you didn't answer it at all, you offered up a sarcastic remark
very helpful! thank you :)
no need to be rude, I've been doing it a different way, trying to eat all three macros throughout the entire day and making stuff fit and if it didn't fit, not eating it.. and he suggested a different way, focusing on two macros first and not worrying about carbs, which is a way that I haven't seen before. if you have…
so try to get all my protein and fat grams in first and then fill the rest of my cals with whatever I want? maybe that will work better for me, thanks :)
I would say that as far as buying a powder goes, that's more for if you're trying to build muscle. if you're just aiming to lose weight, I'd say eat some chicken breasts and boiled eggs :)
thanks for the tips! I actually just went online to a few sites and changed it to exactly that! I'm in school and haven't had much time for planning and figuring things out until today. I've been working out for a long time and eating "clean" but I've just recently decided to give IIFYM a try :)
thats what I was hoping because my meals are always off quite a bit. one has lots of protein and little of everything else, one has lots of carbs and little of the rest, etc. and as of right now, I just have it set to what MFP gave me, haven't really had time to look to far into it yet. so it's carbs: 50%, fat: 30% and…
today I made stuffed chicken breasts. I took a breast and cut it in half so I could have a top and bottom with "stuffing" in between. I diced cherry tomatoes, avocado, and a bit of cheese and put it on top of the bottom half of the breast. then I put some dry stuffing on, a bit of coconut oil, then the top of the breast.…
thanks everyone! I'll keep everything in mind :) i really appreciate it!
cheese <3 <3 <3 I'm keeping that one in mind!
what I mean is that I was simply "eating clean" as most would call it. but now that I'm focusing more on macros, I've realized that I'm low on fats :) thanks!
if nights out are rare, who cares? one night isn't going to put you back.
I'm looking for motivating people! I just started using MFP after at least a year of not using it :)
meat, fish, eggs
this is the perfect plan. lifts all days but one with some cardio after. one day is cardio only, HIIT is a good option for that. and you don't necessarily have to lift for an hour. it's more about quality than quantity. arditarose has a good plan!
absolutely love mine. I've had it since the summer and it's awesome! the battery lasts about 5 or 6 days for me. the lack of info shown on the band isn't a big deal to me because I just check my phone. I'm sure you'll love it like i do! anyone complaining that the band doesn't give you enough info... well, they should have…
I also have a Fitbit and it's great. no issues in water or damage. it syncs up really well with MFP. I've had it since the summer, went boating, swimming, etc with it. I've heard that they're good with replacements so if any water damage occurred, you could always contact them. they also have the extra warranty option.
your hands and shoulders may be sore from leaning in the handlebars with a lot of weight. try not to put so much weight on them, keeping your shoulders up. could also be from rounding your back too much.
yes, Nike training club is AWESOME!
I go in the morning before school (I'm in university) so I go at 6am then shower and go straight to class! then you don't have to get your but off the couch after a long day to workout.
what are your goals?
absolutely love my Fitbit!
in my opinion, thongs aren't good for you in a health sense. when you exercise, especially run, the thong moves back and forth and it transfers the bacteria from back to front and can cause infection. it can happen in every day wear, but more likely during exercise. what I've recently found is that the no-show panties from…