton to learn, spend some time poking around!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    First off ... know what it is you want to achieve, and why. Those will become the foundation for keeping you moving forward when you grow tired (burn-out?) of doing the work.

    Second ... No matter if you are trying to gain or lose weight, or just recomposition your body, it will take time ... so don't try to rush it, and don't feel you need to make all the changes all at once. You will have a better level of success if you build on your changes to your daily routine regarding "diet and exercise" continually over a long period of time.

    Third ... Find resources that will help you gather the knowledge you don't already have regarding your goal with the "diet and exercise" thing ... you can use this app, you can google, you can search YouTube, you can seek the advice of a dietician or nutritionist, a physical therapist, a physiologist, an educated and experiences trainer at a gym, at the local library via books and such.

    Fourth ... Make it pleasurable. That might mean creating a new hobby that works with your ultimate goals ... could be hiking, bike riding, weight lifting, boxing, swimming, moving dirt. Could also be learning to cook, either basic cooking, or something more grand, like a specific style of cooking, or a style of eating ... for example, I have taken to cooking from scratch and fermenting foods.

    Good luck.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited March 2017
    There are no magic foods that will make the weight melt away, and there are no evil foods that will automatically add 10 lbs of fat right where you're trying to lose. A calorie is a calorie, although for how well they fill you, nourish you, and fit into your daily goals some calories might be more worth eating than others. Prioritize, but you need not eliminate.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited March 2017
    The closer your eating is now to the way you mean to eat when you reach your goal, the likelier you are to maintain. In other words, while there might be some foods you choose to cut from your diet because you 'can't eat just one', unless you're planning to never eat cake/meat/dairy/gluten/mom's tuna casserole/peregrine falcon again, don't cut it out on your current plan.

    Actually... don't eat the peregrine falcon. I think it's on the endangered species list.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Create a calorie deficit, sleep is very important, plenty of water, I would ditch the alcohol and soda because of empty calories, log every morsel of food until you really understand what you're eating, talk a daily selfie (so inspiring looking back), stay strong, commit to exercise, lose the "noise" in your life so you can stay focused, if you want the pizza-eat the pizza-just keep it in your calorie check.

    Friend me if you'd like, we can message each other support.