slowerbutqwik Member


  • @jencoote83 did you have your surgery? How did it go?
  • @MrsDavis1517 still looking for an accountability partner? I'd be happy to partner for some great accountability.
  • I got a 2nd job and completely missed my summer. Now I'm missing my Fall!! But, I got a new bike and pedal to work every day!
  • I'll check this site out. I've been MIA after taking a second job. Trying to back on track with my food tracking. Gained 10 pounds now to work it off. I hope your Reno is finished!
  • Oh it is the worst! I'm 18 months post-op and I can tell you, it gets better and it's soooo worth it! Definitely eat slow, take small bites and get to know your limits now. But, know those limits do increase. Shauna
  • You're in the same place I'm in. I, too, saw the "managing obesity" question on instagram. I have been referred to a 12 step program, so I'm finding some bariatric overeaters anonymous groups. I've only been 2 or 3 times, but I'm going to give it sometime and work the steps. It's good to hear other bariatric patient…
  • Always very good to hear from you! Sounds like a grand adventure is ahead of you! I hope Wilmington is not too far of a move. It would be across the country for me. Remember to keep your health goals and food prep in mind during this stressful time. Keep us up-to-date with the progress. ♥️ Shauna
  • So, I had my first mental health intake with the bariatric clinic. I'm so hoping to get my mental health in a better place. The mind games and self negstive talk is threatening to sabotage me. Ivm trying to really get on top of my obesity disease before it gets the best of me again. I heard a great thing the other day from…
  • My healthy goal this month is to start mental health services and commit to seeing the therapist for a while to get my head and emotions in a better place. Holy cow this emotional roller coaster!
  • Thank you so much for sharing and being vonurable enough to share with us. We all experience such ups and downs, because we're working so hard to give up our food addictions. It's learning to cope with our emotions and watching family eat what they want that we must learn to deal with. I was VERY strict in following the…
  • Welcome! 9 lbs since Jan is so great! We can use your experience and history of this journey.
  • What a great plan for smoothies! Even though I've had at least one shake per day for 15 months, I'm still OK with them. Thank goodness because 80 grams of protein would still be so hard for me without them. This week I'm starting am indoor full body training for ladies over 50 😉 I hope it's ok for ladies pushing 60! Shauna
  • Oh WOW! you just spoke my truth! I was so off track during the holidays and even the first few days of January. I would track ok for my morning, but once I started snacking after noon, it was downhill and no track from there. It's almost embarrassing to start falling back into old habits of snacking in junk all. The. Time.…
  • Hello and welcome! We are so happy to have you join us. I find you get more out of the group the more you participate. Come back often! I'll make sure to add you as a friend! Shauna
  • Welcome to the Village! We are all struggling with the same fears, goals, and struggles. But we can celebrate the successes as well! Come back often and participate. It really helps Shauna
  • Head Games!! Am I right?! It's so good to hear I'm not the only one struggling with these horrivle mind games.
  • It's my surgiversay day! Greatest gift I gave myself. It's been a long, hard journey, but sooooo worth it! HW 265 SW 257 GW 150 CW 152 Thank you all for, especially @spangadora for kind words and lots of support.
  • What a blessing to have the RD be able to pinpoint that for you! Such a great thing to remember. Soon after surgery it's so hard just to get the protein, we forget how important fiber from veggies really is and have a hard time getting them into our routine. Thank yiu so much fir sharing thus great advice!
  • I get that worry! We're so used to eating whatever, whenever. It's what gut us to the place we were presurgery. I have this knsuming fear ill wake up on Oct 29 (1 year from my surgery date) and it will all be a lie. I'll be back to 265.when you couple that with what I call head hunger, I feel like I'm sabataging myself.…
  • Adding you as a friend, and I would love to share recipes! Message me if you need anything. Shauna
  • Welcome! We've got a good group going. Make sure to check back regularly! Keep up the work, and soon you'll be on soft foods! Keep us up to date on your progress! Shauna
  • Thank you! Can't wait to hear all your NSVs.
  • Congratulations on joining the losers bench. It is difficult at first to get liquids and then protein, but it does get easier physically to do it. Then you get to deal with mentally. It's all soooo worth it! Let us know how you progress!
  • NSV, one of my stress relieving hobbies is sewing and I LOVE geeky things (superheroes, sci-fi, fantasy books) so several years ago I paired them both and started a small handmade side hussle. I take my things to our local Comic Con and sell them. Running a vendor booth in a very busy con has been very physically…
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you for this! I live in fear every day of my life of overeating and stretching my stomach, and regain! Every. Single. Day. My one year surgiversarry is approaching and I'm irrational sure I'm going to suddenly be back up the 110 I've lost! I need these words seared into my brain. ❤️❤️♥️
  • Our whole relationship with food is so difficult to get used to. Waiting 30 minutes after eating is the hardest for me. I have always drank something during my meals, and sometimes you just have to wash it all down! Start building the healthy habits early. We're not perfect, but we can do this!
  • I hear you! Fear and worry seem to be ever present. Every bite I put in my mouth I'm afraid I'm stretching my new pouch, especially as appetite begins to return at about 7 months.
  • Welcome! And good luck with school!
  • My pre-op liquid diet wasn't clear liquids. It was 2 protein shakes and sensible dinner. But Dr's diets vary. My clear liquid did not start until post op and I drank Premier with no mix ins.