Gym days :how many, how long



  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Every single day for 30 minutes never less but sometimes more. The workouts vary between treadmill, swimming, elliptical, cardio, Insanity, and others. Sometimes it is nothing more than a race walk slow jog with the dog that may last longer depending on where the woods take us. I hate rules and restrictions. So my only criteria is to make sure I get in those 30 minutes no matter what. It can be in the morning or night, does not matter. That way I never dread the workout and it stays fun :)
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Strength and endurance TWTF and play tennis SSM.
  • bababs89
    bababs89 Posts: 307 Member
    I usually go 4-5 days a schedule typically looks like this:
    Monday - Cardio
    Tuesday - Boot Camp Class
    Wednesday - rest day!
    Thursday - Boot Camp Class
    Friday - rest day!
    Saturday/Sunday - Cardio
  • stevesgirl824
    stevesgirl824 Posts: 74 Member
    I just started going to the gym, just about 4 weeks ago. I go there 4-5 days a week for approximately an hour. I do strength training 3 days for 10-25 minutes and then cardio. I love the elliptical and bike. I do 30-50 minutes of cardio, and I do various programs on the machine, to mix it up. I have lost over 5 inches since I started working out and tracking my food here.
  • verapal
    verapal Posts: 38 Member
    I am bad. I berley take days off. I do split workouts few days a week. I do rope jumping and kettle bell training in a morning and machine cardio and weights in an afternoon.
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    thoyle2015 wrote: »
    suzikay12 wrote: »
    My workout schedule is this:
    Monday-Metabolic Resistance Training 30 minutes, 30 minutes cardio
    Tuesday-Metabolic Resistance Training 30 minutes, 30 minutes cardio
    Wednesday-1 hour cardio only
    Thursday-Metabolic Resistance Training 30 minutes, 30 minutes cardio
    Friday-Metabolic Resistance Training 30 minutes, 30 minutes cardio
    Saturday-1 hour cardio only
    Sunday-maybe some pilates, maybe a walk, maybe nothing but sitting on the couch binging on Netflix

    I don't think the 2 hours of gym time you describe sounds inherently excessive in any way. Possibly your in-laws need to mind their own business or possibly there are other things going on that make them think the amount of exercise you are doing is unhealthy (extreme low cal diet plus 2 hours exercise comes to mind). No one on this or any other forum can tell you whether it is too much without knowing all the circumstances.

    I eat 1600 calories a day I like food waaaaaay to much to have an extremely low cal diet
    What's metabolic resistance trainings? I've never heard of that

    In that case, I stand by my initial gut instinct that you just have some nosey in-laws :)

    As for what is metabolic resistance training, you would probably be better off Googling it for factual information but here is my brief definition... strength training exercise circuits, usually compound moves with little rest in between. Some real world examples that would give you ideas for MRT: most Jillian Michaels videos use this method, the Lift weights faster program by Jen Sinkler, Crossfit is an extreme version of MRT.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Currently at the gym 5-6 days a week. 30-60 minutes of cardio, 30-45 minutes of weight training. 1-2 days a week I work out from home with some sort of fitness DVD or yoga. Also one rest day if I'm too busy to work out.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited March 2015
    New program starting this week, so I don't know how well this plan will work for me yet.

    5 times a week.

    4 times during the work week for about an hour an a half: hour of weight lifting, half hour run.

    1 time on the weekend: free run. No less than half an hour. As long as I feel like. Since there's going to be 2-layer cake and buttercream frosting on Sunday (I made it, tasted it, know it's good), I'll probably make an extra effort on my weekend run :smile:

    2 days of rest, always following leg day.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    sun - cardio 1 hour - lifting 45 min - yoga - 45 minutes
    mon - cardio 1 hour
    tues off
    wed - cardio 1 hour - walking 90 minutes
    thurs off
    fri - cardio 1 hour
    sat - lifting 1 45 minutes - cardio 1 hour
  • khrobertson333
    khrobertson333 Posts: 5 Member
    I didn't read all of the replies, but you should do whatever suits you best but challenges you at the same time. I recommend weight training, but no longer than 55 minutes at a time. I go to the gym 5 days a week, and i do cardio for about 15-20 minutes 3 of the 5 days after my weight training. I also train different muscle groups on different days. Create a plan, change it if you have to, find what works, and you'll find yourself a great routine in no time! Hope this helps.
  • taylorvanhooren
    taylorvanhooren Posts: 26 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I average 5 days, though sometimes 4 and sometimes 6. I lift four days for at least an hour, two of those days usually have 10-30 minutes of cardio after, and one day is dedicated to cardio or a cardio based class. If I go 6 days, it might be some fluff-like zumba, or a new lift I want to try.

    this is the perfect plan. lifts all days but one with some cardio after. one day is cardio only, HIIT is a good option for that. and you don't necessarily have to lift for an hour. it's more about quality than quantity. arditarose has a good plan!