No perfume please



  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    Couldn't agree more. There is a girl at my gym who slathers on this hand and body lotion at least once or twice during her workout.

    You wouldn't walk around reeking of any other scent in public. Why is it suddenly ok because it smells like an alcohol/fruit/flower smoothie? Maybe it's just me, but super strong cologne and perfume smells always tend to come off as sort of white trashy to me. Have some consideration for those around you.

    Oh, and if your perfume is too strong for the gym, I'm willing to bet your coworkers aren't loving it either.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Couldn't agree more. There is a girl at my gym who slathers on this hand and body lotion at least once or twice during her workout.

    You wouldn't walk around reeking of any other scent in public. Why is it suddenly ok because it smells like an alcohol/fruit/flower smoothie? Maybe it's just me, but super strong cologne and perfume smells always tend to come off as sort of white trashy to me. Have some consideration for those around you.

    Oh, and if your perfume is too strong for the gym, I'm willing to bet your coworkers aren't loving it either.

    oh snap
  • Cdiaz91011
    I have deodorant that smells like sweet pea and violet but i use it before i go to the gym and after i shower. It a gum. Every one is sweaty and stinky. Just be stinky together lol
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I've had this experience as well. I'm asthmatic, and super strong smells tend to make it worse. I pay the same membership fee you do...why should I have to leave because Ms Stinky wants to bathe in perfume?

    I love pretty smelling toiletries as much as the next person...but my scent should not hit the room 5 minutes before me. My personal rule is that you should be close enough to touch me before you can smell me. Last week I had a coworker tell me I smelled "good. Sweet. Like a cotton candy Frappuccino "
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Perfume, cologne, body spray, stinks anytime and anywhere. I've never understood the need to apply possible carcinogens to one's body in an attempt to ???? Is there something they are trying to coverup?

    tomsarno wrote: »
    I'm not taking a shower after work and before the gym to wash off perfume.

    If what others choose to do affects you so profoundly maybe you should get a home gym

    If a person is so inconsiderate that they don't care that they effect others negatively maybe they should workout at home.

    They aren't the one with a problem working out. Unless there are gym guidelines they are breaking you have two choices.

    Suck it up.


    Gym somewhere else.

    That sure is insensitive, you must be a wonderful person.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I get physically sick when I have to ride on the bus/metro next to someone who has been way too liberal with her/his perfume. I wish people would understand that perfume is meant to be worn close to the body, and certainly never in a gym :(

    Or an office!!! I don't understand what makes people do that, I really don't. Are they just ignorant of how horrible they smell and how much it affects other people? Or are they truly evil? Maybe we need a PR campaign. Or a law.
  • tthoma5201
    tthoma5201 Posts: 63 Member
    tomsarno wrote: »
    I'm not taking a shower after work and before the gym to wash off perfume.

    If what others choose to do affects you so profoundly maybe you should get a home gym

    If a person is so inconsiderate that they don't care that they effect others negatively maybe they should workout at home.

    They aren't the one with a problem working out. Unless there are gym guidelines they are breaking you have two choices.

    Suck it up.


    Gym somewhere else.

    Sounds like you are in the minority, never2bstopped.
  • tomsarno
    tomsarno Posts: 105 Member
    tthoma5201 wrote: »
    tomsarno wrote: »
    I'm not taking a shower after work and before the gym to wash off perfume.

    If what others choose to do affects you so profoundly maybe you should get a home gym

    If a person is so inconsiderate that they don't care that they effect others negatively maybe they should workout at home.

    They aren't the one with a problem working out. Unless there are gym guidelines they are breaking you have two choices.

    Suck it up.


    Gym somewhere else.

    Sounds like you are in the minority, never2bstopped.

    Never2bstopped seems to be one of the A-holes we are talking about
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    Maybe don't rea
    tomsarno wrote: »
    tthoma5201 wrote: »
    tomsarno wrote: »
    I'm not taking a shower after work and before the gym to wash off perfume.

    If what others choose to do affects you so profoundly maybe you should get a home gym

    If a person is so inconsiderate that they don't care that they effect others negatively maybe they should workout at home.

    They aren't the one with a problem working out. Unless there are gym guidelines they are breaking you have two choices.

    Suck it up.


    Gym somewhere else.

    Sounds like you are in the minority, never2bstopped.

    Never2bstopped seems to be one of the A-holes we are talking about
    Yes, but apparently, we're the ones with the problem. ;)

  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    Wearing too much body scents seems so contradictory considering you are in a gym to work out and hopefully sweat! If someone is so worried about their body odor while exercising, perhaps they need to go to the doctor to see if there is something physiologically wrong with them.

    *On a side note, I do have a friend whose underarm sweat is a bit off-putting. However, I suggested that she rub some coconut oil under her arms and let it sink in before working out. It greatly reduced the odor from exercise. Coconut oil is anti-microbial so it helps keep some of the bacteria that produces odors down a bit.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Haha had this at the swimming pool once. Was swimming and suddenly everything started to taste and smell like perfume. Nearly impossible to focus on breathing when you a choking on that. My training partner and myself both had to stop and I noticed a few other people get out too.

    Oh man, there's this sweet old woman who does water aerobics in the lane next to me every time I swim. She usually gets there about 20 minutes after me and I can always tell she's arrived because I get a mouth and nose full of old lady perfume. It's so icky but she's been coming to the gym at the same time for a million years and everybody loves her, so I'll be keeping my lips sealed.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I've had many workouts and one 5k ruined because of this. Literally started gagging and had to stop and catch my breath bc some idiot had on a half bottle of perfume and i had the misfortune to come up behind her. It was actually my best 5k, but it could have been a solid 30 seconds faster if I was breathing the whole time!

    Strong smells trigger my migraines also. It's not just a problem at the gym. But it is more noticeable since breathing is already difficult.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    tomsarno wrote: »
    tomsarno wrote: »
    I'm not taking a shower after work and before the gym to wash off perfume.

    If what others choose to do affects you so profoundly maybe you should get a home gym

    If a person is so inconsiderate that they don't care that they effect others negatively maybe they should workout at home.

    They aren't the one with a problem working out. Unless there are gym guidelines they are breaking you have two choices.

    Suck it up.


    Gym somewhere else.

    There are no guide lines about standing next to someone and farting, but I would never do that. If I did that and someone felt that I was making their gym experience uncomfortable I would be the dick if I said suck it up or work out at home. I believe in co-existing with the people around me so we can all enjoy life. You seem to be the type of person who worries about yourself and what you want to do, and everyone else will have to adapt.

    And no, I did not say anything because I did not want to embarrass her. I did not start this post to whine, I just thought it might make anyone who uses perfume or body spray aware that it might be effecting others.

    I agree completely. And yes, if you use so much perfume that at lunchtime or after work you still are going to bother the person next to you, then you should practice some self-awareness and rinse with a washcloth or something. I suspect this is not the case and was said, instead, to be argumentative. Nothing *I* do or smell like should be affecting anyone else's workout in the gym - just common courtesy.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I get physically sick when I have to ride on the bus/metro next to someone who has been way too liberal with her/his perfume. I wish people would understand that perfume is meant to be worn close to the body, and certainly never in a gym :(

    Or an office!!! I don't understand what makes people do that, I really don't. Are they just ignorant of how horrible they smell and how much it affects other people? Or are they truly evil? Maybe we need a PR campaign. Or a law.

    Elevator Cologne Man could be our mascot ... enough cologne to gag a maggot. Stop the madness.
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    tomsarno wrote: »
    I almost had my cardio workout ruined today. I woman started using the machine next to me doused in perfume to the point I had trouble breathing. There is no need for this.
    Do you live in Colorado ;) We have a lady at our gym that sprays a ton right before she works out. People have to leave the gym. I have to say it is very annoying.

    Which one? I go to 24 Hours in Aurora. There have only been a few times in the last two years where this has happened to me but I remember them all.
  • kozinskey
    kozinskey Posts: 176 Member
    I'm going to throw in another vote for "please wear less perfume/cologne." I consider myself fortunate that it just means a headache/nausea and a harder time breathing for me, but I've known people who would sneeze until they passed out if they were around people wearing scent. Honestly, I think it's every bit as inconsiderate as smoking indoors.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I get physically sick when I have to ride on the bus/metro next to someone who has been way too liberal with her/his perfume. I wish people would understand that perfume is meant to be worn close to the body, and certainly never in a gym :(

    Or an office!!! I don't understand what makes people do that, I really don't. Are they just ignorant of how horrible they smell and how much it affects other people? Or are they truly evil? Maybe we need a PR campaign. Or a law.

    Elevator Cologne Man could be our mascot ... enough cologne to gag a maggot. Stop the madness.

    And Bathroom Perfume Chick...our slogan could be, "I'd Rather Smell Poop"!

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited March 2015
    tomsarno wrote: »
    I almost had my cardio workout ruined today. I woman started using the machine next to me doused in perfume to the point I had trouble breathing. There is no need for this.

    There is no need for this level of scent in any setting.

    It also triggers migraines for me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I teach teenagers. There's nothing worse than being trapped in a classroom with 30 15 year olds who think if they spray on Lynx after playing football at break/a PE lesson then it'll make up for te fact they didn't have a shower. Nope. It just means they smell of sweat and also an overpowering smell of Lynx.

    So I can't say I notice perfume/cologne at the gym!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    You have got to get just the right amount of deodorant - just enough so that you don't suffocate the person next to you with BO, not so much that you suffocate them with the smell of your deodorant instead. A fine line :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: