6502programmer Member


  • Start small. Make small changes, make them habit, and build on the successes. It's way easier to keep at it if you make incremental changes a habit versus huge changes at the start. Buy a food scale. I cannot stress this enough. They're less than $15 at Amazon. I have one at home and in my desk. Whether you're just…
  • Heh. We did same. I had bought tickets for opening weekend on a Sunday matinee when ticketing became available. I subsequently got an invite to a vendor's event for opening night that was open to families as well. Normally, when one of these types of films opens up, vendors scramble to get us techies to show up and entice…
  • That part's easy. It's called motivation. Make a list of reasons you want to lose weight, and keep it close by. When your will wavers, look at your list and decide whether you need whatever is on that list or a second Twinkie more. If you are having problems, consider your overall diet and assess if you were making changes…
  • My plan is to stay the course: Eat moderately, log honestly, and weigh daily. If I go over deficit or maintenance, that's my choice. I'm not a LC dieter, but much respect to anyone who can stick with it.
  • My goals are to log every day, be at or under deficit five days, and be under maintenance seven days.
  • I'm a nerd because THIS amused me far longer than it should have. We got twelve of them in at work.
  • The defaults work for most people in most circumstances. I don't bread and other carbs, and I like the feeling of being full from eating meat, so I do a 40/30/30 mix. Start with the defaults and see how it feels for you. I eat my exercise calories, but I also use a Fitbit to track my activity. It seems pretty accurate for…
  • Fit the treats into your calories so you don't feel restricted and the need to binge. I can't see your diary, but be sure you're logging accurately and honestly, and you're hitting your macros so you feel full. If you're loading up on carbs, you will get hungrier faster. Beans go far in stretching dollars, and fit into…
  • Apps make it easier, but you can always use the web site in a browser window on your phone as well.
  • Good afternoon! How's your day going?
  • Take up ballroom dancing. After a nasty relationship, I found it the perfect way to approach women. Where else can you go up to a complete stranger with confidence, ask her to dance, and have your hands on her in fifteen seconds? Cheaper than therapy, and it's WAY more fun! Plus it's good for burning calories too.
  • As long as you're consistent about your exercise, yes. I don't know what your sedentary calorie goal would be, nor do I know your loss rate. If you're looking to lose fifteen pounds, you can probably do a pound a week, but not for much longer. That's a 500 calorie per day deficit. The closer you get to goal, the harder it…
  • MFP for calories in, Fitbit blaze for calories out. Fitbit makes activity tracking effortless, and MFP makes calorie counting simple enough.
  • You're good. Open a browser window in private mode and visit your diary to confirm. ETA: my profile and diary are wide open. Be warned: I drink margaritas, eat ice cream, take in a ton of protein, and still lose weight.
  • Humans are omnivores. That means we're built to eat everything. I'm down 35 pounds in a year without any significant dietary changes. I eat less bread and rice, and choose more filling veggies in their place. My liver, kidneys, and skin do a wonderful job of detoxing my body, though I suspect my liver complains when I…
  • I think the biggest takeaway is this: Be comfortable in your own skin, regardless of your size or gender. Not everyone who is both successful and think their looks matter is going to be thin and pretty. Conversely, people who are less successful can spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over their physical…
  • I can't really help, but I'm assuming you've seen Soylent, and its functional analogues? I've used it as a meal replacement from time to time. With a splash of Baileys, it's not half bad.
  • Sorry if it bugged ya! I figured it was unintentional. So what color is "where no man has gone before"? Lieutenant I'm-going-to-die-before-the-end-of-this-episode red?
  • I'm quoting just to give the quad post some love. :smile: I'm a nerd today because this made me laugh:
  • Wow.. that's a lot of change! Don't beat yourself up when you slip (we all do) or if it's just too much and you need to change one piece at a time. It is much better to change one thing at a time slowly and succeed versus changing everything quickly and failing. Be sure to check out the stickied post (especially the…
  • The last pounds are always the hardest, they say. Great job on getting nearly halfway there! I'm still at least ten pounds from my goal, but I'm always up for new folks on my feed. I do have an open diary, but I do eat and drink decidedly non-diet stuff on a regular basis, though my calories and macros say it's all good.
  • Daily goals is simply a way of gathering calories into manageable units for humans. Your body is a continuous register, and logging daily is like a company's quarterly financial report. Eating to 14k per week will yield roughly the same results at 2k per day, but not if you're eating 500 per day Monday through Thursday so…
  • If your question is, "Can I lose weight following IIFYM principles without a food scale," then the answer is yes. Full stop. If your question is, "Should I endeavor to follow the IIFYM principles and lose weight without a food scale," then the answer is "it depends." Early on, when you're at a higher deficit, it's easier…
  • Ha! I was just thinking of this message a few hours ago.. Amazon's deal of the day for today is a Withings Body Cardio for $135, versus the normal $180. For 25% off, that's enough for me to make the upgrade and gift our Body Analyzer to a sister in law who's working to lose weight too.
  • TIL that "Women's Health" magazine can, despite the name, publish bro-science. That and that the DRI expects me to be shoving a ton of bread, pasta, and potatoes into my gullet.
  • @XO_Linda_XO I would recommend starting with putting your info into MFP, setting a loss goal in line with how far you are from your weight goal, and eat up to that. Compare what that says versus the 10x count, and see what works best for you.
  • How do you say no? Easy. That's where motivation comes in. Do you want x or do you want y? Go to your inspirations list, and think whether eating everything you want at Burger King is more important than those inspirations. When framed like that, the choices typically become much easier.
  • I'm curious how/why you chose 10x weight in calories versus a more conventional approach like what mfp tells you plus an exercise adjustment. I struggle to hit protein on a 40/30/30 goal, so I can't imagine what 45/30/25 is like!
  • My wife was skeptical when I started. "Noncommittal," would probably be the best way to describe it. I was 5'10 and 231, she was 5'6 and north of 300, so I assume her seeing me relatively closer to goal played into it. After seeing me embrace small changes that consistently yielded positive results, she too got on the MFP…