What made you fat?



  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I've always been slightly underweight but I gained 10 pounds when my Mother died. i was depressed and could'nt muster the energy to cook properly, I'd just throw a pizza in the oven. I did'nt make lunch for work ad would buy a wrap and maybe some chocolate everyday- after 6 months, it added up. I'm trying to lose the weight now to get back to myself- but i have additional stresses which keep dragging me down.
  • racmactac
    racmactac Posts: 19 Member
    I ate whatever I liked when I liked and stayed slim. Marriage break up, depression and I started putting weight on.
    Started exercising again and getting back in control and then I broke my ankle in 3 places. Couldn't do anything for months and months except eat crap and drink wine. Now paying the price and desperately trying to get it back under control
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    Getting comfortable in a relationship and consuming my body weight in sugar and fatty foods most days whilst we watched movies and went out for dinner, plus never exercising!
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    An accident led to several surgeries. Pain and immobility = inactivity. No exercise + bad diet = weight gain. I packed on 60 pounds.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    I used to walk briskly an hour a day for commute, now I drive an hour a day.
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    struggle with binge eating disorder, i was never pretty enough for my mom. A few comments to a young girl is all it takes

    ugh...^ this too for me!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I was never technically overweight as far as BMI goes, but I put on 25 pounds working in a bar and eating and drinking all the time as a result. Even working on my feet all day wasn't enough to conquer the constant free steak, potatoes, and wine/beer/tequila.
  • Mountaingirl33
    Mountaingirl33 Posts: 80 Member
    For me, I grew up in a home where everyone had an eating disorder: mom snuck food and overate, dad fasted during day and binged when home, sister had bulimia by twenties and I stress ate and went from fad diet to fad diet between teens and twenties...only succeeding with an ideal weight achievement during a four month calorie counting episode when I was 25. When I recently almost killed my gallbladder doing whole30 I had to stop the fad crap and start treating my body better:Feel what I feel, count calories, and watch what I'm eating so I can lose weight and feel good. If I'd known it was this easy all along!
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Moving in with my husband combined with people drinking a lot of soda around me at work which made me crave Dr. Pepper and then the obvious... Cheetos.... my kryptonite.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Eating as if I was running 6mi/day and swimming 2mi/day, but not running or swimming.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Eating too much food.

    Back in my 20s I lost 20lbs by conscientiously logging everything and eating better. I understood portion sizes and was quite good at estimating calories. But over the last five years I gained weight and when I tried losing I would always fail because I'd deliberately fool myself with serving sizes and calories burned.

    I knew that the enormous burrito I ate was much more than 300 calories but I would lazily record it that way anyway. I was sabotaging myself and (again, this is the part that I find frustrating with past-me) I absolutely knew I was logging many things incorrectly. I knew I didn't actually burn 400 calories doing yoga. I knew that the entire pizza I ate was more than 900 calories. I can't explain what was going through my head then, other than some magical thinking that if I didn't log over maintenance then the pounds would melt away.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
    Good ol fashioned eating more than I moved.
  • HaleysHeartfeltJourney
    Not giving a damn made me fat. But I didn't care because 1) I was told to diet at the age of 8 and then was only allowed certain stuff, diet soda, etc., and 2) when I got older, I was miserable so I ate. 9 years later, and 3 kids, and still being young, I care. And damnit if it kills me to lose this weight at least I'll be easier to lift at my funeral. Seriously, I have activity induced asthma and no inhaler. But I'm still counting calories an busting *kitten* on my treadmill and off it, to lose weight!
  • HaleysHeartfeltJourney
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Eating as if I was running 6mi/day and swimming 2mi/day, but not running or swimming.

    This. Today is the first day I've actually ran, I'm a really fast walker/slow jogger every other day. But I ran today, and it was brutal, worth it, but brutal. But damnit I ran without passing out so I'm happy! Also, hopefully this exercise that I've neglected, as well as counting calories which I never did before because I didn't care (see previous comment), will help me reach my goal in a healthy way.
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    I did.
  • ButBurgersAreDelicious
    A mixture of things. Mostly myself, but I think more so defensively. I ate and ate and ate. I had an abusive boyfriend, and the more I ate, and more I gained, the less he hit me, and the less he spoke to me. I think because I was doing the harm to myself, hating myself for him. Eventually he was embarrassed by me, and no longer wanted to be with me because there was nothing left to break in me.

  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    I had a super fast metabolism as a kid so I got used to eating huge amounts of food and junk and never gaining weight, even though I wasn't active.

    Then I hit like 20 and my body went "yeah, you're done with that!" :p It was a good run while it lasted...
  • knt217
    knt217 Posts: 115 Member
    Meeting my husband and eating with him. He's a big guy. Played college football and can really put it away. I didn't pay attention to what I was doing and ate along with him. I gained, he didn't. Then we had kids and I continued the trend of not paying attention in three pregnancies and have really payed the price for slacking off.
  • MzShelleRenea
    MzShelleRenea Posts: 64 Member
    Swallowing too much . . . .