Khukhullatus Member


  • I feel for you, but it's not an addiction. Only you are going to be able to figure out the best way to stick with things. Personally, my biggest trick is I never let myself go one calorie over unless I already expect to be out of control for the day, because I have trouble not saying "screw it" and totally binging. Other…
  • Super super low, but not impossible.
  • A friend of mine has something called "The Operah Test" to tell whether or not they've invented a diet pill that actually works yet. Operah is insanely rich, and clearly very interested in losing weight. If there was a pill or a product, no matter how ludicrously expensive, that could make weight loss easy, she'd have…
  • People are doing a pretty good job of defending CICO, so I just thought I'd point out that 21 participants is barely enough for a modified T-test. At best, you could call that a pilot study, which is only useful in the sense that it can help you decide what topics call for actual research. Whether the guy is right or…
  • Couldn't agree more. There is a girl at my gym who slathers on this hand and body lotion at least once or twice during her workout. You wouldn't walk around reeking of any other scent in public. Why is it suddenly ok because it smells like an alcohol/fruit/flower smoothie? Maybe it's just me, but super strong cologne and…
  • Cool. I think that is me. I used an online tool to pick them out. They weren't their number one recommendation, but Amazon had this crazy deal on them, and I figured to save a hundred bucks, a top five pick seemed close enough.
  • I wear Saucony guide 7. They work great for me, but I have very limited knowledge of distance running, so for all I know, they might be junk ^_^
  • Oh, and I forgot to answer. I think you'd definitely still get great gains out of it. I did the Zombie 5k program, which is really similar in terms of what the workouts actually entail, and I did it by doubling the weeks like that.
  • I think this is one of those things where the only answer is really going to come from your body. Probably just have to try it and see. I'd run it past your doc just to make sure there's nothing specifically prohibitive about your fibromyalgia first though. I mostly decided to chime in because I was about that size when I…
  • A calorie is the same at noon or at midnight. That being said, I used to have a rule about not eating after eight p.m. because I was working weird hours, and if I wasn't careful about it, I'd end up eating a fourth full meal for the day. Ultimately, it's better to just be aware of how many calories you are taking in, but…
  • haha, good to know you're open to trying new things.
  • I've noticed that protein and meal replacement bars are almost always more expensive online than in a store like Costco or Sam's. Might just try giving them a shot before you order. I pay about a buck a piece for a kind of quest bar knockoff.
  • Nah, health goals should be entirely based on the health you are in now, and what your body is ready to handle. Having a magic number isn't helpful. There are people who are going to have to push themselves to make it halfway around the block, and people who are very healthy, but just inactive for who are going to find 10k…
  • Don't worry about the 10,000 steps thing. It's based on an old Japanese campaign to sell pedometers. It's not something rooted in science. Better to just shoot for as much activity as you can fit.
  • I think we do tend to lose it faster, but I'm 6'4" and started at 330 lbs, losing 2 lbs percentage wise was was like a 165 lbs woman losing 1, so the direct comparison doesn't really work. Also, at my size, it literally takes 20 or 30 lbs of loss before it's visible on my frame. Lot's of women I know can drastically alter…
  • There are some other food logging apps that don't require a specific age. I'm sure you can find what you are looking for out there.
  • haha, Is it just me, or was there not one vegan thing on that list?
  • I can't remember the name of the stuff, but when I lived on the coast I used to eat this jerky that was made out of squid instead of beef. High protein and had a slightly sweeter flavor than standard jerky. They've only got it in the specialty Asian foods store where I live now, so it's over five times as much. Sometimes I…
  • Haha, sounds like we have a lot of great recipes for pizza shaped objects.
  • I don't really over or under log, but whenever I round something off, I do it in the safe direction, round exercise down and calories up. At the end of a day, it probably changes things a hundred calories or so
  • This thread drives me a little nuts. I volunteer with a local non profit group that promotes science education for kids. Every week, there are at least half a dozen single guys there between twenty-five and thirty-five. These are smart guys with good jobs, most of whom have advanced degrees, and spend their weekends…
  • I'm male, so I can't give any first hand knowledge, but my last girlfriend decided to go with what basically amounted to a G-string for lifting. Her theory being that there was no chance she was ever going to keep her underwear in place, so she might as well go with what was going to cause her the least trouble when it…
  • Just hit 100 this week. Good luck guys, it's doable.